Trafford Borough’s JCP Program Receives Recognition from the State Level
Trafford Borough Junior Council Person Program Update
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This past January, the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) traveled from Harrisburg to Trafford Borough to write an article on our Junior Council Person Program. The article was just released in the April issue of the statewide Borough News magazine. The magazine is mailed out to over 900 boroughs across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are proud of the program that we have created and honored for the recognition that Trafford is actively setting the trend for involvement from our community youth!
Trafford Borough Council President to Receive Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence
Recently, Council President Kris Cardiff was notified by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that on April 12th, in Harrisburg, he will be receiving The Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence for Trafford Borough’s Junior Council Program. This prestigious award is presented to only a select few individuals in the state of Pennsylvania.
Trafford Borough Council to Accept Applications for ’23-’24 JCP Program
Rising Penn-Trafford Juniors and Seniors are encouraged to apply for this state-wide recognized program for the opportunity to gain real-world government experience.
If interested in applying, email Trafford Borough Council President Kris Cardiff at
Posted by Kris Cardiff on
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