At last evening's Trafford Borough Council Meeting, Diane Schaeffer was on hand representing the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) to present The Distinguished Junior Council Person Award to Ally Moraca, Ainsley Gilmore, and Greg Maynard. Ally and Ainsley are both graduating PTHS Seniors this year and Greg is currently...
2024 Trafford Borough Junior Council Person Program Mock Council Meeting The Trafford Borough Junior Council Person Program is seeking volunteers from the community to participate in a mock council meeting to culminate the end of the 2023-2024 program The annual JCP Mock Council Meeting is designed to have the graduating...
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Council for the Borough of Trafford will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 in the Manchester Room located at 414 Brinton Avenue, Trafford, PA 15085 to consider and take public input pursuant to the requirements of the...
Trafford Borough Rebranding Initiative At the Tuesday, February 6, 2024 Trafford Borough Council Meeting, President Kris Cardiff discussed introducing a project to rebrand Trafford. The purpose of the initiative is to create uniformity by establishing an updated borough seal, color scheme, and other identifiable traits with the goal of continuing...
Trafford Borough Mayor Presents Official Proclamations Recognizing Inaugural JCP Municipal Meeting Exchange Month The Trafford Borough Junior Council Person Program theme for February was the Inaugural Muncipal Meeting Exchange Month with Irwin Borough's JCP Members As part of the "Exchange Month" JCP theme, on February 6th, Irwin Borough JCP members...
2023 Renee Cappetta Volunteer of the Year Award presented to Jeff Contillo In December 2017, Trafford Borough Council passed a Resolution establishing the “Renee Cappetta Volunteer of the Year Award”. The award was first presented to Renee Cappetta and has been named in her honor to recognize individuals that selflessly...
Volunteer Needed: Council Vacancy Board The Borough of Trafford is seeking a volunteer to serve on the Council Vacancy Board. The Vacancy Board position is only called upon when breaking a tie vote for a vacant council seat. Letters of interest should be submitted to Trafford Borough, P.O. Box 196,...