March 3, 2015 Regular Council Meeting
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Regular Monthly Meeting
March 3, 2015
7:00 PM
A. Call to Order
Council president Henry Schultz called the meeting to order at 7:05pm on March 3, 2015
B. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
The group participated in a moment of silence and the pledge of allegiance.
C. Roll Call
Borough Secretary Nina Solivan took roll councilmembers in attendance were; Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Hockenberry, Councilmember Ledwich , Councilmember Race, Councilmember Schultz, Councilmember Shoub, and Mayor Peduzzi. Others in attendance were Craig Alexander Borough Solicitor, Borough Manager Virginia Finnegan, Public works foreman Bill Sadler, Fire Chief Brian Lindbloom and Frank Turoczy Emergency Management Coordinator.
On February 25th there was an executive session held for matters of personnel.
Immediately preceding tonight’s meeting there was an executive session for matters of personnel, collective bargaining, and litigation issues.
D. Approval of minutes for February 3, 2015.
On a motion made by Dennis seconded by Pete to approve the minutes for February 3, 2015 regular meeting. MC
- Approval of payment of bills
On a motion made by Dennis seconded by Pete to approve the bill list. MC
- Acknowledgement of Eric S. Reisch recognizing his achievements and service at resident of Trafford, PA and a member of Troop 205 in Murrysville, PA who has earned the rank of Eagle Scout on February 10, 2015.
Council Vice-President Jay Race read a letter of recognition in honor of Eric S. Reisch a resident of Trafford for his achievements and services also for earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
- Comments by Lisa Zaucha, representative from the office of George Dunber, State Representative for the 57th Legislative District, addressing “South Trafford Evacuation Route”.
There are two grants that the Borough can apply for.
The first is the flood mitigation program administered by the Department of Community Economic Development but is funded by the Commonwealth Funding Authority. Which requires a 15% match cash/equivalent if the borough is capable of doing some of the work that would be our 15% match. There is a $100.00 non-refundable application fee. The second grant that can be applied for is through the Community Development Block Grant for low to moderate income. This grant requires an income study. Mailing is okay but you won’t see that big of a return, going door to door will increase participation. This grant only requires a 5% match. Lisa recommends applying for both grants to get more bang for your buck.
Dennis made a motion seconded by Pete to approve the $100.00 non-refundable fee. MC
- Motion to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement by and Between Trafford Borough Police Department and The Borough of Trafford, effective January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017.
There were three changes made to the prior agreement.
Jay made a motion seconded by Casey to approve the adjusted agreement. Vote 6-1 Hockenberry nay MC
- Motion to hire Rae Ann Tronetti as the new Borough Manager effective on or about March 23, 2015, contingent on satisfactory completion of background check.
On a motion made by Jay seconded by Kris to hire Rae Ann Tronetti as the full time borough manager.
- Motion to apply for funding from CDBG to demolish certain properties within the Borough. Demolition would be contingent on the cooperation of property owner. The properties are:
- 501 Duquesne Avenue
- 501 Cavitt Avenue
- 90 1st Street
- 315-317 5th Street
- 635 6th Street
On a motion made by Casey seconded by Jay to apply for funding from CDBG to demolish 5 properties within the Borough. MC
Immediately preceding next month’s regular council meeting we will be holding a demolition hearing for properties 2 – 5.
- Motion to either reduce or waive the fee for Manchester Room for March 7, 2015. Requested by Level Green Boy Scout Troop 201 for their Eagle Ceremony. (Requesting that the Borough either waive the fee or reduce it form $300 to $100).
On a motion made by Dennis seconded by Pete to require Level Green Boy Scouts troop 201 to pay the 300.00 rental fee. MC.
- Motion to waive fees for either Westmoreland Park or BY Park for May 9, 2015.requested by Bob Divens/John Cortazzo Gold Classic. Waiver of fee would be considered a donation to the Scholarship Fund.
On a motion made by Jay seconded by Casey to table this motion until next month’s regular council meeting. MC.
- Motion to either reduce or waive the fee for Manchester Room, requested by TECDC for a Bingo Fundraiser.
On a motion made by Dennis seconded by Pete to waive the fees for the TECDC. Casey abstained the vote. 6-1 MC.
- Discussion on “Gas Well Ordinance”
Borough solicitor prepared a gas well ordinance at the request of members of council. Which is basically a zoning ordinance which limits fracking/ gas drilling requirements within the borough. This is part of the process to become a pending ordinance which means if later adopted anyone whom applies for a permit in the meantime before it is adopted has to meet the letter of the current ordinance. Which would have to be submitted to the county and the planning commissions each which have 45 days to make comments on the ordinance. If council believes that any of the comments that come back have substance and would like to incorporate comments into the ordinance, they would have to resubmit the ordinance to the county and planning commissions, for further comment which is another 45 days. If there are no further comments there will be a public hearing for testimony whether it is good or bad for the community, then council can adopt the ordinance.
Jay made a motion seconded by Kris to send a gas well ordinance draft to the county. Mc
- Administrative Reports
A. Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering
– Glenn Engineering has completed and submitted the annual waste load management report and submitted that to Alcosan. Also notified Alcosan that we have completed the mandated feasibility study, modeling evaluation, flow determination alternate analysis, cost estimation, affordability analysis systems required under the consent order. All the paperwork for the consent order is completed. Onm manual needs to be updated every year, bill will have to meet with Don to fill out the forms. MPDES permit to treat storm water, the borough of Trafford should be receiving it soon. Once the permit comes in Don will present a report on what the requirements are.
B. Code Enforcement, Allegheny Building Consultants
C. Borough Manager, Virginia Finnegan
– Provided 3 financial reports to council for review.
– Gave council thanks for the opportunity.
D. Borough Solicitor, Craig Alexander (Bruce Dice & Associates)
No report.
E. TEMS, George Brown
31 Calls for the month of February. Most calls were related to bad weather. Year to date 69 calls. George gave thanks to council and road crew for helping with the fish fry.
F. Trafford VFD, Brian Lindbloom
There have been a total of 27 calls for the year. TVFD is teaming up with Casey to have their annual hoagie sale with the Trafford cleanup day.
G. Emergency Management Coordinator, Frank Turoczy
No report.
H. Recreation Board, Pete Ledwich
The Rec board had their auction and raised $10,900.00 for their yearly funding. The Easter luncheon is scheduled for March 22 in the Manchester Room followed by an Easter egg hunt at BY Park with the help of the fire department and TEMS. The cost is $4.00 per person.
I. Mayor, Rey Peduzzi
-Trafford Borough Police Department Monthly Report
There were a total of 115 calls. 29 citations were issues.
– Trafford Borough Ordinance Officer Monthly Report
Officer Rich Adams is the ordinance officer, not the code enforcement officer. Mark Lazzaro is still the code officer. Mayor Peduzzi requests that someone on council get in touch with Mark to get him on board because we will be needing his services soon.
At the request of Mayor Peduzzi Craig has prepared a resolution to honor and recognize the Trafford playground association and charter members for their 25 years of service.
Jay made a motion seconded by Michael to accept the resolution. MC
- Committee Reports
With John Daykon’s resignation there is a vacancy that needs to be filled on the finance Committee. Council President Henry Schultz appointed Jay Race to finance chair and Michael Mellon chair of Public Works.
- Finance Committee, Kris Cardiff
No report.
- Community Development Committee, P Ledwich/D Hockenberry
TECDC is looking into funding and purchasing an electronic marquee.
- Public Works Committee, Jay Race/Casey Shoub
No report.
- Sewage Committee, Casey Shoub/Jay Race
Thanked the road crew for their hard work with all the bad weather.
Sewage project update:
– PV2/PV3 R.A Monzo has substantial completion. (6thSt/7thSt Belleauwoods area)
Waiting for weather to break to start restorations. There are pre construction videos and photos.
– Lawson Excavating is still working, he is in the Terrace area. Still has a few more areas to complete. He will post homes that will be affected.
There will be no parking on the grass median in Belleauwoods as the project comes close to completion.
- Public Safety Committee, Dennis Hockenberry /Pete Ledwich
No report.
- General Government Committee – Kris Cardiff
-launch date of March 15th. Needs TEMS and the Fire Department to see Brandon by the 10th to get each departments information on the website.
-Manchester room subcommittee has met and discussed what would benefit the borough as far as a manager for the room. Compensation schedule as a commission based off of the room rental fees. The individual would also inform the borough for any maintenance needs. He/she would also be responsible for replenishing any supplies.
Q. Public Comment
– Allen Simpson 754 7th street: Expressed concerns as to the damage that has been done to his driveway in regards to the sewage project. Bill Sadler commented that any damage that has been done will be fixed to the closest joint based off of the pre-construction photos and video. If you would like anything further you would have to consult with the sub-contractors.
–Steven Matiasic 205 Timber Drive: Shadow Wood has started a social committee if the borough ever needs volunteers contact him. Also expressed the large vehicle ordinance should not pertain to him. Ordinance states the vehicle has to be on a public roadway in a residential area, but he parks in his driveway. Councilman Hockenberry stated it pertains to any area zoned as a residential area. Every municipality has this ordinance unfortunately it took this long to enforce it.
–James Bruno 91 1st street: Made several comments on liens against his property for grass cutting.
- New Business
No new business
S. Adjournment
Posted by Kris Cardiff on
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