On Tuesday, January 9, 2018, the borough of Trafford had the opportunity to host the Arrow of Light scouts from Pack 201. The visit was to help the Webelos fulfill one of the requirements on their journey to become Boy Scouts.
Borough Manager Ashley Stack and Council President Kris Cardiff were on hand to explain the importance of local government, the issues facing small communities such as Trafford, and the day to day processes involved with a small town.
The group started out with a tour of the Trafford Police Department, guided by Officer Kitterman. Then the scouts had the opportunity to explore the borough office area where Ashley explained the inner workings of the borough. The tour finished up in the borough council chambers, where the future Boy Scouts were able to sit in the council seats and discuss local government with Council President Kris Cardiff.
Good luck to the scouts on their many upcoming adventures!
If you have a child that would like to join the local Boy Scouts, please contact Troop/Pack 201 (Serving the Trafford and Level Green, PA area) at (412) 372-3969 or visit their website at http://www.scoutlander.com/publicsite/unithome.aspx?UID=26937
If you or your group would like to tour the borough building, please contact the borough office at (412) 372-7652 or email Councilman Kris Cardiff at kcardiff@traffordborough.com.