Old Trafford Borough Code Enforcement
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If you are looking for information regarding the status of a Residential Sewer Lateral, inspection(s) please contact Trafford Borough’s Public Works Department (412) 372-7652. |
Please call “At Your Door” (1-800-449-7587) to schedule a free special pick-up date for the following items, which Waste Management will not collect during regular weekly trash removal; electronics ( televisions, computer equipment, stereo components), appliances, paint, automotive materials, chemicals and other disposables. For additional information please go to http://wmatyourdoor.com/. |
About Code Enforcement
The Borough of Trafford is committed to maintain quality neighborhoods and an excellent community environment. Our citizens expect us to do everything we can in this regard; and, this can only be achieved through the cooperation of everyone involved. Code Enforcement in the borough of Trafford is handled by the borough Code Enforcement Officer who is also the UCC building inspector.
Trafford borough’s building inspector is responsible for addressing matters which fall under the Uniform Construction Code (UCC), as well as building code issues such as permits and violations. Permits in which pertain to the building inspector’s review are Residential/Commercial Building Permits, Demolition Permits, Commercial Occupancy Permits. To view the UCC code, click on the link provided https://www.dli.pa.gov/ucc/Pages/default.aspx
Phone: (412) 372-7653
Email: CodeEnforcement@traffordborough.com
For Code Complaints, please complete the “Code Complaint Form” and submit directly to the borough office in person during regular business hours or by email at codeenforcement@traffordborough.com. To ensure efficient processing of complaints, incomplete forms will not be accepted. Thank you.