JUNE 2, 2020: Pennsylvania Primary Election 2020
Pennsylvania Primary Election Day
Tuesday, JUNE 2, 2020
According to the Westmoreland County Election Bureau’s website, Trafford voters in district 1 and 2 will again vote at St. Regis Parish, 517 Homewood Avenue, Trafford, PA. Trafford voters in district 3 (Allegheny County) will cast their votes at Student Transportation of America, 550 5th Street Extension, Trafford, PA. This information is as of 5/21/2020.
If you are unsure on where you are to vote, please visit The PA Department of State Polling Place Search website at https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/Pages/PollingPlaceInfo.aspx and enter your home address information.
Event details
LOCATION: Trafford, PA 15085
VENUE: Trafford Borough
START DATE: June 02nd, 2020
TIME: 7:00am
END DATE: June 02nd, 2020