Trafford Borough Discussion Meeting Minutes
19th, 2024
1. Call to Order – Councilmember Cardiff called the meeting to order at 6:33pm
2. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call done by Secretary Nina Mulnix
present: Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub
not present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Dapra, Councilmember Deabner,
Councilmember Schopp.
Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Manager Jaime Peticca, Secretary Nina Mulnix
4. Guest Speaker- Jason Winters – Keystone Collections
Representatives from Keystone Collections were introduced, Jason Winters, Jason Lawson, and Theresa Wallace.
Jason Winters gave some background about Keystone Collections: Keystone has been in business for about 40 years. They employee 220 employees, they service 39 Counties, 21 tax districts with a large presence in Westmoreland County. Also providing collection of local taxes for 1,000 school districts and municipalities. Keystone offers and makes tax paying easy on taxpayers with their clear and concise billing. They have 40 local customer service representatives to field calls regarding all tax-related questions, and taxpayers have 24/7 access to information through the website.
Jason Lawson spoke about the types of collection services that Keystone Collections provide.
Delinquent real
estate tax under the Municipal Claims and Tax Lien Act.
§ During the collection process Keystone can file lines much faster than the county because they are tasked with collection duties under the Real Estate Tax Law.
§ Sheriff Sale cases can start the first year which means delinquent funds can be recovered much faster where the county allows the Sherriff sale to take place after the end of the second year.
§ The end goal in the delinquent tax collection process is to receive payment in full and not sell properties via a Sherriff Sale, and payment plans are accepted.
§ Keystone provides zero commission charge to the borough with passage of Act 20 resolution.
Current Per
Capita, and Occupation Tax
§ Mailing addresses are verified for accuracy
§ Taxpayers can submit payments online
§ The proposed current rate would be $0.50 per tax noticed mailed, plus postage.
Delinquent Per
Capita and Occupation Tax
§ Notices detail relevant information.
§ Online exoneration options are available.
§ Online wage garnishments for employers.
§ Zero commission charged to the borough with passage of Act 192 resolution
Current and Delinquent Local Services Tax
§ Employer EIT filing data used to identify businesses.
§ Detailed information packets sent to employers and self-employed individuals.
§ Employers file and remit payment quarterly online.
§ The proposed current rate is 1.75% of the amount collected, plus postage
§ Proposed delinquent rate: zero commission charged to the borough with passage of Act 192 resolution.
5. Discussion
A. 2025 Budget
Manager Peticca stated that there are not many changes to the proposed budget but there were a few things to discuss.
§ The
recreation budget (reference line item 451.247)
Rec Board member Sarah Pape was at the meeting and spoke about some of the activities that the rec board would like to spear heard and what type of funding they would need from the borough.
Fishing Derby-The most expensive activity would be the fishing derby. Mrs. Pape stated that the stocking of the pond costs around $1,400.00 and then the prizes to award and costs of snacks and water.
Beautification/Mulch – summer garden at BY park, fall garden (planters of mums)
Halloween Party Decorations- decorations are retained and stored for use year to year. However, the need for other supplies does occur.
Mayor Llewellyn asked if the members of the recreation board have considered creating a separate non-profit organization to allow fundraising for their activities.
Sarah replied that she and the other members have other engagements and lack time and that prevents them from pursuing that idea. Sarah stated that there have been conversations about a partnership with TECDC to raise funds for their activities.
Jeff Contillo described the process of creating a 501 C non-profit organization the board would need to obtain; an attorney and the process could take up to a year. It was suggested at a previous meeting to partner with PTARC for certain needs as an ally.
Flavor Fest- signage needs renewed/replaced, and the rec board is requesting t-shirts to be purchased for those who are helping to volunteer to wear during events that the board hosts.
Easter Egg Hunt- the rec board is asking to purchase new easter egg supplies, as the ones purchased become smashed from the egg hunt or are taken home.
Sarah Pape also spoke about an Ice Cream Social event that the recreation board would like to create. This event would be where local organizations such as the Rec Board, TECDC, and Cub Scouts meet with the community to network and gauge community involvement.
Manager Peticca asked Mrs. Pape to elaborate about the current balance of funds in the recreation board and what those funds will be put towards.
Sarah Pape explained that the recreation board is attempting to earmark funds in the amount of $4,000.00 for the development of an amphitheater at BY park. The recreation board is waiting for estimates for the cost of the project. The recreation board is given $1,500.00 from the borough, leaving an operating balance of around $3,500.00. The recreation board expensed approximately $1,500.00 on the Halloween event, and approximately $300.00 on the Easter Egg hunt, and any expense or income from Flavor Fest the rec board broke even. The rec board also relies on the donation from Penn Trafford School District.
Councilmembers discussed the option of keeping the
donation to the rec board the same as last year in the amount of $1,500.00. The
hope is that the rec board creates a way to enter into some type of fundraising
goal, and to utilize the earmarked funds until additional proceeds are raised.
Budget Review:
General Fund:
Intergovernmental Revenues:
Line Item – 350.000 increase of $247,000.00 for the 6th Street Grant project
Executive, Secretary, Public Works, Police Wages:
Line Item – 401.196, 405.196, 409.196, 410.196 increase of 8% for healthcare costs.
Line Item- 406.331 & 406.460 increase in travel Costs for training, and continuing education.
Line Item- 406.361 increase in electricity costs.
Question: Mayor Llewellyn asked what are the wages that are increasing for Public Works line item 409.112 under the general fund budget.
Answer: Manager Peticca stated the wage increases are factored in with the union contract at their respective wage increase rates. Line item 409.179 is increasing for Nina Ciccone’s longevity. There could be employment status changes that may affect the budget or change the budget, but they still need to be factored in for the current time. The budgeted amount for public works wages is approx. $250,000.00, and that figure is divided between 2 for sewage and general, and then budgeting $40,000.00 for part time and seasonal wages.
Manager Peticca stated she will email the wage breakdown sheet to all of councilmembers for review.
Additional Budget Changes:
Line Item – 408.313 increased to allow for services needed for possible projects for example the police expansion.
Line Item – 410.112 & 410.115 decreases in the police budget for wages.
Multiple Line Items- increased for new technology.
Line Item - 413.115 decreases to code enforcement wages.
Line Item - increase for training.
Public Safety:
Line Item – 419.115 increase to wages to add a third crossing guard.
Line Item – 438.00 increased to allocate for a repair on Hird road or additional paving projects.
Line Item- 454.000 increase for the grant match for the 6th Street grant funding.
Manchester Room:
Line Item – 459.200 increase for supplies for the room (ex-garbage bags expenses)
Sewage Fund:
Public Safety Charge:
Line Item- 362.440 decrease for sewage permits just being more conservative on the revenue side.
Line Item – 362.120 increase for sewage escrow for properties needing a sewer lateral repair before a property can transfer.
Wastewater Collection and Treatment:
Line Item – 429.650 decrease for capital construction because there is not a need for an active sewer project slated for 2025.
B. Police Expansion- Jeff Schroder’s proposal for working drawings in amount of $8,425.00
Manager Peticca recommended increasing the police budget under
contracted services in the amount of $8,425.00 for the police expansion.
It was discussed that the expansion will create two rooms
for the police to be used as evidence room or however fit, and there will be support
added in the middle with a wall.
C. Jeff Contillo appointment to Recreation Board for 3-year term ending December
Councilmember Cardiff stated this item can be placed on
the December council meeting for a motion.
D. Hometown Hero Banners – Mastro Signs to design, print and install. $225.00/per banner
Manager Peticca shared the new design idea for the
Hometown Hero banners, there are a few changes that Matt at Mastro Signs
proposed. The cost of the banner will remain the same. Residents can apply and submit
the application to the borough office. The request will be a First Come First
Serve because of the limited number of spaces available. Manager Peticca spoke
about extending the banners further on seventh street extension. Anyone wishing
to keep the banners that are currently on display will be able to pick them up
at the borough office after removal. Manager Peticca stated this topic will be
placed on the agenda for the December meeting for a motion.
E. Andrew Capets – monument engravement for Charles Dent
Manager Peticca stated that Andrew Capets reached out to
the borough to request an engravement be placed for Mr. Dent, a WWII veteran at
the gazebo located in Veterans Park. Manager Peticca stated that the cost for
the engravement would be paid out of the Veterans Fund.
F. Library use of the Manchester Room Sunday, March 30th for their fundraiser
Manager Peticca stated the library is asking for the use
of the Manchester Room for a LEGO Bingo fundraiser.
This can be placed on the agenda for a motion at the
December Council meeting.
6. Adjournment:
Announce the next regular council meeting on December 3rd,2024 at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers
a. Move to adjourn: Councilmember Shoub
b. Second: Councilmember Perovich
c. Discussion: No discussion
d. Vote: 3, 0, 4 (Absent)
Respectfully Submitted
Nina Mulnix Borough Secretary