1.      Call to Order – meeting called to order by Councilmember Cardiff at 7:03pm.


2.      Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.      Roll Call – done by Secretary Mulnix


Councilmembers present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Deabner, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub.


Councilmembers not present: Councilmember Dapra.


Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Alexander, Manager Peticca, Secretary Mulnix, Code Enforcement Hamill, Penn E& R Amber Yon.


4.      Notice of Executive Session held October 1st, 2024, for matters of personnel and litigation.


5.      Approve the September 3rd, 2024, Regular Council Meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Deabner

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 1 (Absent)  


6.      Approve the September 2024 expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 1 (Absent)


7.      Public Comment

a.      Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern.  No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b.     Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for.

c.      Borough Response


Marsha Irr – (114 Coventry Court) came to the meeting to discuss the importance and need for an ordinance pertaining to fracking wells to protect the community. Mrs. Irr provided to councilmembers an article from the newspaper and emphasized the concerns of water contamination due to fracking. Mrs. Irr attended the discussion meeting where Protect PT had a presentation regarding the fracking wells, and Mrs. Irr wanted to follow up with concerns from that meeting.  


Borough Response:


Manager Peticca – stated that this topic is on the agenda for discussion later in the meeting.


8.      Report from Borough Engineer, Penn E&R

a.      Report submitted: Amber Yon provided some comments on her submitted report.

        Trafford Borough Parking Lot Paving Project – The borough received and opened four bids on September 23rd. Tresco Paving Company had the lowest bid at $102,290.00. There was a bid tabulation along with a recommendation for award to Tresco Paving Company provided to the Borough Manager.

        Hillcrest Street Stormwater Ponding – Penn E&R reviewed video provided by the borough of the street during a prolonged period of rain. Stormwater runoff was conveyed to the inlet along the gutter of the street. There was no heavy ponding, and it was concluded that the repairs were appropriately implemented. 

        Zoning Map Improvements – Penn E&R updated the zoning map to correlate with the latest property parcels from the County. Penn E&R added existing map layouts and submitted the map to the borough manager. The borough can review and revise the Zoning Map for any desired updates.

        Boundary Survey of Parcel 36-03-03-0-11 – The boundary survey was scheduled for today (Tuesday October 01st) and Penn E&R will await deliverables.

        Hird Road Drainage and Pavement Improvements – Penn E&R conducted a site visit and is preparing plan drawings for proposed drainage and pavements improvements to Hird Road. Preliminary designs consist of full depth reclamation, superelevation, curbing, inlet, storm pipe, and rock filled trench. The borough will use plan drawings and engineer’s cost estimate of construction to pursue grant opportunities for funding.

b.     Public comment on Penn E&R’s report – There were no public comments.


9.      Mayor’s Report – Mayor Llewellyn read the September Police report to Councilmembers and the public. The mayor also stated that the police provided street monitoring while the American Legion removed the American Flags that were on the poles around borough streets.  


10.    Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Jesse Dapra)

Councilmember Perovich – Councilmember Perovich stated that there is a new property owner/tenant on Cavitt Avenue and Welcomed Baker & Nulf to Trafford. Councilmember Perovich also stated that the Historical Society will be hosting a presentation in the Manchester Room on Wednesday October 2nd at 6pm if anyone from the public is interested in attending.

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Zach Cole)

Councilmember Bayko – stated that she and Manager Peticca are working on the 2025 budget, and there will be more to report in November.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Jesse Dapra/Co-chair Steve Perovich)

Councilmember Perovich – stated he attended the Recreation board meeting and wanted to mention the Halloween Parade on October 20th. The recreation board is looking for a member that would like to join and become the treasurer. If there is any interest in that position, one can submit a letter of interest.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Ralph Deabner)

Councilmember Shoub – deferred to Code Enforcement, and Officer Hamill read his September Code report to Councilmembers and the public.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Zach Cole/Co-chair Pat Bayko)

Councilmember Bayko – stated there was nothing to report.

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Ralph Deabner/Co-chair Casey Shoub)

Councilmember Deabner – stated there was nothing to report.  

g.     Junior Council Person (JCP) Report

JCP Member – Greg Maynor spoke about the September JCP rotation that took place at the Public Works Department. Mr. Maynor mentioned that they toured the Public Works building and gained information about the machinery used. They also had the chance to see what a sewage inspection would look like being conducted at the BY park. The JCP members also took part in the Penn Twp Fall Festival Parade.

h.     President Kris Cardiff

Councilmember Cardiff – stated he didn’t have anything to report but deferred to Jeff Contillo to give a TECDC report. Mr. Contillo mentioned the TECDC is having a chili cookoff on November 2nd, at the Manchester Room from 2pm to 5pm. The cost to attend is $10.00. The TECDC is also planning the Holiday Happenings event on December 7th. There will be a parade and Santa lighting the tree at 6pm. There will be food trucks and vendors at the event. The American Legion is also looking to host a craft show prior to the holiday event, there will be more information forthcoming. Mr. Contillo also stated the organization is always looking for volunteers to help to make these events successful.   


11.    Manager’s Report – Manager Peticca reported that the Category 4 LSA grant application has been submitted for a new police car. The approval is usually awarded in the spring. Contracts for the Sixth Street Renovation   


** Before Moving to the next motion Councilmember Cardiff deferred to Solicitor Alexander. **


Solicitor Alexander stated that the two applicants interested in the vacant council seat were both present and they were asked to step up to the podium to address Councilmembers and speak for a minute about their interest in the vacant council seat.


Rose Schopp - stated she is a long-time resident of Trafford Borough, she stated she has a strong involvement with the community and is willing to learn and then pass on important information to the residents of the borough.


Shaelyn Lesko – stated she is a business owner in Trafford Borough and is a member of the TECDC organization. Mrs. Lesko is involved in several different projects within the community. Shaelyn stated she wanted to apply to see how she can do more good things within the community.


Solicitor Alexander stated that this vacancy was publicized out to everyone with an interest and Ms. Schopp and Ms. Lesko were the only applicants. Councilmembers were asked to make a motion.


Solicitor Alexander stated the motion below was made to nominate Ms. Schopp for the position; the next step would be an up or down vote with majority rule vote as three votes. Providing that Ms. Schopp receives the three votes she will be declared the winner, unless there is another motion on the floor for Ms. Lesko.


12.    Motion to appoint applicant (Rose Schopp) to the vacant Council seat

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Cardiff asked for a roll call vote.

d.     Vote: Councilmember Bayko- Yes, Councilmember Cardiff – Yes, Councilmember Deabner- Yes, Councilmember Perovich – Yes, Councilmember Shoub- Yes. The vote was unanimous for Rose Schopp 5, 0, 1 (Absent)


Solicitor Alexander congratulated both applicants and stated that there is an election coming up for any future interest on Council.


Councilmember Cardiff stated that council was very fortunate to have two good candidates apply and express interest. Councilmember Cardiff mentioned that it is a good sign to see anyone wanting to step up and help and serve the community. He also stated that he encourages anyone to apply if the opportunity arises again.


** Mayor Llewellyn swore Rose Schopp in with an Oath of Office, Councilmember Schopp was then seated with councilmembers. **


Solicitor Alexander stated that Ms. Schopp is permitted to vote on the remaining agenda items, if there is an item where sufficient information isn't available to form an opinion Ms. Schopp can abstain from voting.


13.   Motion to accept Michael Hynes resignation effective 9-11-24.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c.      Discussion: No discussion  

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


14.   Motion to apply for the Scott Electric Foundation grant for lighting retrofit of the municipal building and public works building for LED lights and fixtures.  Cost estimate of $40,588.50 with a direct rebate savings of $4,757.00.    

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub   

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated this is to have the lights in our buildings retrofitted for energy savings, moving all to LED lights. The Public Works building is very dark and difficult for them to see while working vehicles/equipment. This opportunity is to have an 11% return on the investment by switching to the led fixtures. This grant would cover the borough building (Council Chambers, Police Dept, etc.) and the Public Works building.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)  


15.   Motion to approve Trick or Treat on October 31st, 2024, from 6pm-8pm

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich  

b.     Second: Councilmember Deabner  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Cardiff stated this is on the same date every year, and this is a formality to set the date if public services are needed.   

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


16.   Motion to approve the closure of the 400 block of Cavitt for the Holiday Happenings Event on Saturday Dec. 7th, 2024, from 3pm to 8pm.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion: The mayor stated the timeframe for the police was requested was 4:30pm – 8:30pm. Manager Peticca that the additional time frame in the motion was to provide extra time if needed to set up and organize. Councilmember Cardiff asked Councilmember Deabner if he would like to amend the motion.

** AMEND MOTION ** Motion to approve the closure of the 400 block of Cavitt for the Holiday Happenings Event on Saturday Dec. 7th, 2024, from 4:30pm to 8:30pm.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)


17.   Motion to purchase the license plate reader in the amount of $19,974.00 from the Westmoreland County infrastructure grant

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Deabner  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Bayko asked if the reader is a handheld device, and what are the purposes of the reader. Manger Peticca stated that the device would be mounted. Solicitor Alexnader stated that the reader can identify if anyone has a warrant out for their arrest, the officers can pull them over and take the suspect into custody.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


18.   Motion to remove the dead tree in Veterans Park with lowest written bid by Harper Tree Service in amount of $3,000.00

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner  

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Cardiff stated that this was brought to his and Manger Peticca’s attention by a concerned resident about the structure of the tree and the threat it poses to safety.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)  


19.   Motion to approve the Cavitt Avenue parking lot repairs to lowest bidder by Tresco Company in amount of $102,290.00

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich stated the borough made a commitment to the community to see this project through, and grant funding was obtained. This will be a huge improvement.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


20.   Motion to approve Resolution 6-2024 for the demo of 90 1st Street in Trafford through the Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority and Westmoreland County to seek grant funding to remove the blighted structure.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner  

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)  


21.   Motion to approve the library to utilize Council Chambers for a Halloween part on October 25th,2024 from 6 pm- 9pm.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated the library approached the office for the request.  

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


22.   Motion to approve the library to utilize the Manchester Room on November 23rd,2024 for a book sale from 10am to 5pm. 

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner  

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko  

c.      Discussion: No discussion  

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)   


23.   New Business

·       Special Event for Harmony Holistic’ s use of the library parking lot on Oct 11th 4-8 (2pm set up) pending application submission and police & public works approval


Manager Peticca stated this is a request that has been taking place monthly for the past several months. The owner Shaelyn Lesko has asked to utilize the library lot for vendor set up. The library closes on Friday at 2pm. Manager Peticca stated there is also a request to use the library lot on November 29th and December 20th for the same event.


There is a motion on the floor to allow Harmon Holistic to utilize the library parking lot on October 11th, November 29, and December 20th pending application submission and police and public works approval.

a.     Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)


·       Discussion and possible action on advertising for a new ordinance for guidelines/limitations on fracking injection wells


Manager Peticca stated this was a topic at the last discussion meeting in September, and concerns and potential issues have been brought to the attention of council.


Councilmember Cardiff stated the information provided in the discussion meeting about this topic was very informative. To be thorough in the process of making the decision it was suggested that a presentation be made by a representative from the fracking well companies to have all the information. Councilmember Cardiff also mentioned that we could bring attention to something that we don’t bring attention to.


Councilmember Perovich stated that other municipalities have acted against this type of activity, and it would be beneficial to consider an ordinance based on the information we received at the discussion meeting.  


Manager Peticca stated that it was important to mention that an ordinance doesn’t have to eliminate something from happening but provide guidelines to follow.


Solicitor Alexander recommended that he and Manager Peticca meet to discuss the best way to present a solution to council, whether it be a stand-alone ordinance or amending the current ordinance. Solicitor Alexander is asking councilmembers to agree to allow him to create a draft ordinance, and then proceed to make a motion to advertise the proposed draft at the November council meeting.


A motion is on the floor to authorize Solicitor Alexander to compose a draft ordinance for the fracking/injection wells.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion: There will be a motion to advertise once councilmembers have the opportunity to review the draft.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)


·       Discussion and possible action for parking on Westmoreland Avenue


Manager Peticca stated that the ordinance currently states that there is no parking permitted on both sides of Westmoreland Avenue, it is at the council’s discretion to move forward and place no parking signs on both sides of the street and enforce that, or to make any alterations to said ordinance. The first suggested change would be no parking along the railroad side of the street, parking would be permitted along the buildings side closer to the houses. Another option would be to allow parking on both sides and rescinding the language in the ordinance or allow parking along the railroad side and not the other.



Mayor Llewellyn stated that he recommends allowing parking along the building sides and do not allow parking along the other side. He stated that it benefits the residents who live on that street to park on the house side.


A motion is on the floor to advertise to change the current ordinance to state No parking along the eastern side of Westmoreland Road (railroad side)

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich asked if this would permit parking on the road. Manager Peticca stated that no parking means no parking. The borough has 10ft right of way along that road even if someone states they are parking in the grass it still means no parking on that side.

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)


·       Discussion and possible action for parking on Wallace Avenue


Manager Peticca stated that the current ordinance does not have any language that indicates that there is no parking along the western side of Wallace Ave. (The side of the ballfields). In order to enforce the current no parking signs that are up and outdated there needs to be an update to the ordinance. This change will help officers cite and ticket anyone in violation of the no parking ordinance.


Mayor Llewellyn asked why there would be signs placed stating no parking if it was not stated in the ordinance.

Councilmember Deabner stated it has been that way for years.


A motion is on the floor to advertise no parking along the 100 & 200 blocks of Wallace Avenue.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)  


·       Discussion and possible action on Vacancy / Abandoned fee rates


Manager Peticca stated that code enforcement has been receiving vacant registration forms and payments, which started some conversations about our current fee schedule compared to other neighboring municipalities.  There are two different collection options for such registration, bi-annually or on a scale.

Irwin Borough charges Semi-Annually starting at $150.00 from Jan-July and then an additional fee of $150.00 for July – Dec if the property is still vacant.  

Jeanette is a scale starting at $350.00 for the first next year where property is vacant and then the following year it is increased to $1000.00.

The recommendation would be to collect and charge Bi-annually. The goal is to entice property owners to do something with the property. In addition, there would need to be some clarity on what an abandoned and vacant structure is.  Solicitor Alexander stated that there would need to be a discussion, and some definitions clarified and classify permitted uses.

Councilmember Cardiff stated he would like to see the clarifications and defined changes presented before the end of the year to update the change by January 2025.



A motion is on the floor to authorize Solicitor Alexander to work with Manager Peticca on a new ordinance regard to vacant/abandoned buildings.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Deabner

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)


Councilmember Perovich stated he had one thing to add for new business. There is a dead tree at the BY park and the Recreation Board members were asking if Public Works can look at removing the tree.

Manager Peticca stated that the particular tree may be too large for Public Works and may need to be contracted out for removal. We can send them out to access the tree tomorrow.


Old Business

·       2024 Volunteer of the Year award submission deadline due by Oct 31st, 2024


Councilmember Cardiff confirmed the deadline and asked for nominations to be submitted.


Mayor Llewellyn added one additional piece of information under old business. The handicap parking space was previously discussed: the location of that space was decided and approved by the police chief to be relocated to the parking spot in front of Krick’s Tavern.



    1. Announce the next Meeting on Wednesday November 06, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers.
    2. Move to adjourn: Councilmember Deabner
    3. Second: Councilmember Shoub  
    4. Discussion: No discussion
    5. Vote: 6, 0, 1 (Absent)  




Respectfully submitted



Nina Mulnix

Borough Secretary