1.     Call to Order – Meeting called to order by Councilmember Cardiff at 7:03 pm


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call - done by Nina Mulnix


Councilmembers present- Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub


Councilmembers not present- Councilmember Cole, Councilmember Dapra, Councilmember Deabner.


Other staff present – Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Alexander, Manager Peticca, Secretary Mulnix, Code Enforcement Hamill, Engineer Penn E & R


4.     Notice of Executive Session held July 9th and August 6th for matters of personnel and litigation.


5.     Approve the July 2nd,2024 Regular Council Meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)


6.     Approve the July 2024 expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)


7.     Public Comment

a.      Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern.  No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b.     Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for.

c.      Borough Response


Christine Giacomin (201 Wallace Ave) – came to the meeting to address concerns with flooding at Brush Creek, and the growing island. The sediment is building and has been for the last several years, and the water cannot flow properly through that area. The resident provided images/documents from FEMA indicating that the area is in a floodplain. Mrs. Giacomin mentioned there has been dumping of debris such as leaves, sediment from the road, trees, and stated that these actions could be causing significant changes with the erosion and flow of the stream. Mrs. Giacomin stated she has observed items such as garbage bags, barrels, building debris, all being dumped at the South Trafford ballfields. If that small section would happen to dam up- that will create a flooded area and there is only one way in and out of South Trafford. Councilmember Cardiff stated that Mrs. Giacomin had gone passed her three mins to make her comment, and she finished with one last comment and stated that actions can be taken and prevented so flooding doesn’t occur. Councilmember Cardiff asked that Mrs. Giacomin stay after the meeting to discuss these concerns.


Borough Response- Councilmember Perovich asked the residents if the water flow seemed better before there was tree removal in that area a few years ago?


John Ruccio (203 Wallace Ave) – stated that he came to the meeting to echo the same concerns as Mrs. Giacomin.


Adrian Rutter (204 E Gilmore Ave) – came to address the violation notice that she received from code enforcement regarding a fence that is on her property. There are some questions if the 4 wooden panels that were installed a few months ago, classify as a fence.  According to the notice received there is a violation of the borough’s ordinances. Mrs. Rutter asked what can be done to resolve and to allow permission to keep the panels on her property.


Borough Response: Manager Peticca stated that there is a permit application process to install a fence, and she asked the resident (Adrian Rutter) if she applied for a fence permit.


Adrian Rutter responded and stated she did not, because she thought a fence was considered as something that closes in the whole entire yard- rather than something that just borders an area. Mrs. Rutter stated that she can and will apply for a permit, however according to the violation letter it was pointed out that the fence cannot remain and there and there is some confusion understanding the why.


Manager Peticca – further stated that anytime someone is unsure of what constitutes a fence or if a permit is needed a conversation needs to take place prior to installation of such fence so all parties can have a clear understanding of what can or cannot be constructed. Manger Peticca stated that in most cases there are no privacy fences permitted in a front yard for line-of-sight reasons. Manager Peticca explained the process for a variance which can be applied for, once a permit application is submitted and denied. Any person can submit to the borough an application for a variance and that request will go in front of the Zoning Hearing Board. The Zoning Hearing board hears those concerns/reasons, and they make the final determination.


Solicitor Alexander – stated the Zoning Hearing Board is allowed to grant permission to do something that the code prohibits.


Manager Peticca stated the variance fee is $300.00 to apply and any additional fees such as advertising costs to have the hearing published in the newspaper.


Melissa Fox (144 7th Street Ext) – addressed speeding concerns along state route 130. Ms. Fox stated there have been mailboxes damaged because of speeding and wreck less driving. She stated that her son who is a new driver has encountered near miss accidents with vehicles while turning into their driveway. Ms. Fox is asking for a solution before someone gets injured or worse.


Borough Response Mayor Llewellyn stated he will have a discussion with the Police Chief about having an officer set up to monitor as they’ve done in the past. Mayor Llewellyn also stated that the speed sign may be able to be utilized in that area.


8.     Report from Borough Engineer, Penn E&R

Report submitted- Amber Yon commented on her report. The first item mentioned was the:

The Geotechnical report indicated that the parking lot be undercut to depths specified. Penn E&R provided an estimated construction cost of $83,500.00.

Penn E&R will continue to coordinate with the Manager Peticca to initiate engineering design work.

Penn E&R will be onsite on August 7th, 2024, to discuss the internal vs external drop. A recommendation will be sent to Manager Peticca.

Penn E&R is scheduled to meet with El Grande Industries to discuss options for correction of grade to eliminate storm ponding on the street.

Penn E&R is to attend a site meeting the week of August 05th, 2024, to determine corrective action for the stormwater ponding issue.

Penn E&R to update zoning map to correlate with the recent updates to the Borough Zoning Ordinance.


a.      Public comment on Penn E&R’s report


9.     Mayor’s Report – The Mayor read the Police report for the months of June and July to councilmembers and the public.


10.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Jesse Dapra)

Councilmember Perovich stated that the borough has been working with Scenic Pittsburgh and Westmoreland County to finalize the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Changes.

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Zach Cole)

Councilmember Bayko stated that she and Manager Peticca will be meeting to start discussing the 2025 budget items.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Jesse Dapra/Co-chair Steve Perovich)

Councilmember Perovich stated that the Playground Program just finished for this year, and the director of PTARC (Linda Bires) reported that the program was successful, and there was more attendance at Woodlawn and at the Terrace than in years past. Councilmember Perovich stated that there will be discussion at the next PTARC meeting on how to improve the program for next year.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Ralph Deabner)

Councilmember Shoub deferred to Code Enforcement Officer Matthew Hamill to read his July Code report to Councilmembers, and the public.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Zach Cole/Co-chair Pat Bayko)

Councilmember Bayko – stated there was no report.

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Ralph Deabner/Co-chair Casey Shoub)

Councilmember Cardiff stated that Councilmember Deabner was absent and asked Co-chairperson if there was anything to report. Councilmember Shoub stated he will make a comment later on that particular agenda item.

g.     Junior Council Person (JCP) Report

Councilmember Cardiff stated there will be a JCP report starting in August.

h.     President Kris Cardiff

Councilmember Cardiff stated the JCP program will start this Thursday August 8th with an orientation for the new 2024/2025 students. Councilmember Cardiff stated that he appeared as a panelist on the PCN’s channel inside PA Borough’s television show with former JCP member Ally Moroca and Erica of Irwin’s JCP program. The segment was about the JCP program, and it was taped in Harrisburg and will air on the network in about three weeks. Councilmember Cardiff also stated he was invited to lead a session on Organizing and Maintaining a successful JCP Program at the PSAB fall leadership conference in Lancaster, happening in October. Councilmember Cardiff also incorporated in his report a summary of the TECDC report. The report mentioned the success of the community yard sale that took place over the weekend (August 3rd & 4th) and noted that Jeff Contillo spent time developing/providing a map of those participating in the yard sale and helped place balloons around the community. There was also mention of the preliminary stages of planning for the Holiday Happenings, there will be more reports on the new additions to the event as they develop. Councilmember Cardiff stated between the Recreation Board and the TECDC and others in the community, he is so proud to see the rebirth of volunteerism.

Councilmember Cardiff deferred to Jeff Contillo for further comment on the TECDC report.


Jeff Contillo announced that the next TECDC meeting is August 19th at 5:30pm in the Manchester Room, and it is open to anyone that wants to participate and volunteer.


Councilmember Cardiff spoke about a meeting that took place with Manager Peticca, and the borough’s Emergency Management Coordinator Chuck Miller. In that meeting Chuck Miller commended the borough on how everyone responded to the tornado (June 26th), and the clean-up coordination.

The last item covered in the President’s report was that he and Manager Peticca will be meeting with Irwin Borough to discuss preliminary thoughts to enter an Intergovernmental Cooperative Emergency Response Plan with other neighboring municipalities.


11.   Manager’s Report – Manager Peticca thanked Irwin Borough for allowing us to use their Street Sweeper equipment. Street sweeping will continue to take place tomorrow (Wednesday August 07th). Manager Peticca mentioned that the Public Works department will be preparing to paint the curb lines weather permitting. Manager Peticca stated that it the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the weeds on the curb lines; by maintaining those weeds it will make the painting process of the curbs a lot simpler. The final item covered in the manager’s report are the two grant opportunities that the borough will be applying for funding are the Statewide LSA Grant (open to apply till Sept 1st) and the Local Share Category 4 Grant (open to apply from till September 30th). The options will be discussed under new business.


12.  Motion to approve S&E Utility payment, Invoice #2 pending the sewer lines and manholes are tested, fence on Hayden Avenue repaired, roof leader installed in front of 25 Bluff Street, no parking sign replaced. 

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub  

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: The agenda item was missing the following information – The posted agenda read as follows: Motion to approve S&E Utility payment, Invoice #2 in amount of $43,629.99. The remainder of $16,631.21 will be paid pending the sewer lines and manholes are tested, fence on Hayden Avenue repaired, roof leader installed in front of 25 Bluff Street, no parking sign replaced.

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)


13.  Motion to approve El Grande’s Invoice#1 in the amount of $130,300.06 for BY park asphalt paving and Glenn Engineering cost of $13,030.00. 

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich asked if this will be the last payment to Glenn Engineering, and the Manager Peticca replied and stated there will still be some more for outstanding payments to them. 

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


14.  Motion to accept William (Bill) Holby’s resignation effective July 26th, 2024

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub  

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich 

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Shoub stated that he and Councilmember Deabner wanted to mention how much Bill did for the borough and expressed how much he will be missed. Foreman Tony Gockel was in attendance and stated that Bill was a great employee, and a great co-worker.

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)  


15.  Motion to advertise to hire a part-time Public Works laborer, hourly wage $14.00- $17.00 based on experience in the field.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich 

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko 

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


16.  Motion to hire part-time police officer David Judy retroactive as of July 31st, 2024.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich 

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub 

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


17.  Motion to advertise the Civil Service Commission to meet and initiate a Civil Service Test exam pending exhaustion of all certified eligible candidates on current list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko 

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub 

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


18.  Motion to approve the Police Pension Plan MMO in the amount of $105,971.00 for the 2025 fiscal year.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich 

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub 

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


19.  New Business

·       Local Share Account Category 4- Facilities Program grant ideas and possible action


Manger Peticca stated that this was a topic mentioned in her managers report, this grant opportunity will give the borough a chance to apply for things that are needed. The allocations of the request would typically range from $50,000.00 to $70,000.00. Manager Peticca stated there are items like a code car, or a leaf vacuum machine, that could be applied for, that are within the requirements of the grant.


Councilmember Cardiff asked with the amount not being determined or having a set limit, is there any reason that the borough could apply for a higher dollar amount.


Manager Peticca stated that after having a conversation with someone at Representative Dunbar’s office, it was mentioned that the borough would receive less funding than we received last year, and last year we were awarded $73,000.00. 


Councilmember Bayko asked if cameras for the playground would be an acceptable request for this grant? Manager Peticca confirmed that a vehicle, machinery, or equipment are all valid requests.


No motion or action was taken on the above discussion, it was determined that a list of items to be considered be created and discussed at the September meeting.


·       Leaf Vacuum and possible action


Manager Peticca stated that the old leaf vacuum was sold last year, because it was inoperable. Open discussions began regarding the options for leaf collections for the fall season. Manager Peticca stated that one option would be that every property owner has collection available with Waste Management if the leaves are bundled up in tall lawn bags and placed out with normal trash collection. A second option would be to purchase a piece of equipment and go street to street with collection. Manager Peticca gather several quotes: A machine from Norwin Rental Equipment could be purchased for $19,069.99, this would be a leaf vac with a blower and the ability to retrofit into the box that we currently have to collect the leaves. Manger Peticca gave another quote from another company was $89,000.00, and a self-containing unit costing over $100,000.00.


Councilmember Shoub reconfirmed that Norwin Rentals unit was approximately $20,000.00, and proceeded to say if the borough were to purchase the leaf machine it would allow the borough to access if it’s large enough to meet the needs. Councilmember Shoub further stated that if a larger piece of equipment is needed then the borough could apply for a grant to help fund the cost.


Councilmember Cardiff stated that his main concern and focus would be to see what piece of equipment or leaf collection option that can handle the street clean up the best way to remain in compliance with storm water management.


Manager Peticca stated that she also obtained quotes of two leaf backpack blowers at a cost of $1,039.00. That would help to maintain the leaves at the parks.


Councilmember Cardiff called for action.


Councilmember Shoub suggested purchasing the machine from Norwin Rental.


Councilmember Bayko asked why the borough would apply for a grant and then proceed to purchase one, she then stated that thought doesn’t make sense.


Councilmember Shoub asked what option to choose for leaf collection then? 


Manager Peticca suggested utilizing the Waste Management collection option for this year.


Resident John Jones (424 Fairmont Ave) spoke up and asked why we can’t we pick up the leaves ourselves? (meaning the public works employees)


It was decided that the borough will utilize Waste Management for leaf collection services and to purchase the two leaf blower backpacks to maintain borough property.


A motion is on the floor to purchase two leaf backpack blowers from Norwin Rental Services quoted in the amount of $1,039.98. for the borough property.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent) 


·       Statewide LSA grant program and submission item/ 4th Bay and Police Station expansion with



Manager Peticca stated that in the Spring the borough explored the option to extend an additional bay area within the police station, and to possibly install an elevator in the building to be ADA compliant. The borough applied for a multifacility grant and it’s unknow if the grant will be awarded to the borough as there had to be some type of broadband use, and the borough did not include anything related to broadband in the application, because it was required at that time. There is a statewide LSA grant opportunity that would allow us to utilize the engineering plans for the design that qualifies for this grant. Manager Peticca recommended applying for the expansion when the grant opportunity opens on September 1st, 2024. 



A motion is on the floor to submit an application for the Statewide LSA grant program and submission item/4th Bay and Police expansion with elevator.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich asked how much is the grant disbursement? Manager Peticca stated that it’s up to a million dollars.

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent) 


·       Special Event Permit Harmony Holistic August 23rd, 2024


Manager Peticca stated this will be the same function that took place in July, and no borough property will be affected that would require any special permits or approval. The request was placed on the agenda for transparency purposes.


A motion is on the floor to issue a special event permit to Harmony Holistic for August 23rd, 2024.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion: It was mentioned the event will be held from 4pm to 8pm. Councilmember Cardiff stated that it was understood that the July event was very successful, and he also thanked Harmony Holistic for bringing this type of event to the town. 

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent) 


·       New Willow Tree for B-Y park donation.


Manager Peticca stated that the borough was approached by TECDC member Jeff Contillo about donating a Willow tree to replace the one that was damaged in the tornado.


A motion is on the floor to approve the new Willow tree for B-Y park via donation, contingent upon working with the Public Works Department.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)


·       Lot across from Municipal Building Boundary Survey


Manager Peticca stated that the borough owns a stretch of land that is between state route 993 and the railroad. To know exactly where the borough’s boundaries are it is recommended that the borough has Penn E&R conduct a survey.


Councilmember Cardiff asked what the cost of the survey would be. Amber Yon from Penn E&R was still present, and she replied that their firm can get a price to Manager Peticca. Councilmember Cardiff advised that he did not want to make a motion without a cost attached.


Councilmember Perovich asked if this survey was presented in anticipation of someone expressing interest to buy it? Manager Peticca stated that it was solely for the purpose of knowing where the boundaries are.


20.  Old Business

·       Update Manchester Sign and keep the same picture


A motion is on the floor to allow Mastro Signs to update the Manchester Room sign and keep the same picture.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent) 


·       Restoration of Cavitt lot and possible action to move forward with project.


Manager Peticca stated that moving right along with project under advisement and cost of $91,500.00. The borough received a grant in the amount of $72,658.00 to upgrade the lot.  


Councilmember Bayko stated that it is going to cost an additional $20,000.00 to repair. Manager Peticca replied that there was $100,000.00 budgeted for street/sidewalk maintenance and so far, only $30,000.00 has been used.


Councilmember Cardiff stated that if we, the borough, are going to continue to have activities in the business area and want to promote such activities then we need to offer more parking and more spaces.


A motion is on the floor to move forward with the Cavitt Avenue restoration per Penn E&R’s included cost of $91,500.00 of which $72,658.00 will be paid with LSA grant funds.

  1. Motion: Councilmember Perovich
  2. Second: Councilmember Bayko
  3. Discussion: Councilmember Perovich if the retaining wall was included in that estimate? Penn E&R confirmed that yes, the retaining wall is included in the cost.
  4. Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)



    1. Announce the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers.
    2. Move to adjourn: Councilmember Perovich
    3. Second: Councilmember Shoub
    4. Discussion: No discussion
    5. Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)





Respectfully submitted

Nina Mulnix – Borough Secretary