1.     Call to Order – meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by Council President Cardiff


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by Nina Mulnix


Councilmembers present: Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Dapra, Councilmember Deabner, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub


Councilmembers not present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cole.


Other staff present: Borough Manager Peticca, Borough Secretary Mulnix, Borough Engineer Penn E& R Code Enforcement Hamill.


Other staff not present: Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Alexander


4.     Notice of Executive Session held June 24th and July 2nd, 2024, for matters of personnel and litigation.


5.     Approve the June 11th, 2024, Regular Council Meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich  

b.     Second: Councilmember Dapra

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


6.     Approve the June 2024 expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Dapra

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


7.     Public Comment

a.      Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern.  No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b.     Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for.

c.      Borough Response


** There was no one on the sign-up sheet to speak during public comment **


8.     Report from Borough Engineer, Penn E&R

a.      Report submitted.

Penn E&R spoke about the status of the Cavitt Lot: Trafford Borough Public Works performed excavation on six test pits in the lot and found that there was old building material that was never removed from the previous structure after the demolition process. During the inspection of the lot, it was determined that there was a base that was never compacted and has created a settlement problem. Penn E&R stated they are currently waiting for the remediation proposal, and it is hopeful that the report will be generated by next week. The second item mentioned in the report from Penn E&R is just a reminder that their office is available to assist on the proposed implementation of the Sixth Street Park project.

b.     Public comment on Penn E&R’s report

There was no public comment on Penn E&R’s report.


9.     Mayor’s Report - The mayor was absent, there was no report to give.


10.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Jesse Dapra)

Councilmember Perovich stated Trafford Borough’s Memorial of WWI at Veterans Park was honored and published in a book called “A Hundred Cities, A Hundred Memorials”. In addition to that honor the Veterans Park was also pictured on the back cover of the book.

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Zach Cole)

Councilmember Bayko was absent- there was no report given.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Jesse Dapra/Co-chair Steve Perovich)

Councilmember Dapra stated there was no report.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Ralph Deabner)

Councilmember Shoub - deferred to Code Enforcement Hamill to read his June report.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Zach Cole/Co-chair Pat Bayko)

Councilmember Cardiff - stated there was no report

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Ralph Deabner/Co-chair Casey Shoub)

Councilmember Deabner - Thanked Public Works and everyone involved for their assistance with the storm (tornado) clean-up.

g.     Junior Council Person (JCP) Report

Councilmember Cardiff - stated there was no report, the JCP members are on summer break.

h.     President Kris Cardiff

Councilmember Cardiff - Thanked all that were involved with the storm clean-up. He stated that Manager Peticca spearheaded the operation and directed crews to assess each location. Councilmember Cardiff also stated he is very thankful for the working relationship with Irwin borough who offered their assistance and resources to help our community.


11.  Manager’s Report – Manager Peticca also echoed the same thankfulness to all who assisted in the tornado clean up process. The list of those thanked included Penn Township Ambulance, Trafford VFD, Public Works, Irwin & North Irwin Borough’s Public Works Department, and Irwin Borough’s Manager, Matt Hamil (Code Enforcement) Nina Mulnix (Secretary), and Councilmembers. Manager Peticca stated there are still some ongoing clean-up efforts happening, and the borough is expecting a tree service to come in and help remedy some of the areas hit the hardest. Manager Peticca also stated that there was a clean-up service provided by the borough (today) that allowed the Public Works department to go around and gather storm debris from residents. There was also mention about the efforts needed and steps taken to allow Murrysville Road to open to traffic safely. The final items covered in Manager Peticca’s report were the final items needed to be complete for the Sewer project in South Trafford. There was a punch list of items that need to be addressed before the borough will issue final payment. There was an invoice to El Grande of the amount of $130,300.06 that will need approved in August, as it wasn’t received in time to be approved for payment during the current July meeting, that invoice was for the BY Park Project.  There was also an additional $5,800.00 invoice for the circle area of the BY park to be paved as well.   The grant amount funded for the project was $140,000.00.


12.  Motion to approve S&E Utility payment, Invoice #1 in the amount of $272,363.09 out of the sewage account for the South Trafford Sewage Project.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub 

b.     Second: Councilmember Deabner

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


13.  Motion to approve Vasco’s Tree Service quote for tree remediation from the tornado in Terrace Playground, Westmoreland Park and Public Works building in amount of $22,000.00

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Dapra  

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated that she has sent all supporting documents of the storm damage to the Borough’s Insurance company, and she will be in touch with an adjustor once one is assigned.  Councilmember Cardiff stated that this cost is under the threshold of what is required, and Manager Peticca did reach out to other companies and obtained one additional bid that was $900.00 more than the quote from Vasco’s.

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  



14.  New Business


·       Interpretive Display -Historical Society 5th and Brinton


Councilmember Perovich stated that the Historical Society is interested in removing the current sign that is at the intersection of 5th Street and Brinton Avenue and placing an interpretive display showcasing what was formally erected in that area. Councilmember Perovich stated the designs are completed and would like to ask councilmembers for approval.


There is a motion on the floor to approve the Historical Society to create and place their Interpretive display

a.      Motion: Councilmember Deabner

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Cardiff stated that this will be a great addition to honor the memory of the former business/industry the town was built around.

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


·       New Sign for Manchester Room – keep original design or new design


Manager Peticca stated that Mastro Signs reached out to the borough regarding the condition of the current sign and mentioned that he would like to donate and design a new sign. Manager Peticca stated that she does not have any new designs, and asked if councilmembers had any new ideas.


Councilmember Cardiff stated that he would look through some of the photos posted on the borough website, to produce a design idea.


Councilmember Shoub asked if there is a line-of-sight issue with the placement of the sign.


Manager Peticca stated that there is no violation from the line of sight, but it could be placed in a different location, per anyone’s recommendations. Manager Peticca stated that Police Chief Disco confirmed he would approve the placement of the sign at its current location.



15. Old Business

·       The “triangle” in front of the bathroom at the B-Y park design/


Jeff Contillo (424 Homewood Ave) – presented design plans to councilmembers for the implementation of a garden and landscaping at the triangle area of the BY park. Mr. Contillo stated that his brother will donate a Japanese Maple tree to be planted in the circle, and there would be other perennials planted and then some mulch added to complete the landscaping. Mr. Contillo also included the recreation board in the plan, and they offered to donate $100.00 to the cause.


Manager Peticca expressed concerns about the maintenance of the landscaping, and the size of the tree from a pruning standpoint as the tree grows to approximately 20ft in height.


Mr. Contillo stated that he and the recreation board would partner together. Mr. Contillo also stated that if there is concern over the height of the tree there could be a substitution and shrub placed instead.


There is a motion on the floor to permit Jeff Contillo and the Trafford Recreation Board to plant a Japanese Maple Tree and landscaping and maintain the area from here on out.

  1. Motion: Councilmember Perovich
  2. Second: Councilmember Dapra
  3. Discussion: No discussion
  4. Vote: 5, 0,2 (Absent)



    1. Announce the next Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers.
    2. Move to adjourn: Councilmember Dapra
    3. Second: Councilmember Deabner
    4. Discussion: No Discussion / Meeting Adjourned at 7:32 pm.  
    5. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  




Respectfully submitted

Nina Mulnix

Borough Secretary