1.    Call to Order


2.    Pledge of Allegiance


3.    Roll Call:


4.    Approval of Minutes

a.     Motion:

b.    Second:

c.     Discussion:

d.    Vote:


5.    Financial Report – Gina Lera

1.    School District annual donation of $1,085.10 given on 8/8



Approval for Financial Report:

a.     Motion:

b.    Second:

c.     Discussion:

d.    Vote:  



6.    Recognition of Visitors:


7.    Correspondence:


8.    PTARC Report:



Follow-up on Shed inventory- Gina


9.    Council Report:


10.Current Activities:





Yoga in the Park- Bethany



12.Old Business

a.    B-Y Park: Jodi K.

1.    Follow-up on MUMS donation- Jaime will look into letter head to give businesses


(If no donations, motion was approved for $100 to purchase them. Voted at last meeting).  


2.     Follow-up: TECDC interested in re-starting Re-beautification Club-Jeff

Unable to speak on it at TECDC last meeting- will follow-up with more when discussed further.


3.    Willow Tree was planted at B-Y by public works.


4.    Correction from last meeting- Steve Perovich NOT donating mulch and dirt- he will look into donation or discounted price at PT Supply.


           b. Signs at B-Y Park:

                a. The front sign at B-Y Park at Route 130 – needs fixed-curling.

                     - Sarah will speak with Jaime from borough-follow up



13.New Business-

a.    Community Parks:


Complaints via FB-

-        Overgrown weeds and mulch needing replaced.

-        Woodlawn Drive Park- filled with weeds and thistles.

o   Playground equipment has mold and growth all over it

(Who is responsible?)


b.    B-Y park-

                Water spigot behind main monument knocked down and not  

                 functioning. Speak with Jaime to see how to get fixed


c.     Fall – Nostalgic Halloween Party


1.    October 20th Sunday- (Manchester room reserved)


2.    Costume Parade outside of Manchester room



3.    Need police escort approved from council-bring it to council at their next meeting


4.    Ask local storefronts to participate


(Discuss activities, prizes for costume contests, food, and volunteers)

Delegate duties to Recreation members- Sarah








a.     Motion:

b.    Second:

c.     Discussion:

d.    Vote:







            **Next Recreation Board Meeting September 30th