Agenda for Trafford Borough Council Meeting

May 2nd, 2023


1. Call to Order

2. Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call done by Nina Mulnix


Councilmembers present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub.


Councilmembers not present: Councilmember Batzel, Councilmember Cole


Other staff present: Solicitor Craig Alexander, Borough Manager Jaime Peticca, Borough Secretary Nina Mulnix, Engineer Don Glenn.


4. Notice of Executive Session held May 2nd ,2023 for matters of personnel and litigation.


 5. Approve the April 4th,2023 Regular Council Meeting minutes.

 a. Motion: Councilmember Perovich

 b. Second: Councilmember Corrales

 c. Discussion: No discussion  

 d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


 6. Approve the April 2023 expense voucher list.

a. Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b. Second: Councilmember Shoub  

c. Discussion: No discussion

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


7. Larry George / Boy Scout presentation


A handout was given to councilmembers and the public showcasing an Eagle Scout project that was completed by a local scout troop at the BY park. Larry George recognized the work and an individual, Caeley Simon and her troop for the construction of the life boxes.


Larry George is asking councilmembers to allow him to utilize a company do some mulching/chipping around areas at the BY park before the WHT days.


Larry George introduced Owen Anderson to present his Eagle Scout project proposal to councilmembers.

Owen handed out a packet to go along with his presentation. The proposed project is to restore and clean the retaining wall below Memorial Park in Trafford. The estimated time frame to complete would be about 4-5 weekends. The project would be completed with adult supervision and through youth and adult volunteers.  There would be minimal borough resources used, the fire department could be utilized for their resources to help with electricity and water for power washing. In the packet there were photos of the projected area to restore and paint colors suggested to use. Owen mentioned that fundraising efforts would cover the cost of the paint and other supplies needed.



Councilmembers commended Owen for the presentation and followed up with some additional questions.


Would the sidewalk also be pressure washed? Owen replied yes that could be included.

What would the means of electricity be? Owen responded: the firetruck and his father’s truck.

What would the fundraising efforts be? Owen responded: possible hoagie sales.

What would be the projected timeframe to start the work? Owen responded: late summer/early fall pending additional approval and logistics.  


Councilmember Cardiff provided praise for the project idea and felt that it goes along with the economic, community, cultural development, and other improvements made to the borough with the Muriel and Wings over Westmoreland.


An authorization was made, no motion needed to allow Owen Anderson and the Scout BSA Troop to proceed with further approval for completion of the retaining wall project.


8. Public Comment

a. Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern. No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b. Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for.

c. Borough Response


Dolores Sutton (601 Brinton) – Approached council with a zoning question. Is there a specific number of people allowed to occupy a two-bedroom apartment and what is the fire code? Why was the curfew time changed from 10pm to 11pm. Ms. Sutton also mentioned that she has encountered a form of vandalism at her apartment, where a kid caused destruction to a front storm door causing it not to open and close properly, the incident has been reported to the police and the landlord. Ms. Sutton proceeded to explain how she is on medication and under Dr’s care because of the frightening incidents that have been ongoing at her apartment.


Borough Response:


Manager Peticca replied - The number of people that can live in a rental property or apartment is 2 people per bedroom. That recommendation can be subject to change and there can be acceptable reasons for a landlord to allow fewer or more occupants.


Solicitor Alexander offered a response – You will find what the zoning ordinance states. The most common standard is 2 people per bedroom, but more people can live there depending on the language in the ordinance.


Councilmember Corrales commented that the curfew has been 10pm to 6am during school nights, and 11pm to 6am during summer recess.  The borough cannot confirm the specific date of the curfew change but the current times have been in effect for several years.


Councilmember Perovich asked Ms. Sutton if the police believe this to be an isolated incident? Ms. Sutton responded that it was the first time the incident took place and her apartment and that she continues to call 911 when necessary.


Logan Irdi (234 E Fairmont Ave) – addressed council about the progress of the skatepark that has been discussed in previous meetings. Mr. Irdi is looking to create a place for kids to go to spend their free time instead of vandalizing, spreading graffiti, or breaking into entry in abandoned buildings. Mr. Irdi shared information about an event that took place in Bloomfield, that was held by a skate shop, this is something that he would like to see come to Trafford.


Borough Response:


Manager Peticca replied - The borough was waiting to hear back about the different funding opportunities that were presented before. There were no funds budgeted for the development of a sports park/area. At the last discussion it was decided that the idea of an area should be more of a sports area to incorporate multiple sports in the community.


Mr. Irdi offered an additional comment that there are at least 20 others that skate in Trafford. Mr. Irdi emphasized that the group of skaters are not looking for an official park as much as just having permission to have a designated place to create a makeshift area to skate and utilize. Mr. Irdi continued to urge council members to have something resolved that allows them to have a skating area.


Manager Peticca further commented- The borough needs further plans, fundraising opportunities, cost estimates of the project, timeframe, etc.


Councilmember Cardiff commented - This is something that will require a separate conversation/meeting at another time.


Levi Steimer (200 Adrian Ave) brought the same concerns regarding a skate park as Logan Irdi had mentioned. Mr. Steimer was there to support the cause.


Borough Response:


Councilmember Cardiff stated- Mr. Steimer’s concerns were covered above in Mr. Irdi’s response.


9. Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

a. Report submitted. The first item Mr. Glenn presented was the letter sent to El Grande notifying them they received the contract for the boroughs 2023 paving program. Mr. Glenns office is just waiting for the return of the service bond, and paving should start the week of June 12th, 2023. Glenn Engineering is awaiting confirmation from Three Rivers Wet Weather for the consent order to remove Trafford Borough from any additional extensive work. The final item covered under Mr. Glenns’ report was the expected announcement in June for the next LSA grant disbursement. It was advised to council if there are any projects that the borough would like funding for to submit those requests to the borough manager. A letter was also provided to the borough manager about Pine Street.

b. Public comment on Mr. Glenn’s report- Manager Peticca stated that the next round of funding for the LSA grant will be significantly lower than in the past, and to keep that in mind when submitting project ideas.  

c. Glenn Engineering dismissed from meeting.


10. Mayor’s Report- Mayor was absent- Councilmember Corrales read the April Police Report (see attached) to councilmembers and the public.


11. Committee Reports

a. Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel)

Councilmember Perovich stated the borough is still meeting with Scenic Pittsburgh. The Westmoreland County Boroughs Association welcomed Trafford at the annual banquet dinner that members of council and borough staff had the pleasure of attending.

b. General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales)

Councilmember Bayko stated the borough audit was completed by OPTS & Associates.

c. Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich)

Councilmember Perovich stated the Heritage trail days will be taking place at the BY park, and there have been meeting taking place to organize a nice event for the community.

d. Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole)

Councilmember Shoub read the April Code Enforcement Report (see attached) to councilmembers and the public.

e. Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)

Councilmember Corrales commented on the upcoming clean up days, and stated more volunteers are welcomed.

f. Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub)

Councilmember Shoub stated there was nothing to report.

g. Junior Council Person (JCP) Report-

Councilmember Cardiff stated Miss Moraca was absent.

h. President Kris Cardiff

Councilmember Cardiff covered his report. On June 8th at 10am at the Westmoreland County Commissioner’s meeting Councilmember Cardiff and Miss Moraca will be receiving official proclamations for their work with the JCP program. The final rotation for the JCP program will take place on May 11th, and it will be a mock council meeting in council chambers at 5pm. There are volunteers participating, however if there are more that would like to participate let us know.

Covered under the report was also clean up days taking place Friday May 05, & 06th. The borough is looking to have a strong showing of help and volunteers. Councilmember Cardiff also asked everyone to share information about the WHT days, it is not known what the organization will do next year, but with large community participation it could entice them to do a similar event in Trafford next year.


12. Managers’ Report-


Manager Peticca spoke about the brick pick up on Saturday May 06th in the borough parking lot, any bricks not picked up will be disposed of. As a reminder sewage bills are due May 8th. The borough has received about 10 Hometown Hero Banner applications, and the deadline for those applications is May 26th. Manager Peticca stated that it was Secretaries Day on April 26th, and a grateful thanks was given to the Borough Secretary Nina Mulnix.


13. Motion to approve the 2022 Fiscal Audit of General and Sewage Funds

a. Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b. Second: Councilmember Perovich

c. Discussion: No discussion

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)   


14. Motion to approve online payment option for E-Check (no fees) and debit/credit card (fees)

a. Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b. Second: Councilmember Corrales

c. Discussion: Councilmember Bayko stated this will go into effect in July with the next sewage billing.  Councilmember Bayko and Manager Peticca expressed to the public these fees are just too much for the borough to absorb.  Councilmember Cardiff mentioned it is the credit card companies imposing the fees onto us. It was mentioned that payments of cash, check, or money order can be accepted in the office.

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


15. Motion to approve the June Council meeting be moved from June 6th, 2023, to June 13th, ,2023

a. Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b. Second: Councilmember Bayko  

c. Discussion: No discussion  

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


16. Motion to hire Ryan Krause provisionally as full-time officer pending the passing of the Oral Exam which will be conducted May 3rd ,2023.

a. Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b. Second: Councilmember Corrales

c. Discussion: Manager Peticca stated any additional evaluations or backgrounds needed will be submitted to the police chief.

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


17. Motion to accept Officer Stephen Zubach’s resignation from the Trafford Police Department effective May 8th, 2023.

a. Motion: Councilmember Corrales  

b. Second: Councilmember Perovich

c. Discussion: No discussion

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


18. Motion to approve Resolution 4-2023 Street Opening permit application and fees.

a. Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b. Second: Councilmember Perovich

c. Discussion: No discussion  

d. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


19. New Business


• Update Chapter 152- Property Maintenance Article I IPMC and include Violations and Penalties


Manager Peticca stated this is follow the new IPC guidelines, and under Article 1 this would provide violations and penalties so when we go to the magistrate this would be enforced.


Solicitor Alexander stated this will be an ordinance on the agenda for the next meeting.


A motion is on the floor to advertise an ordinance to update the International Property Maintenance Code.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: No discussion 

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


• CDBG Block Grant program options – both Allegheny and Westmoreland County. We opted out of Allegheny Counties for the past 3 years (2021-2023).


Manager Peticca state the county needs to have the boroughs decision by May 15th to opt in or opt out.


A motion is on the floor to opt out of the CDBG block grant program for Allegheny County.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent) 


• 4th Street & Viaduct Way Stop Sign


Manager Peticca- 4th Street and Viaduct way has been a discussion item in the past but never went to a motion to implement a stop sign at the end of the street. There have been a lot of cars travelling this way and traffic signs aren’t being adhered to. This is being discussed in the event a motion needs to be made and action taken.


A motion is on the floor to add a stop sign at 4th Street and Viaduct Way.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich asked if this will be a 3 way or 4 way stop sign? It will be an all way stop sign. Manager Peticca advised we need a motion to advertise. Councilmember Shoub amended his motion on the floor to state: Motion to advertise to add a stop sign at 4th Street and Viaduct Way.

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


20. Old Business


Councilmember Bayko just added a comment: She asked for everyone to be careful and aware of traffic safety. The weather is getting nicer and there are more kids outside. The borough has speed limits throughout the town that need to be adhered to for everyone’s safety. 


Councilmember Corrales asked if the borough could investigate signage changes, electronic speed trap. Can we look for electronic or solar speed limit signs?


Manager Peticca replied- YES.



a. Announce the next Council Meeting in Council Chambers

b. Move to adjourn.

c. Motion: Councilmember Shoub

d. Second: Councilmember Corrales

e. Discussion: We amended the next meeting date to June 13th at 7pm.

f. Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)






Respectfully Submitted,

Nina Mulnix- Borough Secretary