Trafford Borough Regular Meeting Minutes January 10, 2023.



1.     Call to Order

2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance

3.     Roll Call done by Nina Mulnix

Council Present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub. 


Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Chelsea Dice (on behalf of Craig Alexander), Borough Manager Jaime Peticca, Borough Secretary Nina Mulnix, Engineer Don Glenn.


4.       Notice of Executive Session held December 6th, 2022, for matters of personnel and litigation.

Councilmember Cardiff stated there is a correction on the agenda item # 4 - Notice of Executive Session held on January 10, 2023, for personnel and litigation.

5.       Approve the December 6th, 2022, Regular Council Meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich 

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


6.       Approve the December 2022 expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


7.       Public Comment

a.     Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern. No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b.     Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for

c.      Borough Response

Dolores Sutton (601 Brinton Ave)- Ms. Sutton provided a code complaint form to council, and verbally stated there is a garbage concern that multiple bags of trash are being thrown behind the 601 Brinton Ave property. The landlord claimed he would take care of the issue and has not to date. Ms. Sutton would like an update regarding the police investigation from October 29th, 2022. Ms. Sutton asked if the borough has a 2023 Waste Management garbage collection schedule.  

Borough Response:

Mayor Llewellyn stated he has a response that will be provided in his report on the agenda.

Councilmember Cardiff stated that the borough manager will forward the complaint form to code enforcement for follow up.

Councilmember Cardiff suggested for Ms. Sutton to reference Waste Management’s website for collection dates and entering Trafford’s zip code on that site.

Councilmember Perovich commented that you can also call Waste Management and set up a phone call reminder.

Mark Horgas (132 7th Street Ext)- wants to know the legality and allowance of sewage funds to be used for payroll for the borough manager’s salary. Mr. Horgas indicated there is nothing in any borough codes regarding the usage of public utilities to be used for payroll. Mr. Horgas would like to know how this is allowed when there is a 2.8 million loan from 2014 with an annual payment that won’t be paid off until 2047. Mr. Horgas asked for his concerns to be addressed.

Borough Response:

Acting Solicitor Chelsea Dice asked does Trafford Borough portion out a portion of the sewage budget to go towards the managers salary? Councilmember Cardiff replied yes. Ms. Dice requested the opportunity to do some research on this subject before providing a response.

Manager Peticca commented that the auditors for Trafford Borough are aware of the usage of the sewer funds.

Councilmember Cardiff indicated there was an article published a few months ago that reported on the borough manager and her salary. There were inaccuracies with that article, and it was mentioned in a previous public meeting. The borough will do the research and provide a firm answer.

Mark Frydrych (7 Meadow Street) Thanked council for all the work done on Meadow Street and handed out photos to show how nice the street looks. Mr. Frydrych stated there is commercial garbage that is piling up on the neighbor’s property; other than the garbage everything is great with Meadow Street.

Borough Response:

Councilmember Cardiff asked Mr. Frydrych to fill out a code complaint form for code enforcement to investigate.

Keith Cerqueira (25 Bluff Street) stated he is having problems with multiple neighbors harassing him over parking. There is a neighbor Justin that arrived on his quad and stated that Mr. Cequeira’s cars are junk and need to be removed. There is now no parking on the side of Bluff Street and Mr. Cerqueira has concerns over dead trees in the area that are preventing him from parking his cars in those areas of the street, because he can’t park on the side where there is no parking. The cars are not junk property; they are classic cars. Councilmember Cardiff interjected that Mr. Cerqueira is approaching the 3-minute allotment to speak. Mr. Cerqueira indicated there were no problems until no parking signs were placed. Mr. Cerqueira is asking council to remove the no parking restrictions on Bluff Street.

Acting Solicitor Chelsea Dice commented if council so desires they can make an option to change the ordinance, if they don’t it remains the same with no parking. Providing the cars are registered and properly insured and it’s a public street and you are following the rules and regulations you are not in violation. The no parking ordinance was adopted many years ago, it just hasn’t been enforced. Just because it wasn’t enforced does not mean it doesn’t exist. Council has heard your request, and they will review and discuss how to proceed. 

Councilmember Cardiff replied council has your concerns documented on the recorder. This is something that council will discuss further for a resolution.

8.       Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

a.     Report submitted – Don Glenn stated that his office is waiting to hear from Alcosan to coordinate a meeting regarding the bypass system, and when that meeting is scheduled it will be communicated to Manager Peticca. The other update is going to be the readings from the rain events for the month, the findings will determine if we can eliminate the meters.

b.     Public comment on Mr. Glenn's report: No discussion

c.      Glenn Engineering dismissed from meeting

9.       Mayor's Report- Mayor Llewellyn provided a response to Ms. Sutton: When there is an active and ongoing incident/investigation, the police department are not going to provide an update until it reaches a conclusion. Pre-releasing information could jeopardize the investigation, and these investigations take time. The results of the investigation for the incident that took place on October 29, 2022, a male was arrested and charged with multiple charges and is pending a court date. Mayor Llewellyn also read the December Police Report to council and the public.  Mayor Llewellyn brought to the attention of council that there’s been multiple cars driven down the hillside on the backside of Edgewood and Duquesne Avenues. The suggestion would be to place a sign there. The mayor also commented that he and Chief Disso will be available on January 26th for the Junior Council Person.

10.    Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel) – Councilmember Perovich commented we are moving forward with Scenic Pittsburgh for the comprehensive plan.

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales) –

Councilmember Bayko stated there was nothing to report.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich)

Councilmember Perovich stated there was nothing to report.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub Co-chair Zack Cole)

Councilmember Shoub read the code enforcement’s December report to council and the public and added BCO Adad Hlad had one building permit for a garage.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)

Councilmember Corrales advised the residents of Trafford to keep vehicles and personal property locked up, due to several break-ins.

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub)

Councilmember Shoub stated there was nothing to report.

g.     Junior Council Person (JCP) Report

Councilmember Cardiff stated Miss. Moroca wasn’t present for this meeting.

h.     President Kris Cardiff

Councilmember Cardiff followed up with the mayor’s mention of the next JCP rotation which is going to be the police department on January 26th.  The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs from Harrisburg will be doing a statewide article about the JCP. Councilmember Cardiff went on to thank the Mayor Llewellyn, Councilmembers Corrales and Perovich for making the JCP program a success. In March we will be looking forward to doing an exchange meeting with our neighboring Irwin Borough.


11.    Motion to approve Resolution 1-2023 Fee Schedule

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


12.    Motion to approve Resolution 2-2023 Police Pension Member Contribution

• The Borough of Trafford Police Pension Plan are hereby set at 0% of compensation for calendar years 2018, 2019 and at 1% of compensation for calendar years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated that an audit is being performed on the pension for the last five years and this is something that needed to be stated that the Police did not pay compensation for those two years and they are moving forward at the 1% for 2023. Nothing is changing with the contract.  

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


13.    Motion to ratify bonus to Tony Gockel for $825.00 for performing foreman duties for 11 weeks.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: ROLL CALL VOTE- Councilmember Bayko-Yes, Councilmember Cardiff -No, Councilmember Corrales-No, Councilmember Perovich- Yes, Councilmember Shoub- Yes.

Motion Carries 3, 2, 2 (Absent)     


14.    Motion to approve Penn Trafford New as the official newspaper for Trafford Borough for 2023

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.      Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: Councilmember indicated there is a correction to say Penn Franklin News

d.      Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  


15.    Motion to approve Resolution 3-2023 Disposition of Records

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.      Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated this resolution is to cover all requirements we are following under the county municipal records manual prior to 2016 for record retention.

d.      Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  

16.    Motion to approve Ordinance 1-2023; 188-62 Parking Prohibited at all Times, Meadow Street change

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion: Manager Peticca stated this is just the follow up to the advertised motion prior.

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


New Business

*     Vacancy in Planning Commission, Recreation Board (2 openings), and Representative for Westmoreland Heritage Trail.

Manager Peticca- if anyone has any questions contact the borough office. We will need a letter of interest for those wanting to apply.

*     Girl Scout cookies selling March 4th, 5th, ,10th, 11th, 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th.


Motion on the floor to allow The Girl Scouts of the USA to sell cookies in the library parking lot on March 4th, 5th, 10th, 11th, 18th, 19th, 25th, and 26th.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


*     Comprehensive Plan committee

Councilmember Cardiff would like to form a committee not just of council. It would start out with council as the plan is put together, then will branch out to the public.

Manager Peticca indicated we would like to have involvement from residents and business owners to be part of this. We will need to arrange meetings accordingly.


Councilmember Perovich stated we would like to have 5-6 volunteers participate.


Old Business

*     Cavitt Avenue Parking Lot

Manager Peticca- this item was originally tabled, now we need to progress forward with a bid or auction. The bid may have been too high last time, as there was no interest.

Recommendation to list the Cavitt Ave parking lot at $18,000.00.

Motion on the floor to auction the parking lot at Cavitt Ave with a minimum bid of $18,000.00.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Cardiff advised the auctioneers to handle the process. Manager Peticca corrected the motion on the floor- to advertise.

Councilmember Cardiff asked Councilmember Corrales if he would like to amend the motion on the floor to Advertise a public auction setting the minimum bid of $18,000.00.


Motion on the floor amended to Advertise a public auction of the Cavitt Ave parking lot setting the minimum bid of $18,000.00.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No discussion

d.     Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)


17.    Adjournment

a.         Announce the next regular council meeting for Tuesday, February 7 th, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. Discussion Meeting will be held on February 21st, 2023, at 6:30 PM.

b.         Move to adjourn: Councilmember Shoub

c.         Second: Councilmember Corrales  

d.         Discussion: No discussion

e.         Vote: 5, 0, 2 (Absent)  










Respectfully submitted.

Nina Mulnix- Borough Secretary