1.     Call to Order


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by: Nina Mulnix


Council present: Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub


Council not present: Councilmember Batzel, Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cole.  


Other staff present: Solicitor Craig Alexander, Borough Manager Jaime Peticca, Code Enforcement Officer Andrea McCord, Borough Secretary Nina Mulnix, Engineer Don Glenn, Fire Chief Brian Lindbloom.


4.     Notice of Executive Session held September 06, 2022, for matters of personnel and litigation.


Announcement from Solicitor Alexander: Agenda item # 15 has a typographical error. Motion should read Motion to Approve Advertising of Ordinance 3-2022 replacing Prefabricated Metal Storage Sheds 202-24 and replacing it with a new 202-24, entitled Storage Containers.


5.    Council President Kris Cardiff to administer the PSAB Junior Council Person to Trafford Borough’s JCP member, Ally Moraca.


Response: Councilmember Cardiff thanked Councilmembers Perovich and Corrales for putting the Jr Council Program together. We are very excited about the program. At this time Miss Moraca was sworn in.


6.     Approve the August 2nd, 2022, Regular Council Meeting Minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion: No Discussion  

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 Absent    


7.     Approve the September 06, 2022, expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Corrales    

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion: No Discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 Absent


8.     Public Comment

Councilmember Cardiff to provide response after each resident completes their comments.

a.      Public Comment for all matters which the public has concern.  No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point.

b.     Public comment for motions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for

c.      Borough Response


Lynwood Leeman (334 4th Street) Mr. Leeman has concerns regarding the numerous street openings and unfinished sidewalks within the borough. He would like to know does council and the borough oversee what the utility companies do?  There was a concern over the garbage ordinance, people that live in the borough need to be told that an ordinance exists. There was work done by the light company, they installed new poles and there are hazards by the uncompleted work and the concrete needs to be completed.



Ms. Peticca- The borough gathered the list of streets that need to be addressed. The borough will be reaching out to all the utility companies to follow through with the work that needs to be completed.

Councilmember Cardiff: The garbage concerns can be addressed by the borough and the information regarding garbage collection procedure can be posted on our website.


Mark Kozubal (14 Meadow Street) Thanked the borough for the removal of the debris on Forbes Road. Mr. Kozubal stated the gas company mentioned to him there is a small gas leak down on his property and he would like to see that repaired before the borough spends the money to have Meadow Street paved.



Ms. Peticca- The borough will contact the gas company to repair the leak.


Mark Bittner (130 Bradford Sq Drive) Addressing some concerns about the condition of the road on Hillcrest, the road is creating unsafe driving conditions and it’s posing many difficulties to maneuver around in that area by foot or vehicle. Would like to know when we will see the completed repairs.



Engineer Don Glenn- Depending on the weather the Hillcrest project is slated to start on Thursday September 8th. The finished project should be completed within one week.


Mark Frydrych (8 Meadow Street). Quick update to council, there have been a few improvements on Meadow Street. The residents are still seeing garbage placed out before the designated day. There has been an ongoing neighbor dispute and I would like to see more police coverage. Can we confirm how many times a street in the borough gets patrolled? Would like to see some accountability. Would like to know if the container will be removed before paving starts on Meadow Street? How can there be more communication from Council and the borough to resolve the issues within the borough? Would like to see that addressed.



Ms. Peticca-We can have code address the garbage issue.

Councilmember Cardiff- The borough will pass on the concern regarding police coverage and other police questions to the Mayor and Chief of Police.


Renee Kociela (144 Jackson Avenue) There has been communication with Waste Management, and I have some information from the claims department. The claim was misplaced with a change of their staff, but they said that the borough would be receiving a check in a few days. Mrs. Kociela stated she is excited to know that the curb is going to be repaired and is hoping the road will be as well.


Response: Solicitor Alexander There has been communication with Waste Management and the borough manager. The claim is to remain open until everything is resolved and repaired.


9.     Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

a.      Report Submitted: 1st part of the report, the contractor expects to move on to Hillcrest as early as Thursday. 2nd thing is item # 14 on the agenda, we’ve been in contact with the DEP about the flow meter process and what the borough plans to do about the process.

b.     Public comment on Mr. Glenn’s report: No comments or questions.

c.      Glenn Engineering dismissed from meeting


10.  Mayor’s Report: Emergency Services Report was handed out to council.  


11.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel) Perovich- Nothing to report

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales) Corrales- The councilmembers have been meeting with the borough manager to discuss and prepare the 2023 budget.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich) Perovich- Recreation received a donation form the Penn Trafford School District, and the next activity is the upcoming Halloween activity. There are some concerns about the walking trail that need to be addressed.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole) Shoub- Special note and thank you was made to Code for all the efforts made since her hire date, the amount of income brought in has surpassed the amount budgeted. Code Enforcement read her report.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko) Corrales- The Mayor’s report was read out loud. A traffic detailed is also being conducted throughout the borough regarding speeding complaints.  

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub) Shoub- Nothing to report

g.     President Kris Cardiff- Our new Junior Council person Ally Moraca read her introduction essay to council and attendees. President Cardiff read his report. During the next several months Miss Moraca will be cycling through all the municipal departments and other communities to gain knowledge of local government. Upcoming discussion meeting we will have some state representatives and senators in attendance to demonstrate a small presentation. President Cardiff also extended a thank you to all of council for their time and commitment.


12.  Approve Ordinance 2-2022 to amend the PMRS benefit contribution to $1,250.00 per non uniform employee per quarter.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion- No discussion

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)   


13.  Motion to ratify the Public Works Contract for the next four (4) years 2023-2026.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion- No discussion  

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)     


14.  Motion to approve the Flow meter installation per the DEP consent order on Forbes Road as advised by Borough Engineer.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales  

c.      Discussion- Mr. Glenn mentioned this information earlier in his report.   

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)       


15.  Motion to approve Ordinance 3-2022 replacing Prefabricated Metal Storage Sheds 202-24 and replacing it with a new 202-24, entitled Storage Containers.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub  

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich  

c.      Discussion- Corrales asked what is the difference? Current section is prefabricated sheds, the borough wanted to make it any prefabricated metal container, also including dumpster and group into one ordinance under the container family. Including all containers used for storage.

d.     Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)       



16.  New Business. The borough made mention for public interest of the parking lot on Cavitt Ave. The lot is owned by the borough it is up for sale, and the lot is a commercial piece of property.


17.  Old Business. No old business.


18.  Adjournment

a.      Announce the next regular meeting for Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

b.     Move to adjourn

c.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub  

d.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

e.      Discussion- There is a correction to the location of the meeting, it is to be held in the Manchester Room.

f.      Vote: 4, 0, 3 (Absent)  





Respectfully Submitted,

Nina M Mulnix