1.     Call to Order


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by


Council present: Councilmember Batzel, Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff,

Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub  


Council not present: Councilmember Cole  


Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Borough Manager Peticca, Code Enforcement McCord, Borough Secretary Mulnix, Solicitor Dice, Engineer Glenn, Chief Lindbloom.


4.     Notice of Executive Session held July 5th, 2022, for matters of personnel.


5.     Approve the June 7th, 2022, regular meeting minutes.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Perovich  

b.   Second: Councilmember Corrales    

c.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


6.     Approve the June 7th, 2022, expense voucher list.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.   Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.   Discussion

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


7.     Public Comment

Councilmember Cardiff to provide response after each resident completes their comments.

a.    Dolores Sutton (601 Brinton Ave) Ms. Sutton was attacked on her porch by a pit-bull. It was brought up in the June meeting that the same dog attacked her friend.  Ms. Sutton called 911 and the police called the dog catcher. Can the borough enforce the leash ordinance? Is there a residency tax in the borough?  Can the weeds in the lot where the bank building was torn down be addressed, and who owns the lot?


Response: The borough stated to make sure 911 is called when the dog is seen off its leash.

Councilmember Perovich answered Ms. Suttons question about the residency tax, Berkheimer has exemptions listed on their website.

Councilmember Cardiff explained that the VFD owns the lot, and the Fire Chief replied that the weeds will be taken care of by the end of the week. 


b.   Theresa Severino (317 E Edgewood Ave) There is a neighbor that has rust junk vehicles on his property and continues to add more junk. There is also high grass and weeds.


Response: Councilmember Cardiff stated a Code complaint form needs to be completed and turned into the office for code to investigate.  


c.   Logan Irdi (234 E Fairmont Ave) Requesting to add flowers to all local borough parks and properties. Would like to discuss the possibility of bringing a skatepark to Trafford up by East Edgewood Ave.

Response:  Councilmember Cardiff stated that those requests are typically submitted thru the Recreation Board. 

Councilmember Batzel replied to Mr. Irdi he will mention this skatepark idea to the Recreation Board, and he would like to speak to Mr. Irdi after the meeting.

Councilmember Cardiff stated that there have been groups of volunteers who have planted flowers in the past. As for the skate park that would be a question for the Recreation Board.


d.   Mark Frydrych (7 Meadow St) Agenda item Meadow St parking needs to be discussed. The residents need to be able to park on the street to get out of their house safely. It’s very dangerous for them to have to go out their backdoor and down 2 flights of stairs. There are individuals blocking the street and not parking on their property. That’s where our problem comes in.


Response: Councilmember Cardiff stated Meadow Street is on the agenda and will be addressed later in the meeting.


e.   Donald Temsick (8 Forbes Rd) Mr. Temsick lives at 4315 Jackson Court Murrysville but owns property at 8 Forbes Rd. Mr. Temsick is suggesting parking on both sides of Meadow Street.   Mr. Temsick shared some complaints about high grass from his neighbors and handed out pictures. He informed us of a neighbor dispute that took place while he was cutting grass close to his neighbor’s fence. Mr. Temsick spoke about burn barrels and asked how many feet from the property line are they permitted to be located?

Response:  Councilmember Cardiff stated the borough response will be addressed with the Meadow Street discussion on the agenda.


f.    Renee Kociela (144 Jackson Ave) Following up from June meeting. The catch basin at top of the driveway, was temporarily fixed. When are permanent repairs going to be completed?

When is the Waste Management claim going to be followed up on?  Mrs. Kociela provided our solicitor with information regarding the claim and wanted to know if anything was followed up on. Are there repairs and paving scheduled for Jackson Avenue?


Response:  Councilmember Shoub stated that it will take some time to get the other sewage projects complete and then Public Works can look at the driveway on Jackson Ave. Ms. Peticca replied to Mrs. Kociela there has not been a response from Waste Management regarding the damage to her property.



g.   Jesse Dapra (10 Forbes Rd) Provided documents for reference. There was a Police report filed on a neighbor for trespassing.  The police never came to the scene but took a statement over the phone. The neighbor is storing building materials that never move on his property, the bushes are overgrown, and they are cross onto Mr. Dapra’s property. The neighbor is a nuisance to the entire street with his actions and how he behaves. Council, please do your best to try and resolve this in a timely manner.


Response:  Councilmember Cardiff stated a borough response will be addressed with the Meadow Street discussion on the agenda.


h.   Annie Grills (425 Fairmont) Question about the new application for landlord. Is this being enforced or grandfathered in?  Do tenants have to reapply? 


Response:  Ms. Peticca stated the Landlord Rental Registration is a form that was just recently implemented, and it will be used any time there is a change of tenant.  The form requires basic information tenant name, phone number, and how many people are residing at the property.  It can not be enforced for previous tenants.

Solicitor Dice advised that it cannot be enforced for previous tenants. Ms. Dice stated that if you have a building that has tenants that didn’t get the proper occupancy permit, there are other avenues that can be used instead of using the most recent ordinance to regulate it or go about it to regulate it.   

Councilman Perovich stated that it can be a safety issue as well. 

Ms. Dice stated that you can still regulate it moving forward with the current information.  Mayor Llewellyn stated, “if you have someone fill out the form and state that 2 people are living there, when in reality there are 12 people living there, is there something that can be done?” 

Ms. Dice- It depends on how our ordinance is written.



i.    Melissa Edwards (1 Meadow Street) Discussed at the last meeting parking needs to be residential on Meadow Street. Ms. Edwards has been unable to park in front of her residence. The neighbor has cars always parked in the front of her house daily making it impossible to park.


Response: Councilman Cardiff stated a borough response will be addressed with the Meadow Street discussion on the agenda.


Any other further response at this time:  Councilman Corrales stated that in response to Mr. Dapra and the police officer not showing up, that will be investigated. 


8.     Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

  1. Report submitted: Mr. Glenn: The Consent order progress report for the DEP, needs signed. Paragraph #7of the order stated we had to do a storm project and we had to reduce the flow amount by10%. The work on Hillcrest Drive is a layer of solid rock to start and the progress has been slow moving.  The Hillcrest project is to be completed by the end of July. The sanitary sewers, tapping the laterals and installing the storm sewars will complete the work. By the end of August Meadow Street should be started. 
  2. Public comment on Mr. Glenn’s report: no public comment.  
  3. Glenn Engineering dismissed from the meeting.



9.     Mayor’s Report: Mayor Llewellyn read the June police report. Mayor Llewellyn would like to mention there are foot patrols and monitoring of traffic happening throughout the borough. Chief Disso received a complaint on June 1st regarding an overflow of traffic and not enough parking during an event at the South Trafford ballfield. Chief Lindbloom provided pictures to council to show the cars going into neighbors’ yards. This is an annual problem and would like the borough to look at ideas for different parking alternatives and possibly staggering game times. Mayor Llewellyn stated that it is a very rare occurrence that the parking issue happens at the fields.  There are only 2 teams that play on the field.


Response: Councilmember Cardiff stated that it would be good to explore all options to see what is best. 


10.   Committee Reports

a.   Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel)- Mr. Perovich stated he will let President Cardiff read his report on behalf of the community and economic development item. 

b.   General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales)- Councilmember Bayko reported on the progress at the borough office. Ms. Peticca personally thanked Councilmember Bayko for all her assistance in the office while the office was operating without a secretary for several weeks. 

c.   Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich) – Councilmember Batzel stated that there is nothing to report at this time. 

d.   Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole) – Councilmember Shoub stated he had nothing to report. Code Enforcement read her report.

e.   Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)- Councilmember Corrales stated National Night out is next month on August 2nd.  It will be held before the council meeting. Councilmember Corrales reached out to PennDOT regarding the Route 130 concerns with truck traffic and received a name and number to contact to discuss the matter.

f.    Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub)- Councilmember Shoub stated there was no report.  Councilmember Cardiff stated there was an initial meeting with personnel to discuss negotiations of the Public Works contract. A follow up meeting with union representatives is scheduled on July 12th to further discuss the contract.  A date to remember is August 15th for the article about storm water updates in the Penn Franklin News. The deadline for that publication will be at the end of July.

g.   President Kris Cardiff- The unveiling of the Wings Across Westmoreland is scheduled for 10:00 AM Saturday July 9th in the Trafford Borough parking lot. The event is open to the public. The Cultural Trust will be there along with newspaper and local officials in the area. Trafford Borough would like to extend a special thanks to Saint Marks Church for fully funding this project. Councilmember Perovich stated this is a nice way to display the history of the town alongside the Westmoreland Cultural trust and other various communities that have also been participating.  Councilmember Cardiff was approached about the Borough’s amusement tax fees.  The borough’s fee schedule is higher than other local municipalities. There is a need to reevaluate what we charge in comparison to other communities. A brainstorming session for Trafford Community Day is underway with the organization of a committee. Councilmember Perovich, residents and other volunteers will meet on July 12th at 7:00 pm in the Manchester Room for a meeting. The borough would like to coincide the Community Day event along with the heritage trail event next year at the B-Y Park. More details to come.   



11.  Motion to ratify the MOU with Public Works modifying the wage scale for Laborer II.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.   Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.   Discussion- No discussion.  

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


12.  Motion to accept Jeremiah Blasik’s resignation from the Recreation Board effective 6/13/22.  

a.   Motion: Councilmember Batzel

b.   Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.   Discussion- No discussion.

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


13.  Motion to advertise for Recreation Board member position with term ending 2024. Deadline to apply by July 22nd, 2022.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Batzel

b.   Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.   Discussion- No discussion.  

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


14.  Motion to approve Quest Diagnostics to manage random drug screening test for borough employees.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.   Second: Councilmember Batzel

c.   Discussion- No discussion.  

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent  


15.  Motion to approve Jaime Peticca as the Westmoreland TCC (tax collection committee) for Trafford borough and Mayor Edward Llewellyn as the alternate.  

a.   Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.   Second: Councilmember Batzel

c.   Discussion- TCC has representatives from local municipalities and those representative attends scheduled meetings. Mayor Llewellyn accepted being the alternate.  

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


16.  Motion to hire Charles Sisler for Public Works full time employee at $21.62 per hour.  

a.   Motion: Councilmember Batzel

b.   Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.   Discussion- This is a replacement position.  

d.   Vote:  6, 0, 1 absent


17.   Motion to approve the Borough Covid-19 policy to follow all CDC guidelines with no paid time off for any employee that contracts the virus.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.   Second: Councilmember Batzel

c.   Discussion- No discussion.

d.   Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent


18.   Motion to hire a Part-time police officer

a.   Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.   Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.   Discussion- Position is to replace an employee. Mayor Llewellyn stated there is an officer ready to hire.

d.   Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent


19.  Motion to advertise to amend Chapter 152-14 Registration of Abandoned Real Property to include Vacant property registration.

a.   Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.   Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.   Discussion- Andréa explained the fees associated with an abandoned property, including vacant property and how it will allow the borough to collect on those properties.

d.   Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent


20.  Motion to advertise to amend Chapter 160-43 Sewers to include sewer lateral inspection at the time of sale or transfer of property.  

a.   Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.   Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.   Discussion- Councilmember Perovich asked what is different? Manager Peticca responded as of right now the current sewer lateral is valid for 3 years regardless of change of status. We are suggesting the verbiage state a sewer later would be required when the property is transferred or sold regardless of timespan past since last inspection.

d.   Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent



21.  Motion to advertise to amend Chapter 114 to include regulations of Dumpsters and placement of garbage.  

a.   Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.   Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.   Discussion- Ms. Peticca provided a quick overview.  A permit is going to be required anytime a roll off or container of any type is on the road or property.  Updated garbage can placement to state that garbage containers must be brought back in a timely fashion.  Andréa stated that the garbage cans are being left out all the time. 

d.   Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent


22.  New business.

  1. Commercial Parking discussion for Adrian Avenue and possible action.  

Councilmember Shoub stated that there is a portion of the road commercial trucks use to be allowed to park by permit. However, all roads leading to the area where trucks park have weight limits. Councilmember Shoub suggested to rescind the ordinance.   


Mayor Llewellyn asked about parking for public non-commercial vehicles. 


Solicitor Dice advised the way the lot is now, there is liability issues due to spurring of concrete and defective areas.  If the borough didn’t fix these issues first, it could be a hazard and liability to the borough.  Legal recommendation is to bring the lot to the standards and pave the lot.  Rescind the ordinance and recommend no parking of any vehicles currently.


Motion to rescind the Ordinance of Commercial Parking on Adrian Avenue only in that area.

    1. Motion:  Councilmember Shoub
    2. Second:  Councilmember Corrales
    3. Discussion:  Bayko asked if there is an ordinance specific to Adrienne Ave.

Councilmember Perovich said that the sign would be removed. 

    1. Roll Call vote: 5, 1, 1 absent

Batzel - yes, Bayko – yes, Cardiff- yes, Corrales- yes, Perovich – no, Cole -absent, Shoub – yes.


  1.  Mayor Llewellyn asked about the status of sidewalk installation on the Mellon property. Is there a date that has been agreed as part of the agreement? Councilmember Shoub and Chief Lindbloom agreed that quotes are to be obtained on the handicapped portion of the sidewalk.    


23.  Old Business- Discussion regarding Meadow Street parking and possible action.


Mayor Llewellyn- Questioned the parking options to park on private property, why not park on private property instead of the public road. Is residential permit parking only an option? 


Councilmember Bayko- Answered Mayor Llewellyn, yes residential permitted parking is an option.


Solicitor Dice – Stated that you can have residential parking only. With residential permit parking everyone

who owns property on the street would have access to park there since they own land in the borough.  Ms. Dice further examined the layout/ width of the street, and the issues it creates for emergency services.  Adjoining properties to the street are also entitled to on street residential parking. You cannot discriminate against others. The opinion is should the borough decide to enforce residential permit parking there are ways going thru the proper avenues, it would allow a residential permit to be issued for whoever would be living there. The property owner would have to prove that there is a resident living on the property, and they would be entitled to get a residential permit. The neighbor stated there were 2 apartments in the building when he purchased it. Council also must be aware that the street is only 17 1/2 ft wide and for emergency purposes you may not want anyone parking on the street because you want to get emergency vehicles thru, it is a concern for council from a safety standpoint especially if you have cars parked on one side of the street. With permit parking there will be issues for visitors when they do not have a permit to park on your street. Ms. Dice encourages Council to go back to the borough engineer and emergency services to see if permit parking is the safest way to go. 


Mark Frydrych- Stated it has been this way for many years and never had a problem. Issues have occurred since the neighbor has been there with his business. The neighbor aggravates the neighborhood by parking right out in front of the houses and blocks access to the properties. The residents have physical therapist and nurses that come to take care of them, and this creates a parking issue for them.   


Ms. Dice- Stated that if residential parking is in effect those nurses and Physical Therapists can still not park on the street either. 


Councilmember Cardiff- The street is scheduled to get paved. Councilmember Shoub will partner with Don Glenn to get the specifics of the project.


Melissa Edwards- The only time there is difficulty parking is when the neighbor or his employee parks one of their vehicles on the street. He is the only one there have been issues with, and it’s being done intentionally.  Can we restrict what kind of vehicles access the street or park on it? 


Ms. Dice- Stated there are weight limits on streets and his vehicles won’t reach those limits.  Dice believes that it is council’s decision to decide if this is safe to do and councils prerogative as to whether they want to allow residential parking only.  There are other issues if there is a business being operated out of this parcel?  The individual states that no commercial vehicles or business is registered to Meadow Street. 


Councilmember Cardiff- There needs to be a resolution and make sure it is the correct decision. Our focus is the solution to Meadow Street only. The other matters are civil disputes. Councilmember Shoub will have the information to the right of way and where the boundaries are. Councilmember Cardiff asked council to gather all the information and put a solution to this and do it the right way.

Melissa Edwards:  Please understand that in the meantime that if emergency services can not get down the street, it is not the fault of anyone that currently lives on Meadow Street.


Councilmember Cardiff – Replied to Ms. Edwards that 911 would need to be called for any emergency. Mayor, please ensure with police that Meadow Street is enforced.   


  1. Adjournment
    1. Announce the next regular meeting for Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.
    2. Move to adjourn

Motion:  Councilperson Shoub

Second:  Councilperson Corrales

Discussion: No discussion.  

Vote: 6, 0, 1 absent






Respectfully Submitted,

Nina Mulnix