1.     Call to Order- 7:02 pm


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by Jaime Peticca


4.     Council present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Cole, Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub, Councilmember Batzel

5.     Council not present: none

6.     Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Craig Alexander, Jaime Peticca and Public Works Foreman Lou Corrales.


7.     Notice of Executive Sessions held today May 3rd, 2022, for matters of personnel.


8.     Approve the April 5th, 2022, regular meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Batzel

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Vote:  6,0


9.     Approve the May 3rd, 2022, expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Batzel

c.      Vote:  Yes 6,0


10.  Public Comment

a.      Lynnwood Leeman (334 Fourth Street) has a concern regarding motorist not stopping at the 2 stops sings on Edgewood and 4th and 4th and Fairmont.  Also, residents are placing their garbage out very early prior to pick up.  Ms. Leeman also inquired about the old tee-shirt building on Cavitt and 5th St.  (Borough Response- Casey Shoub said that Adam Hlad (BCO contacted the owner, and the owner has not been very responsive.  Andréa McCord has been in contact with owner).

b.     Mark Horgas- (132 State Route 130) has concerns regarding trucks (Clean Harbors Company) oversized vehicles, flatbeds, with large, oversized generators going up and down on the street. 

(Borough Response- the process for the construction work is over.  PennDot has not notified the borough of any additional work at this time).

c.      Mark Frydrych (Meadow St) Has concerns regarding all of the construction being conducted in an R-1 district on Meadow St.  He observed a small child walking to school who was almost injured by the trucks.  This area is zoned residential and there is a commercial building, what is going to be done? There is a lot of trash also from the commercial activity as well.  (Borough Response- Mayor Llewellyn said that they will have a meeting with Chief of Police and discuss all options including but not limited to parking permits for the road. 


11.  Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering- Absent




12.  Mayor’s Report- Mayor Llewellyn read the monthly Police report.


13.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel)- Westmoreland County Borough’s Association are celebrating 70 years.  June 4th is the Westmoreland Heritage Trail Festival

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales)- Jaime Peticca was introduced as the new Borough Manager.  She is getting acclimated into the borough and new position. 

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich) No parking at pavilions – there is unloading allowed for a short time, but cars must be parked then in the designated areas.  Also, no ATV’s are permitted in the park.  Everyone that has dogs must pick up after them.  The summer program is starting June 13th thru August 5th ages 6-12.  Please go to traffordborough.com and register online.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole) – Is any resident as an issue, they will be asked to fill out a complaint form for any issues relating to code.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)- Trafford clean up days May 7th Volunteers are needed 12-8 Friday to assist in litter removal.

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub)- no report

g.     President Kris Cardiff- Westmoreland heritage Trail Trial Towns Festival (community group and a local non-profit).  To help out please sign up on their website at www.westmorelandheritagetrail.com.  Special thanks to Chris Corrales for organizing clean up days.  Wings Across Westmoreland – the borough is going to have the wings on the parking lot of the borough building.


14.  Approve Council President Kris Cardiff to advertise the full-time Public Works Position upon further ratification.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Cole

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  6,0



15.  Accept the resignation of Borough Secretary, Shannon Ulishney, effective May 2nd, 2022

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Vote:  6,0


16.  Approve PTARC’s staff list for the 2022 Playground Program

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  6,0


17.  Approve Magill’s Auto Service, Inc. as the Borough’s official towing and recovery provider.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Corrales

b.     Second: Councilmember Batzel

c.      Discussion: Musser’s has retired, Magill’s is the closest.

d.     Vote:  6,0


18.  Approve the hire of Nina Mulnix for the Borough Secretary position at an hourly rate of $20.00

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  6,0


19.  Approve the Rental Registration form for properties that have tenants to be added to the Quality of Life ordinance.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote: 6,0


20.  Approve the use of Lux Fitness to use the grassy area in BY Park this summer for an hour on Saturday’s for a $10.00 per use fee.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote: 6,0


21.   New Business- Trafford Softball is starting please remember that there are no dogs allowed.


22.   Adjournment

a.      Announce the next regular meeting for Tuesday, June 7th, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

b.     Move to adjourn 7:37 PM

c.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

d.     Second: Councilmember Cole

e.      Vote: 6,0