1.     Call to Order- 7:02 pm


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by Shannon Ulishney


4.     Council present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Cole, Councilmember Corrales, Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub

5.     Council not present: Councilmember Batzel

6.     Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Solicitor Craig Alexander, Engineer Don Glenn, Fire Chief Lindbloom and Public works foreman Lou Corrales.


7.     Notice of Executive Sessions held March 10, 16, 22, and 28, 2022, for matters of personnel- Also today, April 5, 2022, for matters of personnel and legal.


8.     Approve the March 1, 2022, regular meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Cole

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Vote:  6,0


9.     Approve the April 5, 2022, expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Cole

c.      Vote:  Yes 6,0


10.  Public Comment

a.      Dave Mascara- (5 Westmoreland Rd) has a concern about the condition of his road. There are big pieces of asphalt all over the road. The gravel parts on the road are a safety hazard for delivery drivers, homeowners and guests that come to the street. Mr. Mascara has already fallen on this road. (Borough Response- Casey Shoub will go up to Westmoreland Rd. in the morning to look at the property- it was noted that the road is very wide, and this can cause for patching not sticking due to no base)

b.     Delores Sutton- (601 Brinton Ave) Ms. Sutton wants to thank council for installing the security cameras on the corner of 6th and Brinton. She said she noticed a decrease in crime due to the cameras. Citizens in the Highrise have also praised this change.

Ms. Sutton would also like to know if there is an ordinance in the borough for pets to be on leashes and if signs are up regarding dog waste on the sidewalks. (Borough Response- there is a dog leash law, and you can pull this up online. Having a new code officer this will be addressed, however, Solicitor Alexander said it is hard to enforce because you do need a witness to take this to the magistrate. Even filming the dog waste, you would need a witness that took the footage for this to be taken to the local magistrate.)

c.      Teresa Severino- (317 E Edgewood Ave) would like to know if the Borough would be able to sponsor citizens from Ukraine with all the rentals in Trafford. (Borough Response- This is something that would need to be looked at with a local church. They would handle any donations for a situation like this.)

d.     Mark Frydrych-(7 Meadow St)- has had an ongoing issue with his neighbor across the street with parking, operating a commercial business out of a residential property, road being blocked, a bonfire that burned 2 vehicles, harassment when neighbor entered Mr. Frydrych’s home, charges were filed with magistrate office. (Borough Response- councilmember Cole said he would be just as mad about this situation. There are construction vehicles all over the road, and garbage blowing all around. Council suggested to have parking permits for the residents until a better solution can be done. This could be put on the agenda next month to have parking permits. The homeowner was taken to the magistrate in 2015 and was charged with 3 separate code violations. Harassment charges were filed at magistrate’s office in March. The property owner appealed, and there is another date scheduled for charges to be filed on May 12th. Solicitor Alexander will attend and advised Mr. Frydrych to attend as well.)

e.      Mark Horgas- (132 7th St Ext)- St Route 130 has increasing truck traffic. Brian Walker from Penn Dot suggested that council write a letter to Penn Dot to request a speed study. Cars and bicycles have increased, and they are exceeding the 35-mph speed limit. The trail crossing on Forbes Rd. is dangerous because pedestrians just walk right out in front of cars. He also wants borough to be aware that there are a lot of feral cats on his road. (Borough Response- The Mayor said there is an article that the regulation is no longer called J-Brakes, but brake retarders, and this cannot be enforced by local authorities unless there is written approval from the department of transportation. The Penn Dot rep requested a letter from the Borough to do this speed study. Police will look into the trail crossing situation, and they will also see if there is an issue with the feral cats.)

f.      Fred Widhalm- (306 First St)- Issue on Murrysville Rd next to his property is that the hillside is washing away, and he wants to know if the borough is going to do anything about this. Casey Shoub was out to look at this to see what could be done if anything. (Borough Response- Don Glenn and Casey Shoub went to property before the meeting, and tomorrow Don Glenn will give his recommendations on how to rectify.)

g.     Jeremiah Blasik- (222 Duquesne Ave)- Mr. Blasik wanted to introduce himself to council and hopes to be approved to serve the Rec Board this evening. (Borough Response- Council said that Mr. Blasik’s approval to join the rec board is on the agenda tonight.)

h.     Kenneth Meyer-(229 First St)- The deer are eating everything on his property, and his neighbors feed them regularly. He wanted to know if the borough plans to put in an ordinance against feeding deer. (Borough Response- the borough does not have an ordinance in place currently for feeding deer. The only code is that you may not own deer as a pet. This issue will be re-visited to see if an ordinance needs to be put in place regarding feeding deer.)


11.  Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

a.      CFA grant received concerning the 2021 demolition project is $197,200.00. Minnifield’s contract to raze 236/240 Cavitt Ave, 302 Duquesne Ave, 412 First St and 15030 Murrysville St totaling $145,015.19. This leaves a balance of $52,184.81 of grant money available.

b.     10% engineering fees are eligible to be paid from the grant, therefore, $14,501.00 is eligible to be invoiced for engineering. CFA grant shall reimburse the borough $14,501.00

c.      Lawson Excavating was authorized to install a drain to capture water from a spring discharging onto 8th St. The borough will pay the contractor $6,030.

d.     Cost estimate to repair Jackson St damaged by a garbage truck will be $9,551.67

e.      Bradford Square #2 (Maronda Homes, Inc) installed a force main which was not inspected by the borough. The house laterals were not installed according to the plans which defines private vs public ownership. Until these matters are resolved the street and force main shall remain ownership and maintained by Maronda Homes. The borough will not take over until the issues are amicably resolved. Letters were mailed to Maronda homes on March 15th and 17th with no response to date.

f.      LSA grant application was submitted by Glenn Engineering for resurfacing and storm sewer of East Homewood, repaving East Gilmore plus the intersection of East Fairmont and Bruce.

g.     A letter was sent again to Norfolk Southern Railroad on March 11, 2022- initial letters were sent on December 13, 2017, June 21, 2018, and February 11, 2019, with no response. This is in regard to the westerly underpass. The letter states that the railroad has been put on notice that there are concrete deficiencies, and pedestrian railings have collapsed. In the event of an accident the railroad shall be responsible and liable.

h.     There will be a pre-construction meeting with Westmoreland County, Trafford Borough and Glenn Engineering before work can begin on Meadow St.


12.  Mayor’s Report

a.      Monthly police report March 2022- 4 accidents, 1 assault, 22 assists, 2 burglaries, 3 criminal mischiefs, 9 DC/Disturbances, 10 domestics, 5 drug violations, 2 harassments, 1 juvenile complaints, 1 public drunkenness, 40 service calls, 30 suspicious activities, 2 thefts, 2 warranty services, 134 documented calls, 15 citations issued, 10 criminal complaints to date.


13.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development (Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel)- The gifted students at PT HS and middle schools looked around Trafford in the fall to pick a building to repurpose. At the presentation this week they announced their plan to repurpose the building across from the borough offices. They made models to show what they would do and gave suggestions such as having a bike trail coming into town with coffee shops along side, adding a reading room in expansion of the library, adding a space for the historical society. The students are going to contact Norfolk Southern about bringing the trail into Trafford. Also, the Wings Across Westmoreland project is up for the final approval. Hoping to have an unveiling date of the wings in May.

b.     General Government & Finance (Chair Pat Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales)- Several strong candidates were interviewed for the borough manager vacancy. Council did extend an offer, and they are excited to see what the new manager will do for Trafford. Council is stepping up in the interim to take over manager duties and working on disposing and organizing of old files.

c.      Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich) there is an Easter egg hunt for this coming weekend at Westmoreland Park, approx. 63 people are already signed up.

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances (Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole) – Casey is contacting Adam about concerns that he wants Andrea to be aware of as she learns of some issues brought up at the meeting.

e.      Public Safety (Chair Chris Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)- Trafford clean up days May 7th – the borough is still looking for volunteers for this day to help pick up litter. More will be on the website this week. Anyone interested please email ccorrales@traffordborough.com

f.      Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair Casey Shoub)- no report

g.     President Kris Cardiff- Thanks council for stepping up and pitching in to fulfill the manager duties while they await the start of the new manager. Also notes that the Hillcrest project just started.


14.  Approve payment to Minniefield Demolition Services, LLC, in the amount of $145,015.19, for the 2021 Blight Remediation Project.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Cole

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Vote:  6,0



15.  Approve payment to Glenn Engineering in the amount of $14,501.00, for the 2021 Blight Remediation Project engineering fees.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Cole

c.      Vote:  6,0


16.  Approve payment of $6,030.00, to Lawson Excavating for the storm water drain installation on Eighth Street.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  6,0


17.  Approve the hire of Andrea McCord for the full-time Code Enforcement Officer position at an hourly rate of $23.00, effective March 28, 2022.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion: Councilmember Perovich notes that this will help the town greatly with her knowledge and having regular office hours.

d.     Vote:  6,0


18.  Approve the hire of Jaime Peticca for the full-time Borough Manager position with an annual salary of $65,000.00, effective April 25, 2022.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  6,0


19.  Approve Ashley Stack to provide interim consulting services, at the leisure of Council, prior to the start of the new borough manager at an hourly rate of $60.00.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion- President Cardiff notes that this will only be 2-3 hours a week to help file reports for the borough since the new manager will not be here for a few more weeks.

d.     Vote: 6,0


20.  Approve a stipend in the amount of $1,500.00, for Secretary Shannon Ulishney for her assistance with the tax collection service transition and requests for information from residents and businesses.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Discussion- Councilmember Perovich notes that this was done due to not having a tax collector, Shannon has been supplying tax information to residents and closing companies. The money was already in the budget for the previous tax collector.

d.     Vote: 6,0


21.  Accept John Granatire’s resignation as Public Works Laborer I, effective March 1, 2022.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Cole

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Vote: 6,0




22.  Approve the resolution authorizing Trafford Borough to participate in the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) Junior Council Person Program.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote: 6,0


23.  Appoint Jeremiah Blasik to the Trafford Borough Recreation Board for a term expiring December 31, 2023.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Vote:  6,0


24.   New Business- No new business


25.   Adjournment

a.      Announce the next regular meeting for Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers and the next discussion meeting for Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Manchester Room

b.     Move to adjourn 8:02 pm

c.      Motion: Councilmember Cole

d.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

e.      Vote: 6,0