1.     Call to Order


2.     Moment of Silence & Pledge of Allegiance


3.     Roll Call done by Shannon Ulishney


Council present: Councilmember Bayko, Councilmember Cardiff, Councilmember Corrales,

Councilmember Perovich, Councilmember Shoub


Council not present: Councilmember Batzel, Councilmember Cole


Other staff present: Mayor Llewellyn, Borough Manager Ashley Stack, Engineer Don Glenn and solicitor Craig Alexander


4.     Notice of Executive Session held March 1, 2022, for matters of personnel.


5.     Approve the February 15, 2022, regular meeting minutes.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Vote:  5, 0


6.     Approve the March 1, 2022, expense voucher list.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Bayko

c.      Vote:  5, 0


7.     Public Comment

a.      Delores Sutton- (601 Brinton Ave) would like to know if the borough plans on updating the business directory book because this has not been done since 2012

b.     Lynwood Leeman- (334 Fourth St) brought up a concern regarding a piece of rebar left near Memorial Park (across the street from address 412 Edgewood) He also wanted to know if the gate at the playground was fixed yet.

c.      Borough Response- President Cardiff replied to Delores Sutton that he is going to check with the Business Association because they are the ones that update this, and he will follow up with them to see when this would be done. Councilmember Shoub heard that an update was in the works, and suggested a website with current information for Trafford is www.growtrafford.com

Manager Ashley Stack replied to Lynwood Leeman that she will have public works look at the fallen rebar right away, and she said the gate has been fixed numerous times, but the kids hang on it and the hinges break. Public works will go back out again to fix in the spring.


8.     Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn Engineering

a.      The first item on the list is the Annual Waste load Management Report- Title 25 Chapter 94 of the PA code was completed by the DEP and Alcosan. The report shows the history of the sewage department in the borough and how it is functioning. A copy of the report will be given to the borough to keep on file.

b.     Glenn Engineering is working on the consent order, and should have an update early next month

c.      Glenn Engineering has been working on an LSA Grant to pave E. Gilmore from First St to Cavittsville Rd. Also included in the grant for paving is East Homewood from Bruce St to Cavittsville Rd. and lastly, the intersection of Fairmont and Bruce St. The application will be sent to Harrisburg this week.

d.     Motion 13 on the agenda is to approve the resolution to request a statewide local share assessment grant of $248,666. This quoted price was for paving of the streets only, however, councilmember Shoub brought up that off Homewood there is water running down the hill, so a storm sewer will be installed to minimize ice and preserve the roadway. Due to this change the new price needs to reflect $290,201.00

e.      Wilkinsburg Penn Water Joint is installing a new water line on Eighth Ave due to a spring causing constant water runoff. A contractor (Lawson Contracting) is already on site, so Glenn Engineering asked them to provide a quote. The proposal would tap the spring of water into the storm sewer already in place on Eighth Ave. The price includes excavation, locating the storm sewer, replacing the 4-inch line with a 6-inch line, replacing 240 Sq Ft of sidewalk, backfilling using 2B stone, replacing concrete, installing concrete and a cleanout, and putting in 40 linear ft of 6-inch pipe. The final number comes out to $6,030.00. This is under the limit to advertise and can be voted on by council to go ahead with project. Councilmember Shoub said the water company never gave the Borough the $6500.00 owed for the retaining wall on Seventh and Brinton. Glenn Engineering proposes sending a letter to Wilkinsburg Penn Water Joint asking them to pay the contractor directly through a change order, so the borough is not involved.

f.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

g.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

h.     Vote: 5, 0

i.       Public comment on Mr. Glenn’s report- Councilmember Perovich asks when the last inspection of the Railroad underpass on Stewart St was done. Don Glenn said it has been years since this was inspected, and a letter was sent at that time with no response from Norfolk Southern. Glenn Engineering will send another letter to put them on notice in case anything should happen due to the faulty condition.

j.       Glenn Engineering dismissed from meeting


9.     Administrative Reports

a.      Borough Manager- The first round of interviews for both the Borough Manager and Code Enforcement positions will be held later in the week.

b.     The borough only received one letter of interest for the open positions of 1 Rec board, 2 planning commissions and 1 vacancy board member. If anyone is interested, please contact the borough office.

c.      Sewage bills were due 2 weeks ago, and postings will occur on March 8, 2022.

d.     Bank account balances:

Ø  General Fund $577,418.00

Ø  Liquid Fuels $66, 426.00

Ø  Recreation $5,675.00

Ø  Sewage $1,010,470.37

Ø  Veterans $7,245.00

e.      Mayor- Mayor Llewellyn would first like to thank Ashley for all she has done since this is her last meeting.

f.      Monthly police report: 2 accidents, 1 assault, 16 assists (fire, ambulance, police), 3 criminal mischiefs, 6 DC/Disturbances, 8 domestics, 5 drug violations, 2 harassments, 38 service calls, 22 suspicious activities, 3 thefts, 4 warrant services, 110 documented calls, 10 citations, 7 criminal complaints.


10.   Committee Reports

a.      Community & Economic Development- Councilmember Perovich brings up that the students from the gifted program at Trafford Middle that participated in the architectural repurposing project for buildings in Trafford are going to present their work on April 4th at Trafford Middle school. The teacher will let Mr. Perovich know if he can attend on the borough’s behalf.

b.     General Government & Finance- Councilmember Bayko said they have interviews scheduled this week for the Manager position, and she hopes to find someone as great as Ashley, as it will be hard to replace her.

c.      Parks & Recreation- no report

d.     Planning, Property, & Ordinances- Councilmember Shoub said this month they had 51 sidewalk and street openings, 1 excavation permit, 5 occupancy and 8 building inspections. The complaint on Bluff St is in the process of being handled, and one complaint on Sixth St is being looked at currently.

e.      Public Safety- Councilmember Corrales said they are looking for volunteers for the clean up days on May 6th and 7th to bag up litter, and this is a good way to help your community and meet fellow residents.

f.      Public Works & Sanitation- Councilmember Shoub gives the times for clean up days (May 6th from 12-8) and (May 7th from 8-4). He also noted 3 streetlights were out this month and reported to Duquesne Light.

g.     President’s Report- Councilmember Cardiff has finished the power point slide for the junior council program and will send to the school within a week or so. He will also work with solicitor Alexander on a resolution for the April meeting to approve the program. President Cardiff also expressed his gratitude towards Ashley Stack since this is her last meeting. He referenced all she has done since 2017 and the united teamwork they have had. Ashley will help with a smooth transition for the new Manager that will take on this new role.



11.  Approve contracting services with Exelos, a COSTARS supplier, to include a server, software equipment, information technology security, and necessary licensing for the borough in the amount of $36,000.00, the contract will also include their monthly IT services at an additional rate.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion- Councilmember Bayko asks what the monthly rate will be- currently it will be approx. $917/month with the first month being free. Funds were allocated in the 2022 budget.

d.     Vote:  5, 0


12.  Approve the purchase of twenty-two (22) cameras from Monarch for $33,378.80, to be installed in the borough building, Public Works’ garage, and at various locations within the borough.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion- The cameras will be installed around the borough building, in the parks and around the town. The police will have access for 30 days of the videos. A neighboring municipality will be helping to save costs for the installation, and this amount was also allocated in the 2022 budget.

d.     Vote:  5, 0


13.  Approve the resolution to request a Statewide Local Share Assessment grant of $290,201.00 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for street resurfacing.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion- CFA funded if approved – no match on this grant

d.     Vote:  5, 0


14.  Award the contract for the Meadow Street Community Development Block Grant reconstruction project to El Grande Industries, Inc., in the amount of $106,231.75.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Shoub

c.      Discussion- This is the same contractor doing the Hillcrest Rd. project which saves due to them not needing to mobilize into town

d.     Vote:  Yes 5, 0


15.  Approve the Westmoreland Heritage Trail Chapter’s request for the BY Park rental fees to be waived for the June 4, 2022, Westmoreland Heritage Trail Towns Festival.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Perovich

b.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

c.      Discussion- this fee was waived in the past by council

d.     Vote:  5, 0


16.  Authorize a special exception for fundraising, amplified sound, and permission of licensed animals in the BY Park on Saturday, June 4, 2022, for the Westmoreland Heritage Trail Towns Festival.

a.      Motion: Councilmember Bayko

b.     Second: Councilmember Perovich

c.      Discussion- in the past there were dogs, and a pony and fundraising at the festival so the borough manager wants to be proactive in getting this authorized ahead of time.

d.     Vote:  Yes 5, 0


17.   New Business- No new business


18.   Adjournment

a.      Announce the next regular meeting for Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers

b.     Move to adjourn-7:39 pm

c.      Motion: Councilmember Shoub

d.     Second: Councilmember Corrales

e.      Vote: 5, 0