1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence & Pledge of
3. Roll Call
4. Notice of Executive Sessions held March 10,
16, 22, and 28, 2022, as well as April 5, 2022, for matters of personnel.
5. Approve the March 1, 2022, regular meeting
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
6. Approve the April 5, 2022, expense
voucher list.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No ________
7. Public Comment
a. Public Comment for all matters which the
public has concern. No public comment or
questions on agenda items will be received after this point.
b. Public comment for motions not listed on
the agenda will be received when called for
c. Borough Response
8. Report from Borough Engineer, Glenn
a. Report submitted
b. Public comment on Mr. Glenn’s report
c. Glenn Engineering dismissed from meeting
9. Mayor’s Report
10. Committee
a. Community & Economic Development
(Chair Steve Perovich/Co-chair Justin Batzel)
b. General Government & Finance (Chair Pat
Bayko/Co-chair Chris Corrales)
c. Parks & Recreation (Chair Justin
Batzel/Co-chair Steve Perovich)
d. Planning, Property, & Ordinances
(Chair Casey Shoub/Co-chair Zack Cole)
e. Public Safety (Chair Chris
Corrales/Co-chair Pat Bayko)
f. Public Works & Sanitation (Chair Zack Cole/Co-chair
Casey Shoub)
g. President Kris Cardiff
11. Approve payment to Minniefield Demolition
Services, LLC, in the amount of $145,015.19, for the 2021 Blight Remediation
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
12. Approve payment to Glenn Engineering in
the amount of $14,501.00, for the 2021 Blight Remediation Project engineering
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
13. Approve payment of $6,030.00, to Lawson
Excavating for the storm water drain installation on Eighth Street.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
14. Approve the hire of Andrea McCord for the full-time
Code Enforcement Officer position at an hourly rate of $23.00, effective March
28, 2022.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
15. Approve the hire of Jaime Peticca for the full-time Borough Manager position with an
annual salary of $65,000.00, effective April 25, 2022.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
16. Approve Ashley Stack to provide interim consulting
services, at the leisure of Council, prior to the start of the new borough
manager at an hourly rate of $60.00.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
17. Approve a stipend in the amount of
$1,500.00, for Secretary Shannon Ulishney for her
assistance with the tax collection service transition and requests for
information from residents and businesses.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
18. Accept John Granatire’s
resignation as Public Works Laborer I, effective March 1, 2022.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
19. Approve the resolution authorizing Trafford
Borough to participate in the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB)
Junior Council Person Program.
a. Motion:
b. Second:
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
20. Appoint Jeremiah Blasik
to the Trafford Borough Recreation Board for a term expiring December 31, 2023.
a. Motion: _______
b. Second: _______
c. Discussion
d. Vote:
Yes _______ No _______
21. New
22. Adjournment
a. Announce the next regular meeting for
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers and the next discussion
meeting for Tuesday, April 19, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Manchester Room
b. Move to adjourn