Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 2018, at 7:01 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Borough Secretary, Nina Solivan:

(Present)                     Kris Cardiff, President                                                         Ed Llewellyn, Mayor                                                             

                                        Carol Morrow, Vice-President                                         Craig Alexander, Solicitor          

                                        Zachary Cole                                                                           Don Glenn, Engineer         

                                        Leslie Peters                                                                            Ashely Stack, Borough Manager      

                                        Cheryl Petersen                                                                     Brian Lindbloom, Fire Chief

                                        Joshua Sanders

Casey Shoub                                 


(Absent)                       EMC John Eliyas 

Council held executive sessions on August 20, 2018, for matters of personnel and on September 4, 2018, for matters of personnel, collective bargaining negotiations, and litigation.

Minutes- A motion “to accept the minutes of the August 7, 2018, regular business meeting” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Sanders. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Payment of Bills- A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated, September 5, 2018” was made by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Public Comment

Rey Peduzzi 314 Rowe Road, Harrison City, PA 15636: Mr. Peduzzi informed council on November 11, 2018 at Memorial Park there will be a commemorative service for the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War I.  The Veteran’s Memorial committee in conjunction with the American Legion there will be an activity afterward. The ceremony is called Bells of Peace which is held at 11:00 a.m. where the Trafford Elementary School Bell will be struck twenty-one times. Hopefully some of the surrounding churches will ring their bells along with ours for the commemoration. We will keep council posted on upcoming details. Mr. Peduzzi also informed council that the Gold Star Mother memorial had been knocked over. The street department placed it in its upright position, he called the installer to reinforce the base. Mr. Peduzzi would like a camera installed at the expense of the committee and would like the police to review the tape periodically. The memorial statues are very expensive. We do not want this area to be a play area, the borough needs to place some signs to indicate this is a sacred area.

Borough Response: Regarding the Bells of Peace please work with Ashley on. Councilman Cardiff stated he hopes the memorial being knocked over was an accident, the park is a public park so we will see what we can do.

Delores Sutton 601 Brinton Ave: Would like the parking addressed at the top of Brinton Avenue, there is now a truck with a camper attached to it. Ms. Sutton feels this is a major safety concern, if her car gets damaged she will sue the borough along with the vehicle owner. Ms. Sutton questioned the status of the slide on Brinton Ave and Seventh Street. Ms. Sutton questioned Code Enforcement and occupancy permits. Ms. Sutton mentioned that a storm drain on East Homewood Avenue is caving in. Ms. Sutton stated at the last council meeting there was mention of police foot patrol, has this started yet? If so she has not seen anyone come down her street.

Borough response: Regarding the truck and camper you need to call the police. The slide at Brinton and Seventh Street the engineer will be reporting on during his report. The Code Enforcement Officers have been keeping up with occupancies. Mayor Llewellyn stated foot patrols are still happening.

Pat Paola 74 First Street: Mrs. Paola informed council nothing has changed with the train situation and is looking forward to the work session on September 18, 2018. Mrs. Paola stated at the last meeting she was informed council does not have work session meetings every month because of low attendance. Mrs. Paola questioned council by stating she goes to the polls and votes for members of council to represent her, why is it not enough if only one person shows? One tax payer, one person who has voted you in! Mrs. Paola requests a copy of the expense voucher list. Mrs. Paola lastly stated at the last meeting the audience was informed the police budget was $27,000.00 underbudget, if residents are coming to council and complaining about drug problems, and problem children why is council not doing anything. We bring people in train them and they leave for better jobs, while the budget is underbudget.

Borough response: The reason for brining in Rep. Dunbar to our work session is to address the trains. If council wants to do them every month council has the option to change. The borough code only requires one business meeting a month. Any one can request a copy of the expense voucher list, you can request a copy prior to the meeting. We lost two of our higher paid part time officers and added to new officers at a significantly lower rate. Some of those wages will go towards hiring a full-time officer. Being underbudget is not necessarily a bad thing.

A member from the audience suggested a copy of the expenses be placed on the website.   

Carol Richardson 225 First Street: Ms. Richardson informed council with Renee’s passing, she will be in charge of Holiday Happenings and Community Days. Ms. Richardson stated she is trying to get something organized for this year for Holiday Happenings. Ms. Richardson has sent out emails and has only received a few responses. We would like to get letters out to the business owners but needs to know the borough’s take on this. Is the borough willing to allow this to continue, will the borough be providing financial assistance or other support such as the Manchester Room? We need input from council so we know how to proceed.

Borough response: Secretary Solivan requested additional information regarding volunteers and committee members. Borough Manager Stack stated she will review the calendar and get back to Ms. Richardson.

Les Race 271 Hillcrest Drive: Mr. Race thanked council for the seniors use of the South Trafford Ball Field. Mr. Race expressed some concerns on the condition of the Park. Councilwoman Petersen suggested a few months ago to remove some trees from that area, which Mr. Race stated was a great suggestion. Mr. Race questioned if the borough’s insurance will cover the costs of repairs for the fencing that has been damaged and are there any plans to have them repaired. Mr. Race stated the borough as a whole has put very little effort into the fields. The Trafford Girls Softball and some other volunteers have put most of everything they had back into the fields. Fifteen to twenty years ago the girls’ softball paid to put all new fencing around the ball fields. One of the things that bothers Mr. Race over the last ten years the borough through grants, in-kind service, the recreation board and borough funding put upward of $250,000.00 into the Fairmont Playground and nothing into the fields. There is a playground down at the fields and nothing has been done. Ten to fifteen years ago the senior group has drawn up a grant to receive some funding and were chastised by PTARC and were told we were not authorized to write grants for any playground, it has to be processed and authorized by PTARC. Mr. Race does not feel that is correct, if we can receive funding. Mr. Race read in the paper that there is talk about selling off the property where the terrace playground is, if the borough cannot provide support in use of the field’s council may want to consider putting the fields up for sale as well due to the deterioration.

Ann LeCuyer 205 E Gilmore Ave: Mrs. LeCuyer commented on the potential sale of the Terrace Playground, she was not in support of the sale. A big part of purchasing her home here in Trafford was a playground close by. Mrs. LeCuyer provided statistics regarding childhood obesity and the benefits of a playground. Mrs. LeCuyer was wondering if there were any updates on the possible child abduction.

Borough response: The sale of the playground was not discussed by council, this was brought up by the Rec Board. We need to do our due-diligence and look into the deed because it was granted to the borough by the school, we may not have the ability to sell this off. This would entail a very long process if council would decide to go that route. Mayor Llewelyn did speak to the Chief he did speak to his officers and did look for the woman that was described.

Borough Engineer

-         PA Rock & Soil will be bringing in their drilling rig this week for the slide on Brinton and Seventh Street. The one call has been placed and completed.

-         Slide on Route 130: Two letters were sent to PennDOT regarding Route 130 and Prospect. The public works crew went up to show PennDOT where the slide is, the first comment from PennDOT was they are only responsible from curb to curb if its outside the curb we are not responsible and it’s the boroughs responsible. The road is undermining due to a gas leak and a water leak. In 1935 legislators passed a law that PennDOT is only responsible for their streets from curb to curb and for grading on inlets from curb to curb however under the grading the municipality is responsible. PennDOT is not happy with work that was done on a discharge pipe that is not our responsibility, we need to re-enforce our position that we are not responsible.

-         Murrysville Road: Paving on Murrysville Road has been completed, Mr. Glenn drove the road today and is not happy with a few of the manhole cover drops that are a bit excessive. Mr. Glenn did send a letter to the contractor regarding the penalty clause and is willing to discuss what needs done.

-         Sent a letter to State Pipe Services requesting some televised tape they performed on Forrest Avenue.

-         Sent a letter to the property owner at 410 Wallace Avenue, the property owner has their gutters draining into their backyard and is essentially flooding their own yard.

-         Sent a letter to the Borough Manager concerning 330 Third Street.

Rey Peduzzi questioned if the slide at 7th and Brinton will be remediated. Engineer Don Glenn stated the borough is not taking responsibility for the slide the work the borough will be performing is to secure our road and sanitary lines. Mr. Peduzzi stated this area is a major concern for the trail the county is trying to purchase this area.

Administrative Reports:

Borough Manager- Peoples gas has classified the gas leak at the slide of 130 and Prospect as a class 2 and 3. It is not an emergency due to the location of the gas leak it is not surrounded by a lot of homes. The physical and written testes have been completed for the full-time officer’s position, the next step is the oral interview and a recommendation to the civil service commission.

Code Enforcement- Report on file.

Borough Solicitor- Solicitor Alexander has prepared two resolutions one regarding PA Turnpike and the other exonerating taxes. Has reviewed the school resource officer agreement with the school district and has continued work on CBA. Met with an appraiser to get a true value regarding easements that were not filed during the sewer project back in 2014.

EMS- There were thirty-eight calls for the month of August all but two were handled by PT-Ambulance. The Flu clinic will be held in the Manchester Room on October 10, 2018 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

VFD- There were seventeen calls for the month of August with zero calls for fire! Chief Lindbloom stated he has never had a month without a fire call. The 200 Club will be held on November 11, 2018, in the Manchester Room. If anyone wants a specific number please call. The ticket price is $25.00 which includes a full dinner and drinks.

EMC- Councilwoman Peters questioned why there is never a report. Councilman Cardiff stated there is supposed to be a monthly report and if the appointed member is inactive council can discuss their options.

Westmoreland Heritage Trail- Rey Peduzzi passed out a flyer with a survey on Monroeville’s website in support of the Westmoreland Heritage Trail eventually connecting to Pittsburgh. Thanked the public works for removing a tree on the trail. Would like to ask for a non-monetary donation, there is scrap alongside the borough building that the trail group could use towards materials on the upkeep of the trail.

Mayor’s Report- Chief Disso was on vacation so we do not have a report this month. The school resource officer has started. Mayor Llewellyn stated he will speak to the Chief regarding foot patrol on Brinton Ave. The library will be hosting a bingo on Saturday, September 22, 2018, at the legion tickets are $25.00 presale and $30.00 at the door.

Committee Reports

General Government- Councilwoman Morrow reported Borough Manager Stack and Secretary Solivan will be attending a budgeting class provided by the PSAB on September 13, 2018. The office will be closed.

President’s Report- Reminder if anyone has a concern you can email a member of council all emails are on the website. School is back in session please drive carefully.

Resolution 08 of 2018 Supporting the PA Turnpike

A motion “to approve a resolution in support of the design and construction of a new Pennsylvania Turnpike interchange located between exits 57 and 67 of the Pennsylvania Turnpike near State Route 130” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Resolution 09 of 2018 School Resource Officer

A motion “to approve a resolution to enter into an agreement between the Penn-Trafford School District and Trafford Borough to provide a School Resource Officer Program at Trafford Elementary and Trafford Middle Schools” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Borough Manager Stack stated the school district just provided the agreement to the borough, we were waiting for the agreement and for both solicitors to review.

A member of the audience requested a copy of the job description for the SRO.

Councilman Cardiff stated the school district is providing the funding for the position which is why the borough will be hiring a full-time officer.

The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Resolution 10 of 2018 Exonerating Past Taxes and Fees for Map Number 36-03-0-521

A motion “to approve a resolution exonerating past taxes and other fees on Trafford Borough Property, map number 36-03-0-521, located on Cavitt Avenue, lot number 330” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Sanders. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Advertisement for BY Park ADA Restroom Renovation Project

A motion “to approve an advertisement of the BY Park ADA Restroom renovation project” was made by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Advertisement to amend Trafford Borough Code to follow the 2015 International Code Standards

A motion “to approve an advertisement to amend the Trafford Borough Code to follow the 2015 International Code Standards” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Borough Manager Stack stated the codes will go into effect October 1, 2018.

The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Payment to Jeffery Associates

A motion “to approve payment to Jeffery Associates in the amount of $35,791.00, for the Fairmont Playground Project” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow.

Borough Manager Stack stated we are withholding $5,000.00 until the fencing has been completed.

The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Resignation of Elaine Wilson from Rec Board

A motion “to accept Elaine Wilson’s resignation from the Trafford Borough Recreation Board and advertise for letters of interest for the vacancy” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

Councilwoman Peters suggested the vacancy be placed on the website.

The motion carried unanimously. 7-0.

Savvy Citizen for Public Safety Alerts

A motion “to approve a one-year agreement beginning on October 1, 2018, with Savvy Citizen for $1290.00 to provide text messages, emails, and/or push notifications to Trafford Borough residents regarding public safety alerts and municipal news” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Sanders.

There was discussion amongst council regarding Savvy Citizen.

Roll call vote was taken: Councilman Cardiff, Councilwoman Morrow, Councilwoman Peters, Councilwoman Petersen and Councilman Shoub were all in favor Councilman Cole was not. The motion carried 6-1.

New Business

No new business was presented to council.


Councilman Cardiff announced a discussion meeting will be held Tuesday, September 18, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Manchester Room.

Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular business meeting will be held Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the council Chambers.