Trafford Borough
Discussion Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Trafford Borough Council held a discussion meeting on Tuesday, September 15,
2020, at 6:00 p.m., VIA Zoom.
President Cardiff called the meeting to order and led a Moment of Silence and
the Pledge of Allegiance.
in Attendance:
Kris Cardiff,
President Edward
Llewellyn, Mayor
Steven Perovich,
Vice-President Ashely Stack, Borough
Zackery Cole,
Councilmember Dane Dice, Solicitor
Chris Corrales,
Councilmember Adam Hlad, Code
Enforcement Officer
Ralph Deabner,
Leslie Peters,
Casey Shoub,
Cardiff and Borough Manager Stack both agreed residents and parents could
decide whether to participate or not.
Shoub questioned if the VFD is planning on working the major intersections as
they have in the past as it is a big help for safety issues.
Stack stated she has not heard that they were not. Manager Stack stated she
assumes the VFD is waiting to get the official word if Trick-or-Treat is still
Cardiff recommended placing Halloween onto the October meeting’s
Perovich stated in the meantime; someone should reach out to the VFD to
determine if we have their support and, if not, go another route.
Stack asked Councilman Cole if he could handle reaching out to the VFD.
Cole stated he would, and if the VFD cannot, he would reach out to other
individuals that could.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated he had researched other communities and Thomas
Castello, the Zoning Solicitor. Mr. Castello is not only the Zoning Solicitor
for Trafford but in several other communities. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad
stated he has also spoken to Trafford's BCO. After speaking with all of the
mentioned individuals, they all attested our current ordinance and its
restrictions pertaining to a corner lot are common. Code Enforcement Officer
Hlad does not recommend making changes to the ordinance as it is important for
sight safety and police visibility. In Mr. Stultz's case, he can go in front of
the Zoning Hearing Board for a code determination hearing or a variance
request. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad recommends Mr. Stultz have a code
determination hearing, and if it is determined that Officer Hlad's interpretation
of the code is correct, then Mr. Stultz may proceed with a variance
Stultz stated corner lots are not mentioned nor the obstruction of any view.
Mr. Stultz was hoping the code would provide more clarity for those who wish to
have a fence. Mr. Stultz stated for those who own a lot that abuts an alley
have the same issue as those who own a corner lot.
Stultz stated there are dozens of fences in town that do not meet the current
code. The code does not specify why some homeowners can have a six-foot fence
versus others who can only have a four-foot fence.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated the code does not use the term corner lot, but
it does state the following in chapter 103-2-B-2 B. No fence shall be
constructed which exceeds any of the following height limitations:
Forty-eight inches wherever the fence shall be located on any portion of any
lot that abuts a street, intersection, or common drive that empties onto a
public street. A corner lot does abut a street, intersection, or common
Deabner questioned if a homeowner has a six-foot fence, and it falls down; the
new one would need to be constructed at four-foot even though the original
fence was constructed prior to the 2006 ordinance.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated that it is correct.
Stack stated, or the homeowner could request a variance.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated the individual would know whether they would
need a variance during the permitting process. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad
agrees that the wording in the code could be cleaned up. The ordinance
committee is working on several codes that leave enough grey area; however, the
fence code does not leave any grey area.
Enforcement Officer Hlad recommends changing some of the wording in code 103-1;
No person, corporation, partnership, company, or other entity shall construct,
install, add to or alter a fence in the Borough, unless a permit is secured
therefor. In his opinion, if someone is only replacing a few fence boards, it's
a bit rigid to have to apply for a permit.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated ordinances are for the public as a whole where
a variance is specific to the applicant.
Stultz stated the current ordinance does not encourage residents to buy homes
in Trafford. There are no positives to the current ordinance. Anytime an
individual wants to put up a six-foot fence, it's going to cost them an extra
$500.00 for special permission when the code can be changed and re-written with
more clarity without having to pay $500.00. In no way does that benefit the
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated there are supplementary regulations in the
Zoning Code for visibility at intersections.
Stack stated Tom Castello, the Borough's Zoning Solicitor, and the Borough's
BCO, who also work for other municipalities, have reviewed Trafford's fence
code and is very common in other municipalities.
Stultz stated it seems as this code is only benefiting the Borough
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated the fees are to cover the court reporter's
costs, the notification letters, the attorney, the posting, and the legal
notices. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated the administrative office has
discussed implementing a residential variance fee at the rate of $350.00. Other
permits are split between residential and commercial.
Llewellyn stated had Mr. Stultz applied for proper permitting, he would have
been informed at that time that a six-foot fence is not permitted on his lot.
Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated, yes. Mayor Llewellyn stated it would not
cost residents $500.00 because they would be informed prior to
Stultz stated had he applied for the permit; he would still need to apply for
the variance for special permission for a six-foot fence.
Stack stated the Borough does not make any money off of variance hearings. The
Zoning Hearing Board Attorney is $125.00 per hour. The court reporter is also
$125.00 per hour. A minimum of $375.00 per hour is expended, not including Code
Enforcement Officer Hlad's time, advertising, postage, and notifications.
Peters asked for clarification on the language or fence type between a solid
fence and a chain-link fence. A six-foot solid fence cannot be permitted due to
visibility issues; however, maybe a six-foot chain-link fence may be
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated some municipalities have specific verbiage on
solid vs. not.
Peters stated she understands Mr. Stultz's point because she purchased her home
because it had a fence for her dog. It is a five-foot chain-link fence with an
alley behind. Councilwoman Peters questioned if Mr. Stultz explored the option
of a chain-link fence.
Stultz stated he would still have the same issue whether the fence is a solid
or chain-link. Mr. Stultz stated that he went with a privacy fence to keep his
family away from outsiders and protect the residents from his animals escaping.
Peters stated there needs to be some clarification on height restrictions and
fence type.
Stultz questioned why there is a need for the police to see into backyards. It
is called a privacy fence for a reason, regarding the $500.00 even if the
Borough isn't making money, and the code was changed to where residents
wouldn't have to pay $500.00 or waste the solicitors time.
Cole stated there is a reason for the privacy fence, and it should be at the
discretion of the homeowner. Councilman Cole stated he understands safety, but,
in his opinion, it is not the police's business what anyone is doing in their
backyard. That would be assuming that residents are breaking the law when they
are just trying to keep themselves and their pets safe. Councilman Cole stated
he does not personally agree with the ordinance and doesn't feel that we should
keep the ordinance just because everyone else has it. A lot of properties could
benefit from erecting a privacy fence. Councilman Cole feels that Mr. Stultz's
fence has improved the look of the street and neighborhood. Residents should
have the opportunity to put up a fence of choice for the property that they pay
taxes on. Councilman Cole stated the code needs to be changed completely. As
long as the fence is safe, then so be it.
Peters mentioned code 202-21; Visibility at intersections. It speaks to being
able to see driving safely, not a matter of the police being able to see into
your yard. It is a matter of people being able to see at that
Cole stated he agreed with that code; however, using the argument that the
police need to see into your backyard is a non-issue. Councilman Cole again
stated the police do not need to see into anyone's backyard.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated he is not trying to make the argument on behalf
of the police; however, he has confirmed with the zoning solicitor, the
Borough's Solicitor, and BCO that it is a true statement. Code Enforcement
Officer Hlad stated there is value with something being in plain sight;
however, I cannot speak for the police again.
Deabner questioned, is it the police's intent to be able to see as they're
driving by? Councilman Deabner stated on a hill with a four-foot fence; you
will not be able to see.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated it is a matter of plain sight for police and
traffic patterns visibility.
Enforcement Office Hlad replied to Councilman Cole's comments by stating he
appreciates his comments; however, to use caution when it comes to ordinances
and why people don't want to cut their grass or fix their failing retaining
Cole stated he doesn't feel a six-foot fence is a safety issue, and residents
should use their property as they see fit. Councilman Cole suggested purchasing
drones as a safe alternative if this code changes.
Perovich questioned how many fence permits were issued. Councilman Perovich
stated this is an international code and is very common. Perhaps we need to
clean up the wording.
Stack stated the bottom line, Mr. Stultz, would need to either request a code
determination hearing or a variance. If the council chooses to make changes to
the current code, Mr. Stultz will be held to the existing code guidelines as
the fence was constructed before any changes to the code have been
Stack proposed a non-refundable Residential Zoning Hearing Board Application
Fee of $350.00 plus any additional costs incurred by the applicant. We would
change the current $500.00 non-refundable fee to commercial. If the council
agrees, Manager Stack stated she would place this fee amendment on the October
agenda for a vote. This fee change shows that we are trying to work with the
Stack added we had not had any other issues regarding a fence or height
Stultz disagreed with Manager Stack by stating he has spoken to a ton of
residents who are planning on replacing or erecting a new fence and have all
expressed the need for a six-foot privacy fence. Mr. Stultz stated his concern
is if your property abuts a road, the fence can only be four-foot. Mr. Stultz
stated that the code section needs to be re-worded or re-worked because it
doesn't make sense when not impeding any view. Mr. Stultz stated his fence is
not directly on the sidewalk; it sits on an elevated hill and is fifteen feet
back from the roadway. Mr. Stultz stated he would pay the $500.00 variance fee,
but he requests the code be changed to eliminate the six-foot height
restriction for other residents who do not impede on sight distance.
Cole agreed with Mr. Stultz.
Cardiff questioned what the next course of action would be.
Stack stated that if the council chooses to change, the ordinance council needs
to decide what language is changing and approve an advertisement at the next
Cardiff stated the code revision committee would handle that.
Deabner stated the committee has several codes that need to be addressed. Once
that list has been completed, we will present it to Solicitor Alexander and
then to the council.
Cole questioned if there have been many variance hearings since the
Peters stated they are on an as-needed basis.
Stack stated they are not very common.
Enforcement Officer Hlad stated this is a lengthy process and several codes
that need to be addressed with Solicitor Alexander before the council's
Stack stated a number of changes would be proposed for the 2021 fee schedule;
however, since this is a pressing matter, only the variance section will change
on the 2020 fee schedule.
Llewellyn questioned if there was an update from Port Authority. Manager Stack
stated she had not received any update.
Llewellyn questioned how long the Borough is going to let this go. The busses
are now parking on the right side of the road and tearing up that
Stack stated that it is up to the council. Council can send PAT a letter with
their demands. Manager Stack stated PAT is working on the agreement with
Haymaker, and it seemed to be going well.
Peters questioned if cones could be placed further up to prohibit the busses
from parking there.
Stack stated that is why the jersey barriers are there, and they still park
Peters questioned if there were any additional barriers to be placed closer to
the roadway.
Stack stated she would check with the engineer being 993 is a state road for
right-of-way purposes.
Shoub stated there might be additional jersey barriers that can be placed
Stack stated if the council wishes to proceed with a letter, she will work on
it with the Solicitor. We are still receiving calls from residents that do
not want to lose the bus service.
Llewellyn stated we aren't removing services; we are re-routing the service,
Shoub stated, yes, that is the current goal.
Llewellyn stated ultimately, it is the Borough's road. If PAT cannot abide by
the regulations on where to park, they need to either repair the road or
develop a different route. It doesn't make sense for us to keep allowing them
to destroy our roads, and us having to fit the bill for it.
Cole questioned if there would be any reason why a bus would be traveling down
Sixth Street. Councilman Cole stated earlier this evening a bus was
traveling down Sixth Street from the Polish club towards Route 130.
Perovich stated we need to notify PAT of this as they have not been allowed on
Sixth Street for years.
Cole stated it seems as PAT has no regard for our roads and that they have an
attitude that they can do whatever they want.
Llewellyn suggested the council write a letter as this has been discussed for
four months now.
Corrales stated we have been generous with time.
Perovich stated they need to be notified that they have x-amount of days to
provide us with a response.
Cardiff suggested drafting the letter to be placed on the next agenda.
Stack questioned what the deadline would be.
Cole suggested November 1.
Deabner stated 30 days from the date of the mailing.
Stack stated she would discuss this with the Solicitor. Manager Stack
stated she would also email the liaison regarding the busses on Sixth
Cardiff announced the next regular council meeting for Tuesday, October 6,
2020, at 7:00 p.m.
meeting promptly ended at 8:03 p.m.