Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- July 7, 2020

The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., via ZOOM.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Assistant Borough Manager, Nina Solivan:

(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                        Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                              Steven Perovich, Council Vice-President       Don Glenn, Engineer         

                              Christopher Corrales, Councilmember          Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

Ralph Deabner, Councilmember                     Ashley Stack, Borough Manager

                              Leslie Peters, Councilmember                         Adam Hlad, Code Enforcement Officer

                              Casey Shoub, Councilmember


(Absent)               Zack Cole, Councilmember, and Charles Miller, Emergency Management Coordinator

Councilman Cardiff announced an executive session held on June 29, 2020, for matters of litigation.

Minutes: A motion “to accept the minutes of June 3, 2020, regular council meeting” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Payment of Bills: A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated July 7, 2020,” was made by Councilman Perovich and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Councilwoman Peters questioned the expense listed Prime Pay in the General Fund. Manager Stack stated that’s the borough’s payroll provider.

Councilwoman Peters asked for an updated number on the PennVest Loan. Manager Stack stated she provided the information a few meetings ago and will have to check on the new total and get back to council.

Councilwoman Peters suggested placing the PennVest loan information on the website. Manager Stack stated this information would be included in the five-page sewage letter Nina and I have been working on.

The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Public Comment:

Councilman Cardiff read the rules for public comment.

Solicitor Alexander stated any individual who is a taxpayer or resident of the borough and wishes to provide comments now is the time to do so.

Brandon Lacina 430 Cavitt Avenue: Mr. Lacina reported WHT would have merchandise for sale at Lisa’s Bike Shop. All revenues from WHT merchandise purchases will go towards the maintenance and future project along the WHT. Memberships are available at Lisa’s Bike shop and Digital Trafford. Memberships are yearly, $20.00 for individuals and $30.00 per family. This month a few businesses opened Immaculate Perception, Money Mikes, and Bowser’s Premium Dog Services. Mr. Lacina also mentioned Keith’s Katering recently remodeled his restaurant and looks great. Mr. Lacina thanked the Trafford Lion’s Club for taking care of the Welcome to Trafford sign along Route 993. The TBA’s website is now up and running.

Councilwoman Peters thanked Mr. Lacina for his efforts with the WHT.

Alisha Zeeman 817 Fifth Street: Mrs. Zeeman expressed concerns regarding Councilman Cole’s remarks on Governor Wolf’s Facebook page regarding Dr. Rachel Lavine. Individuals who represent our town need to be mindful of what’s said on social media. Think before you speak or type.

Reynold Peduzzi former Trafford Mayor: Expressed thanks to Mr. Lacina for taking on the role to represent Trafford with the WHT. Mr. Peduzzi stated it had been his goal since 2001 to bring the trail into downtown Trafford.

Councilman Cole entered the meeting via ZOOM at 7:12 p.m.

Manager Stack read a letter sent by Michelle Klingensmith, resident of 298 Hillcrest Drive: I am not able to attend tomorrow's Trafford Borough council meeting, so I am asking you to read my statement below into the record at the July 7 meeting. I have been a resident of Trafford Borough since 1992, and I expect that my elected officials, including councilpersons and the mayor, as well as Trafford employees, including Borough staff and police to act with respect and decency and to be a role model for others. I am disgusted by the disrespectful comments Zack Cole has made about our PA Secretary of Health, Dr. Rachel Levine.  His statement was rude, immature, and shows he does not value people different from himself. 

I ask that all members of Borough Council read the attached article about this accomplished doctor and Penn Stater and to have it published for Trafford citizens to read to counteract the hateful and mocking rhetoric of Councilman Cole. If Mr. Cole cannot respect Dr. Rachel Levine, how can Trafford citizens expect he would respect us or vote with any concern about our needs here in Trafford.  I ask Mr. Cole to resign his office if he cannot treat all people with the dignity we each deserve. Sincerely, Michele Klingensmith.

Councilman Cole stated he would not be resigning his term expires next year, and the voters can decide if he gets reelected. He does not have any further comment.

Don Glenn, Engineer:

Don reported on the agenda this evening there is a motion to purchase a Pipehunter Jetter. Don stated he had prepared a letter of support for this purchase. Don stated with this purchase during an emergency; the borough will not need to wait for a third-party to respond, it will save the borough thousands of dollars; and contribute towards MS4 credits when cleaning and flushing catch basins.

Secondly, Don reported on a blight remediation grant that is available through DCED. He has prepared an application for $262,197.00 with a 10% borough match of $29,133.00 for the demolition of five blighted properties in town.

Lastly, Don reported El Grande had started the 2020 paving program. The contractor has milled and placed a binder course down thus far. The project should be completed soon.

Councilwoman Peters questioned the 10% match of $29,133.00. Don stated the more the borough contributes, the more likely we are to receive the grant.  

Councilman Shoub mentioned the binder course at First Street, and East Fairmont was thin. Don stated he would have Joe review the area in the morning.

Mayor Llewellyn questioned which five structures are being applied for. Manager Stack stated the properties were chosen based on blight and resident complaints. The five structures were listed in Dropbox. 

Borough Manager’s Report: Manager Stack reported Clean up Day’s went well. Manager Stack thanked Mayor Llewellyn, Councilman Cardiff, Councilman Corrales, Councilman Deabner, and Councilman Shoub for volunteering. Manager Stack stated she contacted Westmoreland County regarding the CDBG grant for the paving project of Inwood Road and Mary Street the awards will be announced in September. Public works obtained quotes and met with an electrician to retrofit the current borough building parking lot lights to LED. Retrofitting the lights saved the borough approximately $5,000.00 rather than replacing and installing new poles.  Public works tore down the old salt shed and completed a major repair on Hird Road. Manager Stack stated she received the following response from Melissa Girty liaison with Port Authority, “we received a favorable response to our request from the officials at Haymaker. However, there are several details that need to be worked through before any changes can be finalized. It is unlikely that the details will be in place before this evening’s meeting. I am hopeful to be able to provide you with a more detailed update in the near future. We appreciate your patience while trying to work on this request”. The general fund balance is approximately $720,620.00, the liquid fuels balance is approximately $234,748.00, the recreation fund balance is approximately $3,793.00, and the sewage fund balance is approximately $780,090.00. Manager Stack stated the next round of sewage bills will be going out before the end of the month.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Llewellyn reported for the month of June there were a total of one hundred thirty-six service calls, with ten criminal complaints filed, and fifteen citations issued.

Community & Economic Development: Councilman Perovich reported Mr. Lacina covered most of the new business news. Mr. Perovich stated there is a meeting scheduled later this week to discuss new business and such.

General Government & Finance: Councilman Corrales stated he did not have a report this evening; however he is still new and learning the ropes.  

Parks & Recreation: Councilwoman Peters reported all of the playgrounds had received their annual inspections. During the inspection process, it was identified that mulch was needed at the Sixth Street playground and the Terrace Playground. Also, the tetherball and string need to be replaced at the Terrace Playground. Councilwoman Peters questioned what she needed to do to have the tetherball and string replaced. Manager Stack stated Mary Dobos always took care of that. Councilwoman Peters stated she would check on that. Councilwoman Peters mentioned the plexiglass board at BY Park and possibly replacing it. Councilwoman Peters questioned if public works would be able to pressure wash the structure. Manager Stack stated she would check with public works; however, she expressed concerns regarding the pressure washing of the structure.

Planning, Property, & Ordinances: Councilman Deabner reported complaints were received regarding fireworks. Councilman Deabner spoke with Code Enforcement Officer Hlad, and Mr. Hlad indicated the borough follows the sate guidelines pertaining to fireworks. Councilman Deabner suggested updating the current ordinance because it does not clearly specify the state guidelines. Councilman Deabner stated if you see something, please report the issue to the police by dialing 911, whether it is an emergency or non-emergency.

Public Safety: Councilman Cole stated he did not have a report this evening.  

Public Works & Sanitation: Councilman Shoub stated the Inwood sanitary sewer repair project has been completed and is looking forward to the Blight Grant.

Presidents Report: Councilman Cardiff reiterated Councilman Perovich’s mention of a meeting that will be held on Thursday with the Trafford Business Association. The meeting’s intent is to work together, encourage new businesses, and promote existing businesses. Councilman Cardiff suggested forgoing an in-person meeting due to the virus.  It has just been announced bars, and indoor dining will be closed for two weeks starting Thursday.

Resolution for Blight Grant

A motion “to approve a resolution for the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development 2020 Blight Remediation Program grant for $262,197.00, with a borough match of $29,133.00” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Councilman Perovich questioned who the property would belong to once the structure is demolished and who would be responsible for maintaining the parcel. Solicitor Alexander stated the property would remain with the property owner and a lien would be placed on the parcel. The lien would need to be satisfied upon the sale of the parcel. The property owner is also responsible for the maintenance.

Manager Stack stated we would seek reimbursement from the property owner for the matching funds. Notification will be sent to property owners once we receive a grant award.

Councilman Deabner questioned the status of the sidewalk at 501 Cavitt Avenue. Solicitor Alexander stated the sidewalk issue would be addressed; it is on hold due to COVID-19.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Lion’s Club Adopt a Space

A motion “to approve the Trafford Lion’s Club to Adopt a Space at the Welcome to Trafford sign and large bed between Westmoreland Park and State Route 993” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Deabner.

Councilwoman Peters and Councilman Cardiff thanked the Lion’s Club for their efforts and involvement.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Resolution for Veterans Memorial

A motion “to approve a resolution creating a separate bank account for the Trafford Veterans Memorial Park” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Former Mayor Rey Peduzzi stated this renovation project has been very meaningful. The committee raised a lot of money and put a lot of effort into the renovation of Memorial Park. Mr. Peduzzi stated he wants to continue to have the park exist. The account currently has $8,467.73 that will be turned over to the borough for the sole purpose of maintaining the park. This park is an asset in this community and hopes it never reverts into disrepair.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Advertisement for Non-Uniform Pension

A motion “to approve the borough manager to advertise an ordinance amending its non-uniform pension plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

Manager Stack stated this ordinance is required by law; it is just a formality.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Payment to U.S. Municipal

A motion “to approve a payment of $25,000.00, to U.S. Municipal for the Pipehunter Jetter to be paid for out of the Sewage Fund” was made by Councilman Deabner and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Manager Stack reiterated Don’s report on this item being a good investment for the borough.

Councilwoman Peters questioned the life expectancy on the jetter. Borough Engineer Don Glenn stated as long as the machine is maintained at least 20 years. Manager Stack stated William Holby and Dakoma Thomas are well versed in mechanics, they would be able to fix anything on the machine.

Councilman Perovich questioned if the machine came with a limited warranty. Manager Stack stated no, we purchase from the vendor often and will accommodate us.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Hire Cynthia Beacon

A motion “to approve the hire of Cynthia Beacon to the position of part-time crossing guard at the rate of $8.00 an hour” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if this individual would be replacing Mary at First Street and 993. Manager Stack stated there is another individual who isn’t always able to cover, we have a shortage, and the police have to cover shifts. Manager Stack stated she did not know the specifics to the location.

Councilman Shoub stated Mrs. Beacon would be at Woodlawn because she lives near this stop.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Resignation of Blake Huck

A motion “to accept the resignation of Police Patrolman Blake Huck, effective July 1, 2020,” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Hire Walter Carlson

A motion “to approve the hire of Walter Carlson to the position of part-time police officer at the rate of $20.00 an hour” was made by Councilman Deabner and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if $20.00/hr was the base pay. Mayor Llewellyn stated yes it was raised from $15.00 to $20.00.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Rate increase William Holby

A motion “to approve an hourly rate increase to $15.00 for William Holby” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Deabner.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if all employees receive a rate increase each year. Manager Stack stated yes, however, Mr. Holby did not for the year 2020. His part-time rate is $12.00/hr. He saves the borough a lot of money each year with his mechanical experience. Normally the borough would hire two seasonal/summer help, but we did not need to do so this year.

Roll call vote was taken: Councilman Cardiff voted yes, Councilman Cole voted yes, Councilman Corrales abstained, Councilman Deabner voted yes, Councilman Perovich voted yes, Councilwoman Peters voted no, and Councilman Shoub voted yes.

Councilwoman Peters stated she voted no due to the annual review period being around the corner.

The motion carried 5 yay, 1 nay by Councilwoman Peters, and 1 abstain by Councilman Corrales.

Playground Mulch

A motion “to approve a payment to Yocca Business Systems, Inc., for $2,075.00 for playground mulch” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Deabner.

Manager Stack questioned Councilwoman Peters if the Rec Board plans to contribute towards the purchase. Councilwoman Peters stated historically the mulch has always come out of the general budget.

Councilman Corrales questioned how many tons of mulch is expected. Manager Stack stated 100 yards. Linda Bires did the inspection and ordered the mulch.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Payment to State Pipe

A motion “to approve a payment to State Pipe for $190,347.00, for the Inwood Sanitary Sewer Project” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

New Business

Mayor Llewellyn thanked public works for completing the MS4 project around the ball fields. The fields are completely dry.

Mayor Llewellyn circled back to the blight remediation grant. Mayor Llewellyn questioned with the Caruso building on Brinton Ave being on the list why we would let them build a garage in the rear. Manager Stack stated we don’t know if the grant application will be approved. We need to continue to be proactive, issue permits, violations, and citations.

Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated he has issued a number of violations and is working through the channels that are available.

Councilman Perovich stated there is a petition online with the court administrator’s office regarding the future of District Judge Helen Kistler’s office. The deadline for the petition is July 10th.

Councilman Perovich mentioned adding a speed limit sign for folks who leave the ball field near Brownstone Court. Wallace Avenue becomes a speedway. Manager Stack stated she would speak with the PD, and PW.

Councilwoman Peters mentioned the no parking sign near the ball field needs replaced. Councilwoman Peters also mentioned individuals are parking on private property and grass. Councilwoman Peters asked Mayor Llewellyn to please put out a friendly reminder.

Councilwoman Peters feels Councilman Cole should resign from his position and broke his oath of office with his comments on social media. Councilwoman Peters called for Councilman Cole’s resignation.

Councilman Cole stated he would not be resigning.

Solicitor Alexander stated there was an executive session on June 29, 2020, to discuss Mr. Coles Facebook post and litigation.


Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular meeting for Tuesday, August 4, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. the location will be determined at a later date.


A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

The meeting ended at 8:24 p.m.