Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- June 3, 2020

The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Wednesday, June 3, 2020, at 7:00 P.M., via Zoom.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Assistant Borough Manager, Nina Solivan:

(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                        Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                              Steven Perovich, Council Vice-president       Adam Hlad, Code Enforcement Officer

Zack Cole, Councilmember                              Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

                              Christopher Corrales, Councilmember          Ashley Stack, Borough Manager

Ralph Deabner, Councilmember                    

                              Leslie Peters, Councilmember                          

Casey Shoub, Councilmember


(Absent)               Charles Miller, Emergency Management Coordinator


 A motion “to approve the May 5, 2020, Council meeting minutes” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Payment of Bills

 A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated June 3, 2020,” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

Councilwoman Peters questioned the expenses listed sewage refunds in the Sewage Fund. Asst. Manager Solivan stated they are refunds from escrow after a home sale.

 Councilwoman Peters questioned the Feerst Concrete expense in the General Fund. Manager Stack stated that is additional concrete needed for the new salt shed.

Councilwoman Peters questioned the expense Aquatic Environmental in the General Fund. Manager Stack stated the charges are for the annual BY pond treatment.

Councilwoman Peters mentioned the fountain was not working on Saturday when she visited the park. Manager Stack stated she thought it was up and running but she will check with public works.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Public Comment

Dolores Sutton 601 Brinton Avenue: Mrs. Sutton questioned if there is a curfew in Trafford and the status of the memorial bricks.

Mayor Llewellyn stated there is a curfew for individuals seventeen and under on weekdays it is 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. on weekends. Councilman Shoub stated this has been found unconstitutional in the past. Solicitor Alexander stated a curfew can be implemented in regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. Manager Stack stated the memorial brick list that was compiled form public works was sent to the TECDC to compare to the original applications.

Brandon Lacina 430 Brinton Avenue: Mr. Lacina stated the first WHT meeting since COVID-19 will be held on June 11th. Mr. Lacina announced on behalf of the Trafford Business Association the launch of a new website The website is a business directory and volunteer website. The site has reached 18,000 unique views. Mr. Lacina announced two new business’ Lisa’s Bike Shop and Money Mikes. Mr. Lacina stated the TBA is looking for volunteers as well as additional areas in town that would qualify for the Adopt-a- Space program. Councilwoman Peters stated she has a few ideas for Adopt-a-Space. Councilwoman Peters, Manager Stack and Councilman Cardiff thanked Mr. Lacina for his hard work.

Rose Frollini 505 Duquesne Avenue: Solicitor Alexander read a letter sent in by Mrs. Frollini in support of keeping Port Authority of Allegheny County transportation services within the borough.

Manager Stack stated she spoke to PAT last week and they are in the process of working on an agreement with Haymaker Village to layover in their parking lot. They need a little more time.  The only change within the borough would be the stop in front of the borough building. The busses would no longer be turning around on Viaduct Way they would all be on state road. Once the busses have moved to Haymaker Village, we can then address the costly repairs necessary for Viaduct way, Fourth Street, and Westmoreland Road.

Councilman Perovich stated PAT has taken advantage and is not in support of a layover on Fifth Street.

Councilwoman Peters stated she is fine with giving PAT time, but we need a timeline.

Councilman Cole concurred with Councilwoman Peters in needing a timeline.

Councilman Deabner questioned if the stop in font of the borough building is moving where the new stop will be placed. 

Councilman Shoub stated there are stops all along route 130 the closest stop is at the corner of 5th Street and Cavitt Avenue

Councilman Perovich stated there is also a stop on 5th Street and Duquesne.

Councilwoman Peters stated there are drop offs and pickups along 5th Street and Cavitt Avenue.

Mayor Llewellyn suggested not replacing the stop in front of the borough building since there are a few along 5th Street.

Councilwoman Peters agreed with Mayor Llewellyn in eliminating the stop in front of the borough building. We also need to confirm the directional stops along 5th Street, Cavitt Avenue, and Duquesne Avenue.

Councilwoman Peters stated she did receive two phone calls in support of keeping the PAT services in town.  

Administrative Reports

Manager Stack stated she had spoken with EMC Chuck Miller earlier in the day to discuss moving into the green phase and reimbursement funds through Westmoreland County and the CARES Act. We have a file with receipts for all items purchased pertaining to COVID-19 that we will be seeking reimbursement for.

Fire Chief Lindbloom submitted his report for the month of May, the Fire Department responded to 10 incidents. The annual hoagie sale in conjunction with Clean Up Days has been cancelled due to the virus. All non-emergency events are being postponed until further notice.

Clean Up Days have been rescheduled for June 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and June 13th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. A list will be posted for items that will be taken for a fee. 

Inwood sanitary repairs will commence next week.

El Grande the contractor for the 2020 paving project plans to start within a few weeks.

With the borough moving into the green phase all parks and playgrounds will re-open. Events at the Manchester Room and pavilion rentals may take place under 250 people. Due to the limited space in the vestibule in the borough building and for the health and safety of the residents and staff the offices will be open to the public by appointment only. This will allow the staff the opportunity to disinfect the area after each appointment. A sign will be posted on the front door.

Manager Stack stated she has been researching a Pennsylvania DCED Blight Remediation Grant. There is a 10% local match and a deadline of July 31st. Manager Stack stated she has talked to Don and has a call into Halle at the county. If this grant proves feasible Manager Stack plans to place this item on the July agenda.

Online payment logistics were sent to the borough’s IT to see if our website is compatible with the online payment services.

Sewage bills for the period of Nov 07, 2019, to Feb 07, 2020, are due June 22, 2020.

 The current account balances are as follows; General Fund approximately $782,786.00, Liquid Fuels $238,402.00, Recreation $3,541.00, and the Sewage Fund $834,022.00.

Mayor Llewellyn reported one hundred and two total service calls, four criminal complaints filed, and eleven citations for the month of May.



Committee Reports

Community & Economic Development- Councilman Perovich reported there are new businesses in town Lisa’s Bike Shop, a music store on Cavitt, and Klassy’s. The owner of Klassy’s has been trying to open but is looking for cooks.

Brandon Lacina mentioned getting with Code Enforcement Officer Hlad and Rodger of Lisa’s Bike Shop. Rodger would like to install a wooden ramp to avoid bikes from traveling in the grass.

Brandon also reported on the business directory map sign that will be placed down at BY Park and in front of a few businesses. The TBA had the project on hold until some of the new businesses moved in.

Councilman Perovich stated soon we will need to address the t-shirt shop building on the corner of Fifth Street and Cavitt Avenue. There are a lot of visible deficiencies showing now that the Cromer building has been torn down.

General Government & Finance- Councilman Corrales thanked the Trafford Police Department for working safely through the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Councilman Corrales also thanked the Trafford Volunteer Fire Department for helping public works with a few things around town.

Councilman Corrales offered his time to help with any projects the TBA has planned.

Parks & Recreation- Councilwoman Peters mentioned there was a lot of activity at BY Park over the weekend.

Councilwoman Peters noticed there was a WHT closure at Saunders Station. Brandon Lacina stated there were a few odds and ends that needed cleared up it should be opened here shortly.

Planning, Property, and Ordinances- Councilman Deabner offered his time to help with any projects the TBA has planned.

Public Safety- No report.

Public Works & Sanitation- Councilman Shoub stated public works is extremely busy and are catching up.

President’s Report- Thanked all for following CDC guidelines and continue to stay safe and healthy.

Payment to Elemental Shelter

A motion “to approve a payment of $8,990.00, to Elemental Shelter Solutions, LLC for the structure and installation of the new salt shed” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Manager Stack stated this was a budgeted expense out of the general fund and with public works laying the block we were able to save approximately $4,000.00. This was the most cost-effective way to install a new salt shed.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Payment to Stone and Company

A motion “to approve a payment of $9,240.00, to Stone and Company for the salt shed concrete block and delivery” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Deabner.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Discontinuation of Port Authority

A motion “to table the discontinuation of Port Authority layover services within the borough until we learn additional info” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Councilman Perovich suggested having a representative from PAT come on site to view the damages. Manager Stack stated she has sent pictures and has met with various representatives from PAT. Manager Stack stated she feels PAT understands the severity as it has been on the past two agendas.

New Business

Bill Mence a resident whom was not able to figure out the chat section on ZOOM provided public comment regarding the area of Fourth Street, Viaduct Way, and Westmoreland Road. Mr. Mence stated PAT busses are not the only individuals to blame for the damages to the roadways. Truck drivers from the Commerce Center are also responsible for damages. If you eliminate the layover are the truck drivers going to still be permitted access? Will the road still be accessible to the public?

Manager Stack stated we would need to speak to the Chief of Police, the roadway is currently for busses only. At this point we need to tackle one issue at a time. Our engineer has stated at various meeting this will be a costly repair. There are certain stipulations with grant funding and limiting the roadway for specific uses. So, we will have to do some research on that when the time comes.

Councilman Perovich questioned if there was any agreement with the Commerce Center stating truck driver using the Forbes Road entrance and exit. Councilman Shoub stated he is not aware of any agreement however Stewart Station Drive is a private road.

Mayor Llewellyn stated the road is very bad at the stop sign on Fourth Street and Brinton Avenue.

Councilwoman Peters stated she was under the impression that there is a weight limit on all the roads in Trafford.

Councilwoman Peters received notification that Forbes Road will be closed in both directions for the bank stabilization project. Councilwoman Peters stated she is concerned for safety as the large vehicles will be using the opposite entrance on Fourth Street.

Manager Stack stated the initial meeting was very vague, but she will email the engineer for additional details.

Councilwoman Peters suggested having the large vehicle go down Westmoreland Road and up First Street to exit onto 993.

Councilman Perovich questioned of anyone has contacted Paul Bova the Owner of the Commerce Center.

Manager Stack stated PennDot would be the individuals to contact the affected business owners.

Councilman Shoub stated he received an email from Helen Kistler requesting a letter of support to keep her office. Having her office saves our police department and our code enforcement officer from having to go to Greenburg. He is requesting council send a letter of support if all members of council agree. Councilman Cardiff stated he will prepare a letter on behalf of council.

Solicitor Alexander read a message from Fire Chief Lindbloom. Trafford Commerce Center has no right-of-way via Stewart Station Road its private. The problem is trucker’s using GPS that directs them via Stewart Station Road. Fire Chief Lindbloom suggest a sign that states no trucks at Fourth Street and Brinton Avenue restricting them from TCC via Fourth Street.

Councilman Perovich thanked Code Enforcement Officer Hlad for sending a report.


Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular council meeting for Tuesday, July 7, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.


Depending on the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be determined closer to the date of the meeting whether this will be via Zoom or in person.


A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

The meeting ending promptly at 8:04 p.m.