Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, May 1, 2018


The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, May 1, 2018, at 7:01 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Borough Secretary, Nina Solivan:

(Present)                     Kris Cardiff, President                                                         Leslie Peters

Zack Cole                                                                                 Casey Shoub

                                        Cheryl Petersen                                                                     Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

                                        Dennis Hockenberry                                                            Don Glenn, Engineer         

                                        Ashely Stack, Borough Manager                                     Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                                        Brian Lindbloom, Fire Chief                                             Lou Corrales, Public Works Foreman



(Absent)  Vice-President Carol Morrow, EMC John Eliyas 

Notice of Executive Sessions held Tuesday, May 1, 2018, for legal matters.

Minutes- A motion “to accept the minutes of the April 3, 2018, regular business meeting” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.  

Payment of Bills- A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated, May 1, 2018” was made by Councilman Hockenberry and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Borough Engineer

Don reported contracts were awarded at the last meeting. The Wallace Avenue Bridge concrete repairs was awarded to Sitira Construction. The ADA curb ramps was awarded to Independent Enterprises. The Murrysville Road project was awarded to Victor Paving. Wallace Avenue Bridge Deck was awarded to A. Folino.

Sitira Construction, Independent Enterprises and Victor Paving have turned the contracts back into Glenn Engineering.

We attempted to open bids for the ADA BY Restroom Conversion Project, five contractors took out bid packets, no bids were received. This was our second time advertising for this project. Don contacted Terri Antonucci with the CDBG program and was advised to re-bid in the fall.

Carol Richardson asked if Murrysville Road would be totally closed

Public Comment

Martin McCue 211 ½ Cavitt Ave: Questioned why the lot line revision did not get approved.

Borough response: Borough Solicitor Alexander stated normally a private garage would be considered an accessory structure and is not permissible, in Trafford’s zoning code a private garage is permitted in an r-2 zoning district.

Delores Sutton 601 Brinton Ave: Questioned if the borough is planning on paving Brinton Ave to Sixth Street? Ms. Sutton stated there are very large potholes, and feels the road is in an unsafe condition.

Questioned why the bus stops across the road from the shopping center. Ms. Sutton stated it is a very dangerous location for the elderly who use the bus.

Ms. Sutton also thanked the Trafford Police Officer who responded to her medic false alarm, stated he was very kind.\

Borough response: Borough Manager Stack stated the pot holes will be patched as soon as DPW gets a chance. Paving will be on hold until the Wallace Ave Bridge repairs are completed. The bus is on its current route because it needs to stay on state roads.

Patricia Paola 74 First St: Questioned the status of the trains. Questioned if George Dunbar was ever contacted.

Borough response: Councilman Cardiff stated he was unable to speak to Mr. Dunbar but was able to speak Dunbar’s Office Manager Brian Razzel. Councilman Cardiff will follow-up next week.

Stormwater Management Ordinance

A motion “to advertise to adopt an updated Stormwater Management Ordinance to replace the boroughs current ordinance #694, chapter 172” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

Borough Manager Stack stated the purpose is to bring the ordinance up to date. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Payment to Jeffery Associates

A motion “to approve the first payment to Jeffery Associates in the amount of $25,128.00 for the Fairmont Playground equipment” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Payment to Westmoreland Construction

A motion “to approve the first payment to Westmoreland Construction Group, Inc. in the amount of $2870.00 for the Fairmont Playground site grading” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Re-advertise BY Restroom

A motion “to approve the Borough Engineer to re-advertise the BY Park Bathroom Renovations in the late fall” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Full-time Public Works Employee

A motion “to hire Dakoma Thomas as a full-time Trafford Borough Public Works employee at the rate of $15.52 per hour” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried with a roll call vote of 5-1, Councilman Hockenberry voted no.

Councilman Hockenberry stated he is not voting no to the individual but he feels we do not have enough money to cover another position.

Seasonal Public Works Employees

A motion “to hire Roman Orange as a seasonal Trafford Borough Public Works employee at the rate of $10.00 per hour” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

A motion “to hire William Holby as a seasonal Trafford Borough Public Works employee at the rate of $10.00 per hour” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Waiver of Liability

A motion “to approve the Trafford Borough Rental Facility Waiver of Liability Agreement with Borough Manager Stack as an authorized signer on behalf of the borough” was made by Councilwoman Peters and Seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Exoneration of taxes

A motion “to approve a resolution exonerating past taxes and other fees on Trafford Borough Property, map number 36 03 03 0 174, located on Cavitt Avenue lots 332, 334, 336, and 338.” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

Solicitor Alexander stated the borough purchased these lots several years ago, during the purchasing process the borough submitted exoneration paperwork with an outstanding balance of $290.00. The borough needs to approve the resolution and send it off to the school district for their approval for exoneration. It is already tax exempt we are just clearing up property taxes that were due during the purchasing process. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Administrative Reports:

Borough Manager- Thanked Public Works and the Mayor for all their help during clean up days, it was the largest clean up days we’ve had in years. Would like to thank TECDC and the Beautification club. The parks are all open, the fountain at BY is not up yet. We did receive an invoice from Waste Management for over $1000.00 for contaminated recyclables. Waste Management will waive the fee this first time. We may need to reevaluate this if this is going to keep happening.

Carol Richardson questioned if we would be able to get additional bins. Councilman Shoub stated more bins, more pick-ups which will cost the borough more money that we do not have in the budget.

Code Enforcement-   Received a total of sixteen complaints. A total of ten written warnings one being a second violation. Citations will be issued after a second written warning. Residents would like council to consider a recreational burning ordinance, Code Enforcement Officer Mike Burnett recommends following IFC regulations for containment, extinguishers, and distances for combustibles if council agrees to visit this issue. There were nine garbage complaints. Three complaints on un permitted dumpsters. One assist from the police department for an odor. One down tree. One complaint from the high rise which was directed to the county. There were twenty-one occupancy applications submitted, fourteen passed. Seventeen occupancy inspections failed and await a re-inspection.

Borough Solicitor-  All items have been addressed within the body of this agenda.

EMS-  There were a total of thirty-five calls for the month of April with one call being handled by North Huntingdon EMS.

Trafford VFD-  Fire Chief Lindbloom reported there were a total of sixteen calls for the month of April. One member of the Fire Department has completed National Pro Board Certification for risk and core as well as Hazmat operations. One completed basic fire academy. Three members went to Cambria County for the flash over simulator. Hoagie sale was successful raised $875.00, which is about 48% of goal for new gear. Memorial Day is coming up.

We do have a burning ordinance, although it does not specifically state recreational burning we have not had any major incidents within the last few years. If council would like to amend the ordinance I would be happy to help.

Recreation Board-  Rose Frollini reported Fairmont Park is under construction, the site work is underway. The paver is supposed to come in next week to work in the basketball court. The drainage work will also be worked on at the same time pending on the weather. The equipment installer will start in next week. We should be good to go for the playground program.

A motion “to accept the list of candidates selected by PTARC to work as supervisors of the playground program” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Councilman Cardiff stated we need to approve the list in its entirety due to rotation of employees during vacations.

The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

TECDC- Carol Richardson thanked everyone whom helped the TECDC with clean up days. They were able to clean up Brinton Ave, Cavitt Ave, and Duquesne Ave. 

Mayor’s Report- Mayor Llewellyn reported there were one hundred forty-six service calls. Thirty-eight citations were issued, and fourteen criminal complaints filed with more pending investigation. The parade route will start at the American Legion and follow to Memorial Park. If there are any questions please contact Larry George at the Agency. On May 11, 2018 there will be a PTO Bingo in the Manchester Room from six o’clock to ten o’clock.

Committee Reports:

Community Development:  Councilwoman Peters stated PTARC has a new summer activity guide that is out now. The Rec-Board submitted a lengthy list of items that need addressed at BY Park.

Sanitation:  Councilman Shoub thanked Willy Stack for all his help with clean up days. This is the most we have collected in five years it was very successful.

Presidents Report: Thanked all of those involved with clean up days. Everyone worked well together. The hoagies were wonderful as always. Councilwoman Peters suggested to the TVFD to have additional hoagie sales.

New Business:

A motion “to remove the lot line revision at 211 211 ½ Cavitt Ave from the table for consideration” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

A motion “to approve the lot line revision at 211 211 ½ Cavitt Ave” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.


Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular business meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 5, 2018.

A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.