Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- February 4, 2020

The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Assistant Borough Manager, Nina Solivan:

(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                        Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                              Steven Perovich, Council Vice-president       Don Glenn, Engineer         

                              Zackery Cole, Councilmember                        Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

Ralph Deabner, Councilmember                     Ashley Stack, Borough Manager

                              Leslie Peters, Councilmember                         Adam Hlad, Code Enforcement Officer

                              Casey Shoub, Councilmember


(Absent)               Christopher Corrales, Councilmember  and Charles Miller, Emergency Management Coordinator

Minutes: A motion “to accept the minutes of January 6, 2020, reorganization and regular meeting” was made by Councilman Deabner and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Payment of Bills: A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated, February 4, 2020” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Public Comment:

Patricia Paola 74 First Street: Mrs. Paola came before the council to inform them of a down stop sign at the intersection of Fourth Street and Viaduct Way. Mrs. Paola stated she almost got run over by a bus. Mrs. Paola questioned the bus driver and the bus driver indicated he was unaware of there being a stop sign. Mrs. Paola stated the railroad is using Westmoreland Road as a storage facility. Mrs. Paola stated there are rails, railroad ties, and containers all along the roadway. The grass is torn up and there is also mud in the roadway. Mrs. Paola questioned if there is anything that can be done as residents to stop this from happening. Mrs. Paola stated she will start a petition if she must. Mrs. Paola also congratulated Mr. Christopher Corrales for wining the election.

Manager Stack stated she was unaware of the down stop sign and will have public works address it. Manager Stack stated we have made several attempts to contact them with zero response. If you wish to start a petition, we will gladly forward that along.

Ann Lecuyer 205 East Gilmore Avenue: Mrs. Lecuyer came before the council to discuss the option of using the Manchester Room for free for a free summer food program for children up to the age of 18. Mrs. Lecuyer contacted the Westmoreland County Food Bank and the school district if there are 20 interested children we would qualify and be eligible to hold the program. Mrs. Lecuyer stated there are several requirements for example the facility must have a refrigerator, a hand washing station and the children must be kept out of the weather. The program would be held Monday – Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for 12 weeks with a paid supervisor. The fire department has offered their support for any volunteering needs.

Mr. Perovich stated this program would fall under his committee and he would like to sit down and get further details. Manager Stack stated there are a few scheduled events that have the Manchester Room on Friday’s once Steve gets the information, we can figure it out.

Gillian Graber 110 Belleau wood Blvd: Mrs. Graber Executive Director of Promote PT came before the council in support of Mrs. Lecuyer’s effort to provide a summer food program. Promote PT is a non-profit organization that ensures safety, security, and quality of life for a more viable and communal future for Penn Trafford and surrounding communities in both Westmoreland and Allegheny Counties. Mrs. Graber asked the council to please support this effort and allow the use of the Manchester Room free of charge to feed the children of Trafford who qualify for the state free/reduced lunch program.

Don Glenn, Engineer:

Don reported on the agenda this evening there is a motion to advertise the street paving program. Mr. Glenn mentioned this is a great time to advertise because contractors are looking for work. Mr. Glenn predicts the borough will receive multiple bids. Mr. Glenn stated the bids will be opened prior to the next regular council meeting. 

Borough Manager: Manager Stack stated the Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority has approved the DEMOFUND grant in the amount of $25,000.00 for the demolition of 315 Fifth Street. The borough has an agreement with a neighboring property owner, and they are going to pay the costs that exceed the amount of the grant. The county is awarding that next week. We do not have a timeline at this point. Just as an FYI there may be a closure on route 130 on fifth street, but until we speak to the contractor, we don't have anything definitive. Manager Stack stated she has spoken with North Huntingdon regarding the weight limit signs on Murrysville Road, they do not have their section of the road posted. The manager requested a copy of the engineer’s study to review. Public Works will be placing the 5-ton weight limit signs on our portion of the road. Manager Stack provided the current bank balances; the General fund is approximately $480,000.00, the Liquid Fuels is approximately $164,000.00, The Recreation fund is $3,330.00, and the Sewage fund is approximately $783,000.00. Manager Stack mentioned sewage bills went out in January for the period of August 9th through the November 7th are due on February 12th.

Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement Officer Adam Hlad reported there were twelve new occupancy inspections, and four new occupancy permits issued. Three building permits were issued.

Grass/Weeds include:

841 8th. Magistrate issued fines on each of the 14 outstanding citations.


Garbage/Trash/Debris include:

836 Forbes Road. Summary trial scheduled mid-February.

Highland. Abated.

Pine Street. Summary trial continued, waiting on new date.


Property Maintenance include:

Corner of 3rd and Cavitt. Owner is on track with magistrate’s directions to get the property demolished. Has established a price, put the property up for sale and gained some interest. Waiting for follow-up hearing with magistrate to be scheduled

7th Street. Working with property maintenance company to abate.

                    8th Street. Working with property maintenance company.

                    Fairmont. In process, deadline to avoid multiple citations is later this week.

                    Cavitt Ave. In process.

                    Shady. Attractive nuisance, abated.


Abandoned vehicle:

                    Stewart St. 1 in process.


Permit violations include:

                    Gilmore: 1 excavation, 1 sidewalk opening in process.

                    5th Street: 1 excavation in process.

                    Duquesne: 1 excavation, 1 sidewalk opening, both resolved.                 


Disorderly House violations include:

                    5th Street Ext. Meeting with property owner next week.

                    432 Homewood. Citations issued; summary trial scheduled early March.


Councilwoman Peters questioned if it would be helpful to post the excavation section of the code on Savvy Citizen. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated that is a great idea as to many people are unaware. 

Councilwoman Peters stated the property at 106 Shady Lane is pending sale. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated the property did close on Friday. Councilwoman Peters stated hopefully the new owner will take care of the overgrowth. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated there was an extensive conversation held with the new owner on multiple violations.

 Councilman Perovich questioned the status of the temporary pole on Cavitt Avenue. Manager Stack stated Verizon installed that temporary pole. Halle from the County was going to speak to the contractor to see what was still needed in order to complete the project. Once she has spoken with the contractor, she will let us know and we can let both Verizon and Duquesne Light know so they can coordinate.

Solicitor: Solicitor Alexander stated both Adam and Ashley alluded that there are still lingering issues with 501 Cavitt Avenue on the demolition. As the Mayor and Council is aware, we’ve discussed during executive session many times there's going to be ongoing litigation regarding the property.  Manager Stack mentioned we have secured a grant for 315 Fifth Street, Solicitor Alexander stated he is in the process in preparing an agreement with the neighboring property owner so they may assist with funding. Solicitor Alexander stated he has prepared two resolutions and were provided to council prior to this meeting. Solicitor Alexander asked all to review the resolutions to act on them at the next regular council meeting. Solicitor Alexander stated he has worked with Code Enforcement Officer Hlad on several code issues.

EMS: Manager Stack stated Mr. Grant will be present at the next regular council meeting to present Penn Township Ambulance’s annual report.

VFD: Chief Brian Lindbloom reported seven total calls for the month of January. There were five rescue and emergency medical service calls, one false alarm call, and one fire call. Chief Lindbloom reported for the month of January there were 220 non-emergency medical transports. Dispatch to on scene time of five minutes and thirty seconds for fire related calls. Dispatch to on scene time of five minutes of thirty-six seconds for EMS calls. Chief Lindbloom reported the Fire Inspector completed 32 hours of National Fire Codes Essentials Course. Chief Lindbloom reported both fire and ems personnel completed a blood borne pathogen and harassment training course. Chief Lindbloom mentioned there are currently 1400 strains of the flu and Coronavirus. Chief Lindbloom stated there is an ongoing 95th anniversary t-shirt sale fundraiser, shirts may be purchased via email, by phone, or on their website. The fire department will also hold its annual hoagie sale in conjunction with cleanup days. The advanced life support personnel Paramedics and Advanced EMT’s completed UPMC’s requirements for medical command for 2020. This certification gives us permission to act on behalf of the doctor to give medications and use cardiac monitors. The advanced life support personnel also received Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waiver through the Centers for Medicine and Medicaid Services. The CLIA waiver allows us to take blood samples for blood glucose diabetics. We're not a laboratory, but we must have permission to specifically take blood and how to dispose of it once the sample is taken. Chief Lindbloom offered the Fire Departments support on Mrs. Lecyuer’s effort for a summer lunch program. If the room is rented the participants are free to use the fire department, we cannot commit to seven days a week, but we could accommodate a few days for the duration.

EMC: Manager Stack stated there was a meeting earlier today with Penn Township, Penn Township Emergency Management, Dr. Harris, Penn Township Ambulance, Penn Borough, and Penn Borough Emergency Management to discuss training opportunities that are coming up. Penn Township is leading the charge and gathering ideas to better prepare for emergencies.

Rec Board: No report.  

TECDC: No report.  

WHT: No report.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Llewellyn reported for the month of January there were a total of one hundred forty-seven calls, with ten criminal complaints filed, and eighteen citations issued. Mayor Llewellyn announced

Community & Economic Development: Councilman Perovich reported the bank building is finally down they still have a bit of work to do by filling everything in. There are a couple of new businesses coming into town. On the corner of Cavitt and Fifth Street across from the t-shirt shop, there’s going to be a music store. In the old Fanty’s flower shop there is going to be a dog groomer and kennel service. Hopefully the old Parente’s will be up and running soon. We’re moving in the right direction. Sherm Edwards is planning on adding a few offices which will bring additional employees and tax revenues.

General Government & Finance: No report.

Parks & Recreation: Councilwoman Peters reported the list of DCNR Grants are out and feels there may be an opportunity to capitalize on one. The idea is to get updated limestone for the track at the BY and a possible bike path from the trail to the restrooms. Hoping to have additional information next month.

Planning, Property, & Ordinances: Councilman Deabner reported a property assessor is coming to do an evaluation of all borough assets. Councilwoman Peters questioned all the borough’s buildings or just the borough building. Councilman Deabner stated just the borough building. Councilwoman Peters questioned why. Councilman Deabner stated for the purpose of refinancing the loan. Manager Stack stated she has started an engagement letter for a possible refinance just to receive the information. Solicitor Alexander was contacted by the originators of the bond to which they stated they could save us approximately tens of thousands of dollars, due to the current low rates. Manager Stack stated she just signed the engagement letter it is at no cost. This is just the preliminary, they will be gathering the information. It'll take close to four weeks before they would have the information for me to present to council as to what we're looking at interest rate wise. Once we have the information, she will be presenting that to council.

Public Safety: Councilman Cole stated he has spoken with the EMC on gathering an Emergency Cert team. We're waiting for instructors to get certified and then we can begin the next steps of getting volunteers and getting them trained.

Public Works & Sanitation: Councilman Shoub announced clean-up days on May 1, 2020, and May 2, 2020. May 1st from 12:00 8:00 p.m. and May 2nd from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. all HHW must be disposed of via the at your door program with Waste Management.

Presidents Report: Councilman Cardiff thanked the council for embracing the new committees and picking up the ball and running with it. He stated he appreciates the donation of time volunteering on the board.

Payment to Katofsky Construction

A motion “to authorize payment to Katofsky Construction in the amount of $4,167.50, for work completed in the borough building” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Manager Stack stated we received several quotes to look at water damage that was caused upstairs on the third floor. There were two locations where there was water damage. We thought it was from the roof. Upon further review the contractor got in there and the damage was a lot more extensive than anticipated. The contractor’s opinion is there was not enough ventilation when they built the building. The condensation had built up and so did the damage. This is just for the removal of the damage. We have met with Don Glenn and with the original architect and will come up with a plan.

The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Advertisement for 2020 paving project

A motion “to authorize the borough engineer to advertise for the 2020 street paving program” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole.

Manager Stack stated Don wanted to get a jump on the advertisement because contractors are looking for work and we will get the most bang for our buck. In one of Don’s other municipalities, they had 12 contractors put in bids, which is huge. We went out and assessed the roads to which were roads are the worst that we can afford to rectify at this point. We will be advertising for First Street, Gilmore Avenue, Homewood Avenue and Sixth Street keyway, and a larger patch in Jeannine Court. Councilman Shoub questioned which section of First Street. Manager Stack stated First Street from Route 993 up to East Gilmore Avenue. Councilman Perovich questioned if we were planning on paving all of Gilmore Avenue. Manager Stack stated yes. The estimated quote of East Gilmore Ave would have eaten up the entire paving budget.  Manager Stack stated she understands the condition of the road and she will be looking into possible grants.  Manager Stack acknowledged that Hillcrest Drive needs repaired. However, we’re going to have to keep patching the road until the new development has been completed. It's pointless for us to put the money into it when there is construction going on and heavy equipment is being moved in and out.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if there has been any further discussion on repairing the intersection of Fourth Street and Adrian Avenue. Manager Stack stated if one of the committees would like to work with Port Authority on this issue that would be helpful. The quote from Glenn Engineering was astronomical and was just to pull the tracks up which didn’t include the paving costs.

Resident Patricia Paola stated the borough would not have to pay as much as we are if the borough would seal all cracks and re-tar. This would prohibit trees and grass from growing through the seal.

Mrs. Paola questioned why the tracks would need ripped up if we’ve been paving over them for forty-five years. Why couldn’t the tracks be covered again? Manager Stack stated she doesn’t know the answer to that question, she will follow up with the engineer. Councilwoman Peters stated she will contact Don to get the history and share her findings.

The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Appointment to Vacancy Board

A motion “to appoint Jim Comunale to the Vacancy Board for a term ending December 31, 2020” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Appointment to Planning Commission

A motion “to appoint Jim Comunale to the Planning Commission for a term ending December 31, 2023” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Deabner.

Solicitor Alexander stated the code allows Mr. Comunale to serve on both boards they are not incompatible.

 The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Mayor Llewellyn conducted the Oath of Office appointing Mr. Jim Comunale to the Vacancy Board and the Planning Commission.


New Business

Mayor Llewellyn questioned if the Trafford Girls Softball would be able to provide field aggregate in lieu of paying the field use fee. They also would like to paint the dugouts and the concession stand and repair the fencing. Mayor Llewellyn also requested the use of the library parking lot for a Hoagie sale on April 18th from 11:00 a.m. until they’re gone.

Manager Stack stated we will need to check with public works and the union regarding the painting and repairs.

Mayor Llewellyn questioned if this could be voted on at the discussion meeting, reason being we are expecting some nice weather and we’d like to get this done as soon as possible.

A motion “to change the discussion meeting to a voting meeting and get it properly advertised” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Mayor Llewellyn reported Trafford Girls Softball sign-ups will be held at the Trafford American Legion on February 15th and 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Final sin-up day will be held on February 26th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Councilman Cardiff announced the next discussion voting meeting for Tuesday, February 18, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Manchester Room.

Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular meeting for Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.  


A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Deabner and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.