Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Assistant Borough Manager, Nina Solivan:

(Present)                     Kris Cardiff, President                                    Ed Llewellyn, Mayor                                                            

                                        Casey Shoub, Vice-President                      Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                                        Zackery Cole, Councilman                            Don Glenn, Engineer         

                                        Leslie Peters, Councilwoman                      Ashely Stack, Borough Manager      

                                        Joshua Sanders, Councilman                       Brian Lindbloom, Fire Chief

                                        Steven Perovich, Councilman                     Adam Hlad, Code Enforcement

                                                                                                                        Lou Corrales, Public Works Foreman      

(Absent)                                          Cheryl Petersen, Councilwoman

Councilman Cardiff stated an executive session was held on September 17, 2019, for matters of real estate.

Minutes- A motion “to accept the minutes of the September 3, 2019, regular business meeting” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Payment of Bills- A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated October 1, 2019” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously. 6-0.

Public Comment- Councilman Cardiff read the rules for public comment. Public comment for all matters which the public has a concern. No public comment or questions on agenda items will be received after this point. All the comments, promotions not listed on the agenda will be received when called for. We allow everybody to give their public comment and then the borough will give their response after everybody has completed their comments.

Delores Sutton 601 Brinton Avenue- Ms. Sutton questioned the status of two previously mentioned code issues located on Duquesne Avenue and the corner of Sixth and Brinton Avenue.

Code Enforcement Officer Adam Hlad stated he will get with Ms. Sutton to schedule a day to walk out to the areas in question.

Sylvia Fields 109 Highland Avenue- Mrs. Fields stated, “I'm here today as a homeowner asking you to petition the Corps of Army Engineers regarding the frequent flooding with Brush Creek in South Trafford. As you may know, the Creek runs through many miles throughout Westmoreland County with a devastating effect on South Trafford. The creek is affected by pollution, most notably acid mine drainage. It also costs homeowners thousands of dollars each year due to dangerous flooding that is occurring with greater frequency every year. The flooding is accompanied by dangerous rip currents capable of washing away property and individuals that could be caught in its path. This is a dangerous situation. The flooding until about 25 years ago was largely avoided by routine dredging of the Creek. Dredging has not occurred in many years and this has resulted in a raised water table and increased flooding. The flooding is the cause of one and possibly two homes being abandoned. People simply walk away from their mortgages because they can't keep up with being flooded out twice a year and having to redo repeatedly. It weakens foundations over time and makes our homes susceptible to black mold in our basements. South Trafford is an interesting little hamlet. Generations of the same families tend to remain there, and it is my ancestral home. We have owned our property for 62 years. The residents of South Trafford really need your support. We need you to get behind and take on this problem. The Corp of Army Engineer stands ready to perform a survey of the problem and I understand that you have contacted them, they are well acquainted with the flooding in South Trafford. The survey that they will perform will identify the issues, provide capital recommendations for remediation. There are public grants that are available to assist with permanent remediation in this area. The town of Jeannette is currently working with the Corp of Army Engineers and has received a significant grant to remediate a section of Brush Creek that does exactly what our section of brush Creek does to South Trafford. North Huntington is currently meeting regarding the same manner and is early in the stages. This is a problem that has a solution and I want to thank you. I also need to let you know that I was meeting with Kim Ward on a different matter and Trafford is never very far from my heart. It came up that she knew something about the flooding in South Trafford. Her office had been out to look at it. They had gone to the wrong parts of South Trafford. I don't know if any of you know what I'm talking about. She also said to me that she has not heard from Trafford in terms of requests for needs. So, I think that's something that you may want to discuss. I do ask you to work with us, to help us to save this part of town. It has great potential”.

Borough Manager Stack addressed Mrs. Fields’ concerns by stating “I don't know if you saw my email at the end of the day. It’s been a crazy day here, but I have contacted the Army Corps of Engineers and once I do hear back from them, I will make sure that I'm updating council. When you were saying about not contacting Senator Ward's office, we've contacted Senator Ward’s office about several different issues, but majority pertaining to the flooding in South Trafford. With the dredging of the creek, I cannot speak to that it was quite some time ago and I figured I could discuss that more with the Army Corps of Engineers whenever they get back to me. When you're talking about the grants that's something we will need to investigate. Once I talk to the Army Corp of Engineers, I will have more information to investigate possible grant opportunities. I would assume the borough would need to come up with an extremely large amount of money even if we’re granted a grant, whether it's matching or not.  We've contacted the Army Corps of Engineers, once we hear back, I will update council and we can kind of go from there and see what our options are.  I'll reach out to Senator Ward's office I have a lot of contacts there and I can see if they have any recommendations. When you submitted the capital budget there's no way that we could’ve possibly got that in today”.  Mrs. Fields suggested getting in contact with Jeanette to see what steps they have taken since their project is already well down the path.  I'm sure it's not an easy process because they're looking at the permanent solution. I do know that there are public monies that match up to 75% so there are resources out there. Manager Stack stated she meets with other local municipal managers frequently so she will discuss this matter with them and keep all parties involved in the loop.

Lynwood Leeman 334 Fourth Street: Mr. Leeman expressed concerns regarding the snow fence on Edgewood Avenue. Mr. Leeman stated there are broken curbs along Edgewood Avenue, Fairmont Avenue, and Fifth Street that need to be repaired. Mr. Leeman stated there is a broken clean-out cap laying in the grass at Fairmont Playground. Mr. Leeman mentioned the rainy season is coming and the storm inlets need to be cleaned out to prevent flooding. Mr. Leeman questioned who is responsible for maintaining the grass that grows in between the sidewalks.

Manager Stack stated a number of these items will be reviewed with our public works foreman. The leaf vac is fixed but we have a contract with waste management. There will be five, leaf collection pickup dates. I will make sure I get those to Councilwoman Peters and Councilman Cardiff so the information can be placed on the website, Facebook, and savvy citizen. I'll also send a request to the TECDC to place the information on the sign. One of the things I do want to say is about the catch basins needing to be cleaned out. They've cleaned out nearly a hundred with documentation so far this year along with everything else that we have going on. I’m happy they have been working very hard to get that paperwork in. Once the paperwork is completed, we submit a copy to the borough engineer, so we get the MS4 credit. As for the sidewalks being broken and grass growing in between them, that's something our code enforcement officer keeps an eye out for. If there are any properties, you have concerns about feel free to fill out a code complaint.

Ann LeCyer 205 East Gilmore Avenue. Mrs. LeCyer stated “I'm here to talk about the Westmoreland County Hazard Mitigation Plan. As you may know, they're currently updating the plan. As part of that update, all boroughs and municipalities within the County are required to complete the hazard mitigation surveys. There are four of them that will need to be completed to qualify for the hazard mitigation funding. Protect PT has attended a hazardous mitigation plan meeting this week and we saw that Trafford has not completed three of the four surveys required to qualify to receive any of the funding. The deadline was September 1st, but Chris Tanlinger the head of the Emergency Management Department of Westmoreland County said, he would still accept the remaining surveys. I have with me some explanation of what the borough still needs to do. You need to complete these mitigation strategies for consideration surveys. There's also a capability assessment that tells what equipment is available whenever you need to deal with an emergency. An identified piece survey, which I cannot remember what that means. Chris Tanlinger said he will still accept them. I'm curious if you knew and if so, why you hadn't completed that?”. On another note, Mrs. LeCyer stated while speaking with Ed Grant Penn Township EMS Director he mentioned PT EMS parked their ambulances here in Trafford during winter weather events for six hours a day for three days a week to help with handling calls on this end of their service area. Now I understood that Trafford is no longer housing them because the Fire Department is keeping their EMS truck in the garage and Mr. Grant said he cannot keep his ambulance out in the cold, and it must be in the garage. I don't have statistics on how many calls and how much help that has given us. I feel like if we can have the ambulance parked here and have qualified staff available to us, we should be taking advantage and finding a solution.

Manger Stack stated on the agenda for this evening there is a motion to appoint a new EMC and that is something that's on the list. He knows Chris Tanlinger well and I think that will all go hand in hand. We're hoping to get on the right track because we've kind of been lacking in that area for quite some time. I'm hopeful. Manger stack stated she received an update. Manager Stack stated she was not aware of that until recently It was brought to her attention that we were no longer going to be permitting them here to house an ambulance. Ed Grant emailed me this morning and said that he had spoken to chief Lind bloom and they had worked something out. I guess we can discuss that further under new business. I don't know the details, but whenever there's predicted weather events they can park an ambulance in one of the fire bays. Councilwoman Peters questioned it wasn’t that they weren't permitted, it was a matter of logistics and maybe moving some vehicles. Manager Stack stated they were told they were not going to be able to. Councilwoman Peters questioned again if they were told they were not going to be able to or not permitted to do. Manager Stack stated she wasn't part of the conversation. Councilwoman Peters stated she is asking because you said they weren't permitted to. Manager Stack stated she will have to pull up the email. Councilwoman Peters stated she was just asking for clarification. Manager Stack stated she'll bring that up on her new business. However, the borough administrative offices were left out of all those conversations. We were not privy to any of that which will be discussed on the agenda under new business.

Borough Engineer:

A public hearing on the Borough of Trafford’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Pollution Reduction Plan. Don Glenn, Borough Engineer stated the borough will complete five projects to eliminate pollution. First, 1500 lineal feet of stream restoration alongside Brush Creek will need to be completed by public works. Second, public works will also be constructing a retention facility behind the south Trafford ball fields. A letter was sent to Maronda Homes, the developers for Bradford Square phase II to allow the borough to receive credit for the new retention pond in the new development to which they responded and granted our request. The retention pond on Coventry Court is on the agenda tonight if council so chooses to approve this, the borough will need to preform minor restoration and maintenance. Lastly, the borough will install a sediment trap at BY pond. Again, that will all be completed by the public works department. They will be removing debris before it enters the streams. All of the projects will satisfy both the Turtle Creek and the Brush Creek sediment reduction load. Don asked if there were any questions from the audience. We're open to any questions if there are no questions that closes hearing and we will submit the report to DEP. Don asked if council had any questions. Councilwoman Peters stated she didn't hear what was said about the backside of Wallace. Don stated public works will be constructing a retention facility that will need to be maintained by the borough and will give us credit toward a 10% reduction. Public Works Foreman Lou Corrales stated we get a lot of water off from route 48 in North Versailles. Which runs across Wallace Avenue and back behind the ball fields. We're in the planning stages of trying to get some type of retention back behind the ball fields. Councilwoman Peters questioned if the facility is going to be like a big building, or a power plant facility? Public Works Foreman Corrales stated a retention pond is just somewhere that the water has to rest. It doesn't overload the Creek. It's a hole in the ground. The water goes into the pond and then into the Creek. It is not a constant flow directly into that Creek. Every time we get heavy rains off the Hill. Okay. Councilwoman Peters stated I'm wondering how that's going to affect the rest of South Trafford where I live as well as Mrs. Fields. So, I didn't know if that was going to back up anything above the Creek or not. Don stated what it will do is reduce the amount of silt and sediment going into the creeks, which of course raises the table when that's the problem. Don closed the hearing.

Don reported he has received the final report from the Grow Grant and has confirmed with the borough office that the final payment has been received.

Don stated on the agenda this evening there is a motion to award a contract to State Pipe Services in the amount of $190,455.00 for sanitary sewer repairs. It is my recommendation to accept this bid. The bids ranged from $190,455.00 to $440,500.00

Lastly, Don reported McKee Ashplant will be in on Thursday to start milling for the approved 2019 paving project.

Borough Manager- Borough Manager Stack reported Penn Township Ambulance will be offering free adult flu shots in the Manchester Room on October 9th from 10:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. The two CDBG grant applications for the paving of Inwood and Mary Street were submitted to Westmoreland County last week. McKee Asphalt will begin the 2019 paving project this week at the intersection of Brinton and Sixth, the small section of Duquesne Avenue near Third, and the underpass at Stewart Street. Work on Fairmont should begin the following week and will be posted by the contractor. Manager Stack stated she is waiting to hear back from Duquesne Light for clarification on using their poles for cameras and fiber optics within the borough. We need this information prior to ordering the cameras and materials. Sewage bills will be sent out within the next couple of weeks – this will be for the service period of May 9th through August 8th.

Councilman Perovich questioned if there are any updates with Port Authority and the condition of our road. Manger Stack replied, not at this time.

Code Enforcement- Code Enforcement Officer Adam Hlad reported there were nineteen new occupancy inspections, and eight occupancy permits issued. Six building permit applications submitted, and one issued. One amusement inspection and two amusement inspections pending.         

Grass/weeds include:

6th St. 1 abated, 1 in process.

Cavitt Ave. 1 in process.

8th St. Abated.

217 Woodlawn. Filed 2 additional citations with the magistrate. Abated. Will be posting this week.

1st St. In process.

                    841 8th. Filed 12 citations with Magistrate.

804 8th. 12 citations issued with magistrate.


Garbage/Trash/Debris in progress include:

106 Pine St. Large pile of debris. Citation filed with magistrate.


Property Maintenance in progress include:

Stewart St. Stormwater management project in process. Reviewed progress report, issuing Nov 1 deadline.

7th St. Multiple trash cans stored in front of buildings, notices mailed, some to be hand-delivered this week.

Duquesne. Trash/abandoned vehicles. In process.

Corner of 3rd and Cavitt. Condemned. Owner erected a protective fence. Will be filing multiple citations on 10/4 if not in compliance.

501 Cavitt. Met with Judge Smail on 9/20, he scheduled a status conference on 10/8.


Disorderly house violations:

                    6th St. Tenant evicted.



                    2 Zoning Hearing Board meetings conducted.


Councilman Perovich questioned the status of the home at Fourth and Duquesne Avenue. Mr. Hlad stated he has been in contact with the owner and she is willing to turn the property over it is just a matter of back taxes. She was sent an application for the county’s program. I will follow-up regarding the taxes.


Borough Solicitor- Solicitor Alexander stated he has also reviewed the bids and concur that State Pipe is the lowest responsible bidder on that project. Adam mentioned the status conference concerning 501 Cavitt Avenue on October eight we're trying to do so that the public is aware is to get some concrete time periods for completion.  At the last hearing, the judge stated when things had to commence, but he didn't say when it had to be finished. That left that open to interpretation. So, what we're trying to get is not a hearing, it's a status conference and we're hoping that we can get some relief about when that demolition work and rehabilitation work needs to be completed by. Hopefully, we'll have some good news coming out of there. We had a public hearing on the liquor license transfer, and you'll see the resolution on your agenda item number eighteen for consideration.

EMS- No report.   

Trafford VFD- Fire Chief Lindbloom reported Response: The Department responded to 8 emergencies and 169 Non-Emergency Medical Transports in September. Four of these responses were Fire related with an average “dispatch to on scene” time of 4:36. Four responses were EMS related with and average “dispatch to on scene” time of 5:12.  The average for ALL Calls was 4:54 (see a complete breakdown in the attached report).

Fire Prevention: Members provided and installed smoke and carbon monoxide alarms for a resident on Fairmont Ave; general fire safety information was provided along with the development of an escape plan which included a drill for the occupants.

A tour of the fire station and fire safety presentation for a local children’s play group and their parents; fire safety materials and home safety check-lists were provided to the parents. The kids participated in “stop, drop, and roll” exercises, “friendly fireman” interaction, and escape drills.

Members assisted Trafford Crime Watch with the Bicycle Safety and Helmet Awareness event at the B-Y Park.

Fire & Life Safety Presentation provided to the Day Care Staff at Praise Kids Daycare Center in N. Versailles. Participants received fire extinguisher training; an escape plan was developed, and a Fire Drill was observed. The smoke alarms were also tested for their Annual State License Recertification.    

A General Fire Safety & Awareness presentation was provided for 2 Staff members at Trafford Library.

The Fire Chief met with the Public Works Director to identify new Fire Hydrant locations for the Development at Ridge Crest Court (off Bradford Square Drive).

Training: In addition to the regular Station Drills we complete every month; our members also attended or completed the following:

Active Shooter Preparedness delivered by Allegheny Health Network at Forbes Regional Hospital.

Recruiting & Retention Workshop – Sponsored by Westmoreland County SAFER Grant

Fundraising: Amazon Smile Foundation: Our Department is registered for donations through this program. Citizens who use the Amazon Shopping services are now able to designate Trafford Fire Co. No. 1 to receive funds based on their purchases.

200 Club Fundraiser:  Meetings and preparation are well underway for the November 9th Event. Ticket sales are going very well. We are still accepting donations for door prizes and sponsors for auction baskets and other prizes.

Fund Drive: The first round of donations netted just over $13,000 which represents an 11.9% response. This is 5.82% lower than last year. The second round of requests will be mailed out very soon.  For comparison, last year the Department received $18,826 for its Operating Expenses through the Annual Fund Drive.

Relief Audit: The Department completed the tri-annual Relief Association audit conducted by the Office of the State Auditor General. The Auditor reported “No Findings”, “No Written Observations”, and “No Observations”. All Funds and Equipment were accounted for and no corrective actions required. A complete report will be forwarded to the Borough Manager from the Auditor General’s Office once completed.                

Hose Testing: The Hose Testing originally scheduled for September 8th was postponed by the vendor until October 12th.

Agape Development: The Fire Chief testified at the Zoning Hearing Boards’ public hearing on September 5th, citing several concerns for fire department vehicle access. The hearing was continued until September 26th, at which time the request for variance was “denied”.

Holiday Happenings: The Department continues to work with the committee in preparation of the December 7th event.

Chief Lindbloom has been selected by the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) to participate in the development of the next edition of NFPA 14: Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems.  The process is expected to take several months with the release in the 3rd quarter of 2020.

Next month (October 2019):

Fire Chief will tour the ACT Laboratory Facility on October 3rd as part of the Zoning Hearing Boards’ “conditions of occupancy”.  The Boroughs’ Insurance Agent will tour the fire department spaces on October 8th.

Members are scheduled to attend training related to “crush injuries” presented by Allegheny Health Network on October 9th. Members are also scheduled for their Annual Advance & Basic Life Support Skills Review on October 15th.

Halloween “Trick or Treat” Safety Patrol on October 31st from 6 P.M. – 8 P.M. Crews will position at designated intersections to provide lighting and assist with pedestrian crossing.

Recreation Board- Rose Frolinni submitted the 2020 Recreation Board budget to Manager Stack. Rose reported the board has been working on the Halloween event. The registration dates are October 9th, 10th, and the 15th. The contest will be on October 26th at the Legion. Rose thanked Public Works for repairing the handicap fishing dock. Rose mentioned she went to a college campus in Saginaw, Michigan and they had a very nice pond with two swans. After a few minutes, it was clear that they were artificial. Rose questioned what the purpose of the swans were. The host responded to alleviate the goose problem. If you can get the swans in the pond and the pond area before the geese show up, they may avoid the area because they don't want to tangle with the swans. Rose contacted the artificial Swan vendor and they suggested that it could work if you deploy the swans as soon as the pawn thaw. Rose mentioned to the vendor the geese nest here and the vendor suggested we get another pair to put in the nesting areas. Rose stated it’s a toss-up It could work, might not. If nothing else, the swans look nice swimming in the pond. Last evening the recreation board voted to purchase two pair of swans providing council and public works agree. Rose questioned if this is something council would want to try.

Councilman Sanders questioned the cost per pair. Rose stated they’re $99 a pair plus the cost of the weights. Manager Stack stated compared to the $5,000 that we got as an estimate from Crespo its worth a shot.

A motion “to allow the recreation board to purchase two pair of decoy swans to be utilized at BY pond” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

TECDC- No report.

Westmoreland Heritage Trail- Councilman Cole stated the WHT group recently had a work party where added additional mile markers. They also added 17 historical landmarks. Marking where sites previously stood. Councilman Cole learned that Washington's camp, once was in the area that crosses Forbes Road. The WHT group also added additional memorial benches that individuals have purchased. Councilwoman Peters questioned if the trail group had installed benches along the backside of BY Park, Councilman Cole replied yes.

Mayor’s Report- Mayor Llewellyn reported for the month of September there were one hundred fifty documented calls, with twenty-five citations issued and ten criminal cases filed. Mayor Llewellyn reported the Crime Watch hosted their bike safety event in conjunction with the Fire Department and Police Department fourteen children attended and all were provided a bicycle helmet.

Community Development- Councilman Perovich reported on the agenda this evening there are several appointments along with a few resignations. Councilman Perovich also stated the Trafford Historical Society has erected a sign at the corner of Fifth St and Brinton Avenue near the bridge. The sign designates Trafford being founded by George Westinghouse. The Historical Society is also planning on adding an informational stand near the sign to point out the Westinghouse plant area.

Finance- No report.

Community Development- Councilwoman Peters reported the Holiday happenings committee has continued to meet and are pretty finalized with the parade lineup. It's going to be very similar to last year with a few enhancements. The event will take place on December 7th. If any person, group, business or entity is interested in participating in the parade please contact us via our email The parade line-up is at Haymaker Village at 5:45 p.m. with the parade to follow starting at 6:15 p.m. New this year to increase safety away from the corner, we're going to have a throw zone on both sides of the streets. All goodies will be in that area. It’s a little bit safer than people darting out in the road. We do need bakers if anyone is interested to bake a dozen or two or ten of cookies. We are getting excited. Once the details are firmed up, they will be posted on the website and Facebook.

Public Safety- No report.

Public Works- No report.

Sanitation- No report.

President’s Report- No report.

Accept Cheryl Petersen’s Resignation

A motion “to accept the resignation of Councilwoman Cheryl Petersen” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Nomination(s) for vacant council position

Councilwoman Peters nominated Patricia Paola. Councilman Sanders, Councilman Shoub and Councilman Perovich nominated John Daykon. Councilman Cole nominated Ralph Deabner.

Roll call vote was taken; Councilman Cardiff and Councilman Cole voted for Ralph Deabner. Councilman Perovich, Councilman Sanders, and Councilman Shoub voted for John Daykon. Councilwoman Peters voted for Patricia Paola. The vote was 3-2-1.

Solicitor Alexander stated a roll call vote will now be taken between John Daykon and Ralph Deabner.

Roll call vote was taken; Councilman Cardiff, Councilman Cole, and Councilwoman Peters voted for Ralph Deabner. Councilman Perovich, Councilman Sanders, and Councilman Shoub voted for John Daykon. There was a split vote 3-3. Mayor Llewellyn broke the tie vote and chose Ralph Deabner as the nomination for the vacant council position.

Appointment to vacant council position

A motion “to appoint Ralph Deabner to serve the remainder of former Councilwoman Petersen’s term, expiring December 31, 2021” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Zoning Hearing Board alternate appointment

A motion “to appoint Patricia Bayko to serve as an alternate on the Trafford Borough Zoning Hearing Board” was made by Councilman Perovich and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Mayor Llewellyn swore in Patricia Bayko to the Zoning Hearing Board and Ralph Debhner to Council. Mr. Deabner took his seat alongside the council.

Appoint Emergency Management Coordinator

A motion “to appoint Charles Miller, Jr. to serve as the Trafford Borough Emergency Management Coordinator, receiving a monthly stipend of $200.00 a month” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Councilman Cole stated he’d like to express his support on this motion. With not having a coordinator and inconsistencies whenever we did. I feel that this will be a very good investment for the borough.

The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Authorize contract with State Pipe Services

A motion “to authorize a contract with State Pipe Services in the amount of $190,455.00, for the sanitary line repair at Inwood Road” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Sanders.  Councilman Cardiff stated the bids ranged from $190,455.00 to $440,550.00. With a total project estimate of $269,810.00.

Assistant Borough Manager Nina Solivan stated, “for those individuals who question where the sewage money goes, it goes into repairs such as this one. This is one line for $190,455.00, they are expensive”.

Manager Stack stated the CDBG grant for this project only pertains to paving, not the line repairs.

 The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Authorize Savvy Citizen renewal

A motion “to authorize the renewal of Trafford Borough’s Savvy Citizen annual subscription for $1,089.00” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Sanders. The motion carried 6-1 Councilman Cole voted no.

Approve resolution for liquor license transfer

A motion “to approve the resolution for an inter-municipal transfer of Liquor License, no. R-19223, from North Huntingdon Township to 427-429 Cavitt Avenue, Trafford (formerly Parente’s Ristorante)” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Authorize Manager to apply for PA Small Water & Sewer grant

A motion “to authorize the borough manager to apply for a 2019 PA Small Water and Sewer grant to improve the storm sewer system on Meadow Street” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub.

Councilman Perovich questioned what the grant entails.

Manager Stack stated the state of the road is in very bad condition. It's not worth us putting any money into the road until the drainage is properly rehabilitated. We're hoping to get a grant for the necessary repairs. The drainage issues are very costly. I'll have more to report on that once Don Glenn and I get further into the application process.

Accept retention pond at Coventry Court

A motion “to accept the retention pond at Coventry Court, parcel ID 36-02-09-0-103, currently owned by Mackenzie Land Partners LP” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if the borough would be absorbing or obtaining any financial responsibility.

Manager Stack stated there are no costs. My understanding is the borough was supposed to take this over quite some time ago and it never happened. This is an item we could use this for the MS4 credit. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Approve Adopt a Space at the Welcome to Trafford Sign

A motion “to approve residents, Annette Costlow and Delores Sutton, to Adopt a Space at the Welcome to Trafford sign, located near B-Y Park” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Sanders. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Approve handicap parking sign

A motion “to approve the placement of an ADA handicap sign at 834 Eighth Street” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Cole. Manager Stack stated this has been approved by the police department.

Manager Stack mentioned this was a resident request. The police chief receives the request and looks at the location to see if it is feasible. Once approved by the police chief it goes before council. When a handicapped sign is placed in front of a residence, it is open to anybody who is has a handicap placard or handicap license plate. It is not designated for the resident only. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

Approve Trick or Treat

A motion “to approve Trafford Borough’s Halloween Trick or Treat for Thursday, October 31, 2019, from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Sanders. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.

New Business

Penn Township Ambulance being prohibited from posting an ambulance in one of the borough building’s garage bays due to lack of space.

Manager Stack stated the only reason she had received any notice, was an email this morning stating that the issue has been resolved. With decisions like this I would hope that from now on the borough would be consulted before a decision is made or addressed. This is a decision that affects every resident in this town and that shouldn't be determined without council being aware of it. Whether it's the public safety committee chair and vice-chair or herself, it should not have been told to Penn Township Ambulance without us being made aware. I'm glad that it has been resolved and that we can go from there.

Councilman Cardiff questioned if it has been resolved to where Penn Township Ambulance will be able to post the vehicle inside the garage.

Manager Stack read an email from Ed Grant that states “I was able to meet with Brian Lindbloom last evening and we created a plan that will allow our ambulance to be placed in the fire station during predicted winter weather events”.

Councilman Cole requested the Borough Solicitor to draft an ordinance pertaining to a vacant building registry. Councilman Cole stated the City of Greensburg recently passed an ordinance that creates a registry for the city's vacant properties at the expense of absentee property owners.  Property owners will now need to register those properties with the city for a fee and renew the registration yearly. The city council has yet to set that fee. This is a way for us to know what properties are vacant and will also make it easier for code enforcement to contact the correct individuals.

Solicitor Alexander stated he has created ordinances such as this one in several other communities. The problem is the property owners, they sit on the property for years and years and they become dilapidated. The fee would be based on a sliding scale, for example, the first year a $100.00 fee and an increase each year after.


Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular council meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, at 7:00 PM.

A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously 7-0.