Trafford Borough

Discussion Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 22, 2019


The Trafford Borough Council held a discussion meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 7:03 p.m., in the Manchester Room. Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance.


Members in Attendance:


(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                                     Joshua Sanders, Councilman

                              Casey Shoub, Council Vice-President                         Leslie Peters, Councilwoman

                              Zackery Cole, Councilman                                            Steve Perovich, Councilman                                       

                              Cheryl Petersen, Councilwoman                                 Edward Llewellyn, Mayor


 Council President Kris Cardiff introduced Senator Kim Ward.

Senator Ward thanked council for having her this evening. Senator Ward stated her office handles anything related to the state please feel free to reach out at any time. Her office is located at 1075 S Main Street in Greensburg. Senator Ward announced her new appointment as chairwoman of the Transportation Committee in the Senate. Senator Ward stated it is a challenge that she is looking forward to. Senator Ward stated the committee also does handle rail unfortunately, Northfolk Southern listens to nobody and that is something that we do not have any kind of influence over. Northfolk Southern does not care and they will not even call us back. They are all about freight and that is a federal issue. Senator Ward suggested council reach out to Guy Reschenthaler. Senator Ward asked the audience for questions.

 Theresa Severino asked Senator Ward for help with PAT Bus, they will not return phone calls relating to building a shelter free of charge at a bus stop. Senator Ward said she will investigate it.

Councilwoman Petersen informed Senator Ward the railroad bridge going into South Trafford is falling apart. If something happens to the bridge, we will be trapped.

Councilman Cardiff informed Senator Ward our road goes underneath the railroad bridge. Our engineer has sent a letter requesting a stability report but received no response.

Councilman Shoub stated there are a few issues we are having with the railroad; the underpass, a trestle where the creek runs through and debris is built up that is holding the creek back, idling engines for hours and days on end.

Senator Ward questioned if the idling engines pose a danger? Reason being if you send Northfolk Southern a letter stating there is a danger they will respond.

Theresa Severino questioned if the creek would be a danger? Senator Ward questioned who owned the property where the flooding occurs.

Councilman Shoub stated Northfolk Southern owns the trestle where the debris is built up against. Senator Ward Stated If a creek runs through your private property you are responsible for keeping your section of the creek clean. Senator Ward stated she will contact the Westmoreland County Conservation District and set up a meeting with Jim Pillsbury and Councilman Shoub.

 Councilman Shoub asked Senator Ward for any help that she may be able to provide in getting the railroad to sell a portion of rail for the Westmoreland Heritage Trail. The track starts at the BY Park and comes down to Fourth Street & Westmoreland Road. The railroad is refusing to sell.

Senator Ward questioned if the borough had a cost estimate on that section of track? Councilman Shoub stated Stan Rudge may.

Councilman Shoub stated there are several properties in town that need to be demolished is there any money out there that we can apply for? Senator Ward stated there is demolition money at the county.

Councilman Perovich questioned how many counties in Pennsylvania opted in for the $5.00 surcharge on the vehicle registration cards? Senator Ward stated she will have to get back on that.

Councilwoman Peters questioned if Senator Ward had any direction or contacts to help bring more business into town? Senator Ward stated it’s an unfortunate challenge everywhere. Senator Ward stated she would state the proximity to Pittsburgh, the school district, and quality of life. Reach out to builders and developers. Senator Ward questioned what the borough provides to the business owners for example tax abatements. Senator Ward stated solicit professional services across the bridge and advertise the lower taxes.

Senator Ward thanked council for allowing her to attend, she stated if anyone has any problems to please give her a call.

Senator Ward exited the meeting.

Councilman Cardiff asked the audience if anyone had any further questions.

Dave a Deacon at Christian Life Church came to council looking for support for a project he is working on. The project is called “The Well” which will be sponsored by Christian Life Church and several other companies.  We are looking to open a nonprofit coffee shop that will provide help for those with different needs. For example, those who need rehab, the elderly, people who need furniture, help people get jobs, etc. Two nights ago, we had a woman who needed beds for her children, so we went out and bought two full-size beds with box springs. We want to help the people in this community.

Councilwoman Peters thanked Dave and offered her help.

Pat Paola a resident questioned the status of the AED’s. Mayor Llewellyn informed Mrs. Paola there will be a meeting held and an update given at the next council meeting. The last time the police department had an AED it was not serviced and became inoperable. Mrs. Paola stated if her husband isn’t breathing she would be very upset that she would have to wait for an ambulance when the police are always first at the scene. To have a device that will increase the chance of survival and not have them being that they are being donated just does not make sense.

Councilman Cardiff stated he is planning on restructuring the committees and is looking for all of council and admin staff to have input. Our current structure was set up long ago when the borough was without a manager, the committee’s intent was to handle all the different aspects of how the borough worked which does not pertain to what the manager handles today. Councilman Cardiff mentioned a parks and recreation committee to help with advertising and marketing, a public works and sanitation committee combining the two. 

Councilman Cole suggested a committee to focus on bringing businesses in town and a trail committee.

Councilman Cole shed light on the trail event that will be held on June 1, 2019, in the Urban’s parking lot. The committee will be reaching out to Christian Life Church for additional parking. The committee requested a police officer for traffic/ crossing. Councilman Cole suggested a volunteer constable instead. The committee also requested permission to use the picnic tables from BY Park and have public works deliver and set them up. Councilman Cole stated this is going to be a big event and will be beneficial to the community.

Councilman Cardiff informed Councilman Cole to put together a proposal with all the requested items from the borough and present at the next meeting.

Mayor Llewellyn reported Mary Signore is working with the Parente family on the memorial bench for Renee and will be presented at the February meeting. With the possible location of the bench with council’s approval outside of the borough building.

A motion to “adjourn” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, February 5, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers.

The meeting adjourned at 7:51 P.M.