Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- January 2, 2019


The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Wednesday, January 2, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.

Roll Call of Attendance by Borough Secretary, Nina Solivan:

(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                        Craig Alexander, Solicitor        

                              Zackery Cole, Councilmember                         Don Glenn, Engineer         

                              Leslie Peters, Councilmember                          Louis Corrales, Public Works Foreman

Cheryl Petersen, Councilmember                    Brian Lindbloom, Fire Chief

                              Joshua Sanders, Councilmember 

                              Casey Shoub, Councilmember 

                              Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

(Absent)                John Eliyas, EMC    

Notice of Executive Sessions held January 2, 2019, for litigation purposes.

Minutes: A motion “to accept the minutes of December 4, 2018, regular meeting” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Payment of Bills: A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated, January 2, 2019” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Public Comment:

Delores Sutton 601 Brinton Avenue- Ms. Sutton questioned the status of the slide at Seventh Street and Brinton Avenue. Ms. Sutton also questioned why water service was terminated with no notification. Ms. Sutton informed council that Irwin is dredging the creek, questioned if Trafford has any plans to do the same.

Borough response- Councilman Cardiff stated the slide will be covered under the engineer’s report. Councilman Shoub stated Irwin is not dredging their creek, that is part of the expansion of the sewer plant.

Mark Petrovich 123 Bradford Square Drive- Mr. Petrovich questioned the status of Bradford Square Phase II and requested an update on the right of way.

Borough response- Solicitor Alexander stated there is a holdup with one of the prior heirs. Once that is cleared up access to the right-of-way can be obtained. This was also presented in executive session. The borough may have to get involved with condemning the right-of-way to get the ball rolling. Mr. Petrovich questioned what grounds does the borough have to intervene into a civil matter. Solicitor Alexander stated we are looking into what the borough’s options are, hoping the heirs get this rectified as soon as possible.

Larry George 320 Cavitt Avenue- Mr. George presented information on behalf of the Trafford Business Association. The intent of the association is to raise funds to make improvements around town. There was research done on other communities regarding portable AED’s and the association thought it would be a great idea to raise the funds to purchase an AED for the police car. It never crossed our mind that the department would not want them. We sincerely apologize if we offended anyone. I still think this should still be looked at. We have a lot of things planned for 2019 around town. Mr. George presented a picture of storefronts that were fixed up by volunteers with a little bit of paint and putty. Fire Chief Lindbloom has been a tremendous help, he was able to get us in contact with his supplier. Mr. George stated he has reached out to the Chief on several occasions but the Chief has not returned any of his calls. The duty is to protect and serve. The facts are the facts, the evidence is overwhelming the police get to the scene two to six minutes before the ems.

Borough response-Councilman Cardiff stated to get in touch with the Mayor to possibly set up a meeting with the chief.

Joan Monroe 513 Zone Street- Ms. Monroe stated the Christmas lights on Cavitt Avenue look great. Secondly, the lights in the library parking lot are either not working or not bright enough. It’s too dark.

Borough response- Public Works Foreman Lou Corrales stated he will check on the timer in the morning.

Don Glenn, Engineer:

The BY Park restroom renovation project is underway. Swede Construction has all of the plumbing in place, the interior has been painted, and the stall partitions have been installed along with the grab-bars. The project should be completed soon. 

There have been a few complications with the Seventh and Brinton Avenue Slide repairs. GeoBuild, the contractor responsible for putting in Soil Nails was able to get the first set of nails in place while trying to put in the second set, the contractor hit a waterline. The water company mismarked their waterline during the one call. The waterline was marked eighteen feet from the painted one call marking. The water company was unaware that their waterline runs along the curb line. The water company’s map shows the waterline where the initial one call marking was placed. The water service in that area has been temporarily disabled. The water company put on a temporary coupling that failed and sent out for another. The water service should be restored within the next hour or so. Don stated he will be meeting with the water company in the morning to relocate the waterline where the original one call marking is located. This will shut our project down until the waterline has been moved. Depending on the new location of the waterline we may not be able to install the third set of soil nails as intended. If that is the case, I may have to come up with a different scheme. In addition to the waterline break our curb has moved, we now need to look at additional work with a wall or a new curb line. A lot of things are up in the air until I meet with the water company and the contractor as soon as I have a plan I will reach out to council.

Councilwoman Peters questioned when the water line is being moved will residents be without water. Don stated the old line will continue to be in use until the new line has been tested and passed.

Councilman Cardiff questioned if the water company will be held liable? Don stated the borough is not responsible and will be speaking with the water company.

A letter was sent to PennDOT regarding water flow onto Route 130 that caused an accident. Public Works Foreman Lou Corrales stated there was a road cut in for the APEX Well Pad on the Drakulic property located in Penn Township. When the road was cut in the water runoff was directed onto Route 130. Mr. Corrales contacted Penn Township Code Enforcement and they were able to provide the contractors’ information. The contractor informed Mr. Corrales he was in Des Moines, Iowa and do whatever that needed to be done and that the contractor’s son will meet Mr. Corrales to re-pay the borough for the resources that have been spent on this issue. Mr. Corrales stated there is an issue and we are aware we are trying to get the issue taken care of as quickly as possible.

Code Enforcement: Councilman Sanders reported there were ten occupancy inspections filed, two follow-up occupancy inspections completed, and eleven new occupancy permits issued. There is one zoning permit in process. There was one abandoned vehicle ordinance violation, one trash ordinance violation, one property maintenance ordinance violation, one zoning ordinance violation, and one occupancy ordinance violation. 

Solicitor: Mr. Alexander stated all of his items were addressed in executive session along with the resolutions on the agenda.  

Trafford VFD: Fire Chief Lindbloom stated there were two hundred and twenty-five calls for the year, which is up approximately twenty calls from the previous year. Chief Lindbloom highlighted there were fifteen fire calls for the year, with approximately two million, eight hundred and two dollars’ worth of property was at risk and damages were minimized to one hundred, and forty-six thousand. The average response time for the year for ems related incidents was six minutes and for fire-related incidents was just over seven minutes. The national average to be on scene is nine minutes and we are under that. Included in Fire Chief Lindblom’s report were pictures of the Wallace Avenue bridge debris in Brush Creek. The hillside is deteriorating, there is a tractor-trailer ten feet away from the deteriorating hillside. Fire Chief Lindbloom stated it will be a lot easier to have the property owner move the trailer now while it is on top rather then it falling into the creek. Fire Chief Lindbloom also included information regarding ASHER (Active Shooter Hostile Event Response). This is an unfortunate reality, at your leisure please read the report. In 2002 the fire department wrote a grant to obtain AED’s for the police vehicles and was successful and received one AED. At that time there was only one car on duty. Overtime AED’s expire. The ones we had we did have some success with, several officers we had used them. The importance of having someone on scene starting CPR doing chest compressions and resuscitation is the key to saving someone but when you add the AED to the CPR the survival chance increases. We have certified instructors on staff and can provide training for free as well as a refresher training. Fire Chief Lindbloom informed council that bus drivers are using the public restrooms during the day but calling the fire department after hours to open the doors.

WHT: Mayor Llewellyn reported the Trail event that is scheduled for June 1, 2019, is still in the works. Mayor Llewellyn is requesting a member of council be present at the trail meetings. They are the second Tuesday of the month at the Lamplighter. There will be a community project with business owners and vendors at the BY Park, it has been reserved for that day. Councilman Cardiff questioned if the business association is paying for the rental fee. Mayor Llewellyn was under the impression it was decided at the last meeting the pavilions were able to be used for this event council stated that was not the case.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Llewellyn reported for the month of December there were a total of one hundred thirty-five calls, ten criminal cases filed with additional pending investigation, and fifty-four citations were issued.

Sanitation: Councilman Shoub reported the pavilion at the Terrace Playground has been removed.

Presidents Report- Councilman Cardiff stated he is in the process of forming a better follow-up communication to public comment. Councilman Cardiff stated he able to get in contact with Senator Kim Ward’s office but is unsure if she will be able to attend the next workshop meeting. Once a confirmation has been made, he will place the information on the website.

Nomination for Vacant Council Position

Councilman Cardiff announced the individuals who submitted letters of interest Mike Burnett, Steve Perovich, Patricia Paola and Delores Sutton.

A roll call vote for nominations was taken.

Councilman Cardiff and Councilman Shoub nominated Steve Perovich.

Councilwoman Peters, Councilwoman Petersen, and Councilman Sanders nominated Patricia Paola.

Councilman Cole nominated Michael Burnett.

Solicitor Alexander stated the nominations are now between Patricia Paola and Steve Perovich.

A roll call vote between the two candidates will be needed.

Councilman Cardiff, Councilman Cole, and Councilman Shoub voted Steve Perovich.

Councilwoman Peters, Councilwoman Petersen, and Councilman Sanders voted Patricia Paola.

There was a split vote 3-3, Mayor Llewellyn broke the tie and selected Steve Perovich. Motion Carries.

Councilman Shoub asked Solicitor Alexander if Mr. Perovich could still sit on the Zoning Hearing Board for the upcoming hearing on January 17, 2019. Solicitor Alexander stated as long as Mr. Perovich has not been sworn in yet he may participate in that hearing. Councilman Cardiff questioned how long Mr. Perovich has to be sworn in. Solicitor Alexander cited the borough code section 903: Right of council to declare seat of member vacant for failure to qualify. If an individual, elected or appointed as a member of council and notified of election or appointment refuses or neglects to qualify as a member of council within ten days following the beginning of the individual's term of office, unless prevented by sickness or necessary absence from the borough, the council, acting without the individual, may declare the individual's office as member of council vacant and may fill the vacancy in accordance in the way we just did. Solicitor Alexander stated he would like to look into this further to see if there is any possibility to extend the timeframe to allow Mr. Perovich to participate in the upcoming hearing.

Councilman Cardiff thanked the individuals who submitted letters of interest for the open council position, it is an election year if you are interested in running please familiarize your self with the county election bureaus website on how to file and please run for a position. There are three seats this year that are up.

Appoint Official Newspaper

A motion “to appoint the Penn-Franklin News as Trafford Borough’s official newspaper” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Recreation board Appointments

A motion “to appoint Nick Petrucci and Mary Dobos to the Trafford Borough Recreation Board with terms expiring December 31, 2021” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

2019 Sewage Rates

A motion “to approve a resolution setting the 2019 Sewage Rates” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Shoub. Councilman Cardiff stated the borough is not raising its rates, this is due to Alcosan. Alcosan had a press release stating the rates will continue to increase 7% each year until 2021. Councilman Cardiff thanked the sewage department and the administrative staff for keeping a tight budget which allows the borough to not have to increase its rates. 

The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Eliminating Member Contributions

A motion “to eliminate member contributions into the Trafford Borough Police pension plan for the 2019 calendar year” was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

BY Park Restroom Renovation

A motion “to authorize a contract with Swede Construction in the amount of $31,350.00, for the BY Park restroom renovation project” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Peters.

Councilman Cardiff mentioned the other quote received for this project was in the amount of $42,200.00 and is a significant saving. Councilman Cardiff also mentioned the funding for the project is money from Westmoreland County Community Development Block Grant. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Seventh Street and Brinton Avenue Slide

A motion “to authorize a contract with GeoBuild, utilizing funds from the sewage fund, to install soil nails to reinforce the Seventh Street and Brinton Avenue Slide” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

Advertisements for Various Boards

A motion “to approve an advertisement seeking letters of interest for the Planning Commission, Vacancy Board, and the Zoning Hearing Board. Letters must be submitted by Wednesday, January 30, 2019, by 4:30 p.m.” was made by Councilman Sanders and seconded by Councilman Cole. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

New Business

Councilman Cardiff stated with Councilwoman Morrow’s resignation that leaves the position of council vice-president vacant. 

Councilwoman Petersen nominated Councilwoman Peters, Councilwoman Petersen nominated Councilwoman Peters, Councilman Cole nominated Councilman Shoub, and Councilman Cardiff nominated Councilman Sanders.

A roll call vote for nominations was taken.

Councilman Cardiff voted Councilman Sanders, Councilman Cole voted Councilman Shoub, Councilwoman Peters voted Councilwoman Petersen, Councilwoman Petersen voted Councilwoman Peters, Councilman Sanders voted Councilman Shoub, Councilman Shoub voted Councilwoman Peters.

The vote is now between Councilwoman Peters and Councilman Shoub.

Councilman Cardiff, Councilman Cole, and Councilman Sanders voted for Councilman Shoub.

Councilwoman Peters, Councilwoman Petersen, and Councilman Shoub voted for Councilwoman Peters.

There was a split vote 3-3, Mayor Llewellyn broke the tie and selected Councilman Shoub as Council Vice-President. Motion Carries.

Mayor Llewellyn announced the funding has been secured to purchase a memorial bench in memory of Renee Capetta. Mayor Llewellyn stated he will coordinate with public works and then present the location to council.


Councilman Cardiff announced the work session to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Manchester Room.

Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular meeting for Tuesday, February 5, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously.