Trafford Borough

Reorganization and Regular Business Meeting Minutes- Tuesday, January 2, 2018


The Trafford Borough Council held a Reorganization and Monthly business meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the Markosek Council Chambers.

Mayor, Ed Llewellyn, called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and led a Moment of Silence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Llewellyn, then administered the "Oath of Office" to the following newly-elected members of Council:

Mr. Zachary Cole, Ms. Leslie Peters, Ms. Cheryl Petersen, and Mr. Casey Shoub, Sr.

Roll Call of Attendance by Borough Secretary, Nina Solivan:

    (Present)        Kris Cardiff                                        Leslie Peters

                              Zachary Cole                                      Cheryl Petersen

                              Dennis Hockenberry                         Casey Shoub, Sr.

                              Carol Morrow                                    Ed Llewellyn, Mayor

                              Ashely Stack, Borough Manager     Paul D. Zavarella ,Solicitor

                              Don Glenn, Engineer


      (Absent)       John Eliyas, EMC

Mayor Llewellyn asked for nominations for the position of President of Council. Councilwoman Morrow nominated Councilman Cardiff, and was seconded by Councilwoman Peters. With no other nominations, Councilman Cardiff received a unanimous vote and will serve as President of Council.


Mayor Llewellyn asked for nominations for the position of Vice-President of Council. Councilman Hockenberry nominated Councilwoman Morrow, and was seconded by Councilman Cole. With no other nominations, Councilwoman Morrow received a unanimous vote and will serve as Vice-President of Council.


Appointment of Borough Officials:

Community Development- Chairperson; Councilwoman Peters, Co-Chairperson; Councilman Cole

Finance-             Chairperson; Councilman Hockenberry, Co-Chairperson; Councilwoman Morrow

General Government- Chairperson; Councilwoman Morrow, Co-Chairperson; Councilman Hockenberry

Public Safety- Chairperson; Councilman Cole, Co-Chairperson; Councilwoman Peters

Public Works- Chairperson; Councilwoman Petersen, Co-Chairperson; Councilman Shoub

Sanitation- Chairperson; Councilman Shoub, Co-Chairperson; Councilwoman Petersen


Solicitor - Craig Alexander of Bruce Dice and Associates was re-appointed by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Engineer- Don Glenn of Glenn Engineering and Associates was re-appointed by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Official Newspaper- Penn-Franklin News was re-appointed by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Emergency Management Coordinator- John Eliyas was re-appointed by Councilman Shoub and second by Councilwoman Morrow. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Borough Secretary- Nina Solivan was re-appointed by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilwoman Peters. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Borough Manager- Ashley Stack was re-appointed by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Vacancy Board- David Mascara was appointed to the Vacancy Board for a one-year term by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. The appointment was approved unanimously.


Zoning Hearing Board- Mark Kozubal was re-appointed to the Zoning Hearing Board for a three-year term by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The appointment was approved unanimously.


PTARC Representative- Councilman Shoub was nominated to serve as the PTARC representative by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. The nomination was approved, Councilman Shoub abstained from the vote.


Recreation Board Representative- Councilman Hockenberry was nominated to serve as the Recreation Board representative by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Petersen. Roll call vote was taken as follows; Councilman Cardiff No, Councilman Cole yes, Councilman Hockenberry No, Councilwoman Morrow No, Councilwoman Peters Yes, Councilwoman Petersen yes, Councilman Shoub yes. Nomination was approved with a roll call vote of 4-3.


Notice of Executive Sessions held January 2, 2018 for matters of personnel.

Minutes- A motion “to accept the minutes of the December 5, 2017, regular meeting and the December 19, 2017, special meeting” was made by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously.

Payment of Bills- A motion “to approve the expense voucher list dated January 2, 2018” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. The motion carried unanimously.

Presentation of Award

Mayor Llewellyn thanked everyone whom has donated their time in volunteering for various events held during the year.

Mayor Llewellyn presented the 2017 Trafford Borough Volunteer of the Year Award to Renee Cappetta on behalf of the borough, as well as a bushel of roses from the Trafford Girls Soft Ball Team.

Don Glenn, Borough Engineer

Don thanked Council for re-appointing his firm, and looks forward to working with the new members of council.

Don would like to set up a meeting with the Borough manager and Councilman Shoub to discuss some grant opportunities related to sanitary sewers.

Don submitted to council the Handicap Ramps on Cavitt Avenue and BY Park Restroom Conversion plans for review. Bid opening will be held in February.

Councilman Shoub made a motion to “add the payment to Geiger Plumbing to the agenda” seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. Motion passes 6-1, Councilman Hockenberry Voting No.

Councilman Shoub made a motion to “pay Geiger Plumbing in the amount of $7,121.00” seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. Motion passes 6-1, Councilman Hockenberry Voting No.

Public Comment

No public comment.

2018 Millage Rate

A motion “to adopt an Ordinance setting the millage rate for 2018 at 28.5 mills for general government services and 3 mills for debt service” was made by Councilman Cole and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously.

2018 Sewage Rates

A motion “to adopt a Resolution amending and setting the sewage collection fees for 2018” was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilwoman Morrow. The motion carried unanimously.

Administrative Reports:

Borough Manager- The 2016 audit is still in progress. Public works is conducting maintenance in the Manchester Room. We are accepting reservation requests for the Manchester Room as well as our park pavilions. We are still accepting letters of interest for the Recreation Board, Planning Commission and the Civil Service Board.

Code Enforcement- Report was submitted and is on file.

Borough Solicitor- Thanked Council for re-appointment.

EMS- Report will be read at the next meeting.

Recreation Board- Rose Frolinni congratulated Renee Cappetta on her award. Auction will be held February 24, 2018. Fairmont Playground re-bids are to go out soon.

TECDC- Bingo will be held January 20, 2018 at the Polish Club. Sign update; we are just waiting on an install.  

Mayor’s Report- For the month of December there were a total of 120 service calls. There were 11 criminal cases filed with additional pending and 20 citations issued.

Mayor Llewellyn suggested Holiday Happenings have a meeting to get organized early.

Committee Reports

Sanitation- Thanked Public Works for plowing during the holidays.

Presidents Report- Received two quotes for new computers for the borough offices for Ashley to look over. January 9, 2018 cub scouts will have the chance to earn a merit badge for learning how local government works.

New members of council’s emails are now active.

Thanked everyone on council on re-appointment of president.

New Business

Councilwoman Morrow stated she would like to meet with Borough Manager Stack to review her current employment contract.


A discussion meeting will be held Tuesday, January 19, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.,

Next regular business meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

A motion “to adjourn” was made by Councilwoman Morrow and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously.