Trafford Borough

Monthly Business Meeting Minutes- January 5, 2021

The Trafford Borough Council held its monthly business meeting on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 7:04 p.m., VIA Zoom.

Council President, Kris Cardiff, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence.


Roll Call of Attendance by Assistant Manager Nina Solivan:


(Present)              Kris Cardiff, Council President                       Craig Alexander, Solicitor  

                                             Steven Perovich, Council Vice-President       Ashley Stack, Borough Manager

Zack Cole, Councilmember                              Adam Hlad, Code Enforcement Officer

Christopher Corrales, Councilmember          Ed Llewellyn, Mayor                  

                                                            Leslie Peters, Councilmember   

                                                            Casey Shoub, Councilmember


(Absent)               Ralph Deabner, Councilmember                     Charles Miller, Emergency Management Coordinator 


Minutes: A motion "to accept the minutes of the November 17, 2020, discussion meeting and the December 1, 2020, regular council meeting" was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Perovich. The motion carried unanimously 6-0. 


Payment of Bills: A motion "to approve the expense voucher list dated January 5, 2021" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Corrales. The motion carried unanimously 6-0. 


Public Comment:

Councilman Cardiff read the rules for public comment.


Borough manager Stack read a statement submitted by Melissa Edwards that was received via email, "Trash has piled up for weeks. Waste Management has not been picking it up. They are picking up everyone else's trash on the street. There is a mountain of black trash bags on the property, along with a pile of loose debris. Empty beer cases thrown into the massive burn pile. Bricks and I believe roofing materials or other construction debris stashed behind the large storage container. That debris pile is as high as the storage container itself. To be clear, this is a huge metal storage container that one rents and has dropped off. It has been there for close to 2 years. Please drive down Meadow Street turn around and drive back out to fully appreciate the view of 8 Meadow. Thank you. Melissa Edwards".

Adam Hlad stated the issues at 8 Meadow Street have been ongoing. Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated he met with the property owner this evening to point out everything that needs taken care of. Code Officer Hlad stated he had been in contact with the property over the last month to address the Trash. The owner would collect a few things and things would then begin to pile up again. Waste Management will not take construction materials. The property is in process and is aware this has been an ongoing issue. As for the storage trailer, we will need to speak with the Zoning Solicitor as we are unsure if it permissible under the zoning code or if he's eligible to apply for a variance. This is not progressing very quickly as Code Officer Hlad's disposal solutions will not allow for a quicker movement. 


Councilman Perovich questioned if the property owner of 8 Meadow Street is conducting a business out of the building. 

Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated, "it appears so". According to the property owner, he is not running a business out of the structure, nor does anyone reside there. 


Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated, "he does have a detailed list prepared for the interim code officer for follow-up". 

Borough manager Stack read a statement submitted by Bill Mence that was received via email. "My Name is Bill Mence I reside at 517 Brinton Ave. Addressing the Mayor of Trafford. If by any chance I am out of line by addressing an issue to the Mayor and council that I feel has gotten worse within the vicinity of Brinton Ave in the past 4 years, I had no intention of doing so. I feel the drug activity has gotten bad here on this street of Brinton Ave if it is that bad here, what about the rest of the community of Trafford. The Mayor is an elected official that overlooks the main departments of the local government and is required to overlook the safety of everyone's well-being of his or her community. Yesterday a neighbor Paul Kingston texted my roommate that there's hypodermic needle close to our driveway. We both ran out and I addressed the issue with our President of council which he told me to call the cops. We did call, and pointed out that not only our dogs could have gotten maybe hurt but what about the little children that play or walk on this street, when we were told this isn't the first needle being found on this street. Why is the drug activity getting worse? When is it going to get better? Back in the middle of November a quad duplex across the street from at 520 numerous vehicles playing relay for almost 2 hours. 

Clearly, these folks do not live or reside here in the community that started at 9:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. they were playing watch to see if an officer would make his or her rounds. After talking to my sister that once lived in Duquense, this is common. What the heck has our community come too? I do not live in Turtle Creek or any mentioned boroughs, I Live in Trafford that would have some dignity with pride. I would only hope that our Mayor that has to look over the police department would have the same integrity and decency for our fellow residents that gotten him elected. 

Take a stand get these drugs off our street. Attached is that needle found yesterday Again Thank You Bill Mence". 

Mayor Llewellyn stated the issues are being addressed and have been in process since another resident brought the subject up two months ago. We cannot discuss what is exactly being done, but it is being addressed. 

Manager Stack added, the drug issue is not specific to Trafford Borough. It is everywhere. All members of the council, mayor, and staff take pride in the betterment of our community.  

Borough Manager's Report: Manager Stack reported that we had received the Westmoreland County Municipal Cares Grant in the amount of $30,000.00. We were also awarded a CDBG grant in the amount of $138,540.00 for Inwood Road and Mary Street's paving. This project will take place in the spring. Manger Stack stated she plans to meet with the engineer to discuss the paving/repairs of Viaduct Way and Fourth Street also for the spring. Sewage bills should be mailed out the week of January 18 for the period of August 8 to November 7. Manager Stack mentioned the website developer is still working through security items for the online payment system. He is aware the bills will be going out shortly hopefully, the website will be up and running in time. The general fund balance is approximately $530,599.00. The liquid fuel balance is approximately $103,926.00. The recreation fund balance is approximately $4,958.00. The sewage fund balance is approximately $757,620.00, and the Veteran's Memorial Park fund balance is approximately $8,367.00. 


Mayor's Report: Mayor Llewellyn reported for December, there were a total of one hundred and ten service calls, with seven criminal complaints filed and twelve citations issued. 


Community & Economic Development: Councilman Perovich stated he did not have anything to report this evening.  


General Government & Finance: Councilman Corrales reported he held a meeting to discuss finding a replacement for the Code Enforcement Officer Position. We have a solid game plan. We already have people interested in the position. It will not be an easy task to replace Adam, but we will find a good candidate. 


Parks & Recreation: Councilwoman Peters stated she did not have anything to report this evening.


Planning, Property, & Ordinances: Councilman Shoub reported the code committee is still working on changes, and Adam is still willing to help. One change is on the agenda this evening and one that will be brought up under new business. We are making progress. 


Public Safety: Councilman Cole stated he did not have anything to report this evening. 


Public Works & Sanitation: Councilman Shoub thanked public works for their services during the holidays as they had to sacrifice time away from their families.   


Presidents Report: Councilman Cardiff mentioned he sent an email to council and admin staff for review for possible projects/ideas for 2021. Hopefully, we can get back to some sense of normalcy as soon as possible. 


Westmoreland County Housing Agreement 

A motion "to approve an extension agreement with Westmoreland County Housing Authority to continue to provide additional police services at Trafford Manor, effective immediately" was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Perovich. 


Manager Stack stated the county previously approached the police department to provide services at Trafford Manor at Westmoreland County Housing Authority's expense. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


EMC Settlement 

A motion "to ratify Council's approval of the EMC settlement between the borough and an Adrian Avenue resident" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Corrales. 


Solicitor Alexander stated the insurance company found their claim to be not substantial/nuisance value and requested we settle. The resident claimed an alleged constitutional rights violation. Charges were dismissed. The insurance company pays the money and not by taxpayers. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.



528 Fairmont Avenue 

A motion "to accept the Zoning Hearing Board's determination on granting a special permit to the property owner at 528 Fairmont Avenue, enabling him to keep his fence on his empty lot, and a variance permitting the height of the fence to remain as is" was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Cole.


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Quality of Life Ordinance 

A motion "to approve the borough manager to advertise a Quality of Life Ordinance" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Perovich.


Code Enforcement Officer Hlad stated other communities have an umbrella ordinance that provides an opportunity to comply. Our current system is a lengthy and timely process with nothing in between and no resolve. This ordinance would allow property owners that are in noncompliance to pay a fee up to three times before moving to the magistrate. It is essentially a ticketing system. The first offense is $25.00, the second offense is $75.00, and the third offense is $100.00. After the third offense, we would move to file a citation at the magistrate. The ordinance includes grass, trash, junk vehicles, snow/ice removal, furniture, and appliances. 


Councilwoman Peters stated she appreciates this ordinance. This is a one-stop-shop as a neighborly effort to improve everyone's quality of life.  


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Advertise for Code Enforcement Officer 

A motion "to approve the borough manager to advertise the position of full-time Code Enforcement Officer" was made by Councilman Perovich and seconded by Councilman Shoub. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Interim Code Enforcement Officer

A motion "to approve a monthly payment of $1,350.00 to mark Cypher to serve as interim Code Enforcement Officer" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Corrales. 


Manager Stack stated Mark and Adam previously shared the code responsibility prior to Adam taking it all. Mark is familiar with the borough and will cover occupancies and code. 


Councilwoman questioned if Mr. Cypher was part of the trio we hired previously along with Adam and Mike at the $1,500.00/month rate. 


Manger Stack stated mark was apart of the trio. The initial $1,500.00 covered all three of their wages for the month. Mark will be the sole individual performing the occupancies and code. Mark is still the BCO. Previously when all three were on, they would get a portion of the occupancies along with their bi-weekly rate. Now we will be paying Mr. Cypher a flat fee. Adam will continue to handle the building permits/inspections for Maronda. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Payment to Motorola Solutions

A motion "to approve a payment of $5,852.44 to Motorola Solutions for police radios" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Corrales. 


Manager Stack stated the radios were previously budgeted for in 2020. We agreed we would replace radios gradually as they are very expensive. We previously purchased three radios; this will add an additional two. As some of you may recall, our old radios were over 20 years old, and were no longer eligible to be serviced. 


Councilwoman Peters questioned if officers take their radios home? If the radios are shared and used for the next shift? If radios are purchased for specific officers? 


Manager Stack stated she thought full-time employees only, but she is not sure. She will check with the Chief. 


Councilwoman Peters stated they shouldn't be taking them home when they aren't on duty. What if they get broken? The taxpayers will then have to pay for the repairs or replacement. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


2021 Rec Board Schedule 

A motion "to approve the 2021 Recreation Board Meeting Schedule" was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Perovich.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday, May 24, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021

All meetings will be held at 7:00 p.m.


The motion carried unanimously 6-0. 


Advertisement 2021 Rec Board Schedule 

A motion "to approve the advertisement of the 2021 Recreation Board Meeting schedule" was made by Councilwoman Peters and seconded by Councilman Shoub. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Renew Animal Control Services 

A motion "to renew the borough's animal control services contract with Sable Kennel, effective immediately through December 31, 2023" was made by Councilman Perovich and seconded by Councilman Shoub.


Councilman Cardiff questioned if this was priced out. Manager Stack stated, "no". We have used Sable for several years. They only charge us $75.00/month and were required to have animal control.


Councilwoman Peters questioned if it has always been a three-year contract or just an annual contract. Assistant Manager Solivan Stated the previous agreement was for two years, normally its annually. Manager Stack stated we can terminate at any time with 30 days' notice. Councilman Shoub stated this contract locks us in at a great price for three years. Councilman Cardiff questioned if there was an increase in fee. Manager Stack stated no. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.


Borough Newspaper 2021

A motion "to name the Penn-Trafford News as the official newspaper for the Borough of Trafford for 2021" was made by Councilman Perovich and seconded by Councilman Shoub. 


Councilwoman Peters questioned if the motion should read Penn-Franklin. Manager Stack stated no, their formal request says Penn-Trafford News. 


The motion carried unanimously 6-0.

New Business

Mayor Llewellyn questioned when we would be presenting the 2020 Volunteer of the Year Award. 

Manager Stack stated she would reach out to the recipient and coordinate with her. 


A motion "to advertise the amusement ordinance that was revived by the Solicitor" was made by Councilman Shoub and seconded by Councilman Perovich. 


Councilwoman Peters questioned if all of the council received a copy of the ordinance.

Councilman Shoub stated it is something the group has been working on for quite some time. Craig reviewed the ordinance and suggested changes from the group a few hours ago, and said it looked good. Manager Stack stated she would email all of the council with the ordinance. 


Councilwoman Peters stated you want us to pass this when we haven't even received the ordinance. Solicitor Alexander stated you are not voting to pass the ordinance; it is just to advertise the ordinance. 


Adam stated this ordinance would generate a fee for the borough for any event in Trafford that charges a fee. Anything you would buy a ticket for an event. It is a 10% tax that goes directly to go to the borough. 


A roll call vote was taken: Councilman Cardiff voted yay, Councilman Cole voted nay, Councilman Corrales voted yay, Councilman Deabner was absent, Councilman Perovich voted yay, Councilwoman Peters voted yay, and Councilman Shoub voted yay. The motion carried 5-1. Cole no. 



Councilman Cardiff announced the next regular meeting for Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.; the location will be determined at a later date. 


A motion "to adjourn" was made by Councilman Corrales and seconded by Councilman Shoub. The motion carried unanimously 6-0.